Chapter 10015 Lin Yuan

From this day on, the team's receipts will be one or two more every day, and occasionally they will be flat. Everyone feels more and more hopeful and motivated.

The number of plants to be excavated by everyone has reached about fifteen, and there is basically no fluctuation.

Even so, everyone is very satisfied.

You should know that Gu Qing was only able to pick ten icegrass in the cold wind team.

Zhou Le'an and others offered to pay more money, but Gu Qing refused.

In fact, he was a little moved. He had been filling in these days, and the bottom was hollowed out.

The reason for rejection was because Yun Chujiu told him this way:

"Uncle, now everyone's income is good, as long as the reputation spreads, there will definitely be many people who want to join our team.

If they hear that you have gained a lot of money, it will damage your reputation. It is better to sacrifice some short-term benefits in exchange for long-term benefits.

Although you have lost some money now, you will gain countless times in the future. "

Gu Qing was attracted by the pie she drew, so she gritted her teeth and insisted.

Just when he was about to give up, someone came to him and wanted to join the team that was not hot at all.

However, Gu Qing had a headache.

Because the people who came were old and young, they were all rejected by other teams.

Gu Qing patiently talked about the pros and cons, focusing on the disadvantages. For example, the 19th district is far away, and the temperature in the 19th district is higher than other places. Although the income is good now, there is no guarantee that it will be the same in the future.

He was foaming at the mouth, and he couldn't stop those people's determination to join.

In fact, it is easy to understand that before the fire puppets attacked the city, the pillars of these people's homes were gone. Before, they repeatedly hit the wall in other teams, and joining the Heat team was the only way to survive.

Seeing their insistence, Gu Qing had to agree.

Unexpectedly, the harvest of these people is also good. Although they are not up to the level of strong labor, they can dig seven or eight in a day.

As a result, many people came to join.

Over time, many young and middle-aged people have come.

Since the money paid by those people at the beginning was two stalks of icegrass, so did the latter.

Gu Qing wanted to change it back to one, but felt that it was unfair to the people before, so he acquiesced.

Besides, he has lost a lot now, and he is indeed short of money.

He thought about it. If the surplus members at the end of the year have a lot of money, he will find a way to compensate the players.

On this day, Yun Chujiu proposed to reissue the identity certificate.

Gu Qing originally wanted to accompany him, but as the captain, he didn't worry about the team. Finally, Yun Chujiu took the fake Shu Yao to Xicheng.

Originally, what Yun Chujiu wanted to bring was Chi Wu, but Shu Yao wanted to follow, and Yun Chujiu also followed her.

After paying the deposit of two hundred puppet coins, Yun Chujiu and fake Shuyao entered Xicheng and went straight to the Tianblind Court.

Yun Chujiu packed some benefits for the guard at the gate, and under his guidance, he went to the yard where the identity certificate was reissued.

After paying four hundred puppet coins, Yun Chujiu finally got the identity documents of the four.

She breathed a sigh of relief in her heart. With this, at least she had the identity of being able to see the light.

When the two of them left the courtyard of the Sky Blind, when they were walking around, they saw many people in the distance.

The two rushed over out of curiosity and found that this was a mansion with a large area, and it seemed not much smaller than the Tianblin Court.

"Lin Yuan" is written on the plaque at the entrance.

Both Yun Chujiu and fake Shuyao are confused. What are they doing here?

(End of this chapter)

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