Chapter 10013 refused

Gu Qing felt that his previous guess might be wrong, how could Sky Blind have such an ability? !

What is their origin?

Gu Qingman didn't dare to ask questions, so he could only speculate in his heart.

He suppressed the question in his heart and said:

"By the way, when I came back, I saw a notice posted in the city. Bingwang and Xuejiecheng sent reinforcements. The three cities jointly cleared the fire puppets on the border. The city gates will be open tomorrow."

"Then we can dig ice grass tomorrow?" Yun Chujiu asked.

Gu Qing nodded: "I have notified Le'an when I came back, and we will continue to do business tomorrow."

As soon as the sky fell the next day, Yun Chujiu and the others set off.

There were a lot of sky-blind people on the road, which was different from the past laughter and laughter. Everyone was silent and few people spoke.

Yun Chujiu found that there were many old people and half-year-old children in the team. It is estimated that the pillars of the family were gone, and he could only come out to dig ice grass.

After leaving the North City Gate, Gu Qing said: "Le'an and the others haven't arrived yet, we'll wait for them here for a while."

A few people just stood there for a while, and a few people came to face each other, it was Qiao Wentong and a few attendants.

Yun Chujiu found that a few people were missing from his entourage, and he was probably dead.

When Qiao Wentong saw Gu Qing, he snorted coldly: "Tsk, I thought you guys climbed the high branches. After a long time, the bamboo basket was empty!

There are not many of you in total, so there is no one this time, right?

Gu Qing, my original proposal is still valid. If you promise to give half of the proceeds to the team in the future, I will let you rejoin the Cold Wind team. How about? "

Gu Qing hadn't spoken yet, and someone not far away shouted, "Wen Tong, Hugh is so nonsense!"

Gu Qing looked up, and it was Qiao Hai who was talking.

Qiao Wen's expression was a bit ugly, but he also shut up and said nothing.

Qiao Hai walked quickly to Gu Qing: "Qingzi, don't listen to Wentong's nonsense!

Ugh! After this tragedy, our days of blindness became more and more difficult.

Your team originally had fewer people, and now the situation should be even more difficult. Why don't you take them to rejoin the Cold Wind team.

Don't worry, everything is business as usual. "

After Qiao Hai finished speaking, he looked at Gu Qing eagerly, feeling that Gu Qing should agree.

Unexpectedly, Gu Qing refused immediately:

"Job, I appreciate your kindness, but I have applied for the area now, there is no reason to give up halfway."

Qiao Wentong sneered: "Uncle, how is it? Kindly be treated as donkey liver and lungs, right? People are so eager, how can they be willing to eat the grass?!"

Qiao Hai glared at him and said to Gu Qing: "Well, if you don't want it, then forget it.

However, if you figure it out in the future, you are always welcome to come back. "

Gu Qing nodded: "Well, Job, I see."

At this time, Zhou Lean and others arrived one after another, and Qiao Hai took the people away.

After Zhou Lean asked about the passage, he curled his lips: "No matter what you do, you will be stolen. I heard that the Cold Wind Team lost a lot of people this time, so I wanted to pull you back.

Qingzi, fortunately you can carry it clearly, if you go back, Qiao Wen and that kid will have to run you to death. "

Gu Qing smiled: "Since we have already come out, there is no reason to go back. Now that we are all here, let's go!"

Zhou Lean sighed: "We will have a long delay on this journey than others. I hope that today's harvest will be better, otherwise this day will become more and more difficult."

(End of this chapter)

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