Ultraman’s War

Chapter 998: Life is like a play, it all depends on acting

Nexus flies in this huge and extremely different space all the way, watching the surroundings from time to time. Last time I walked too hurriedly and didn’t look at this place properly, but this time I saw it clearly and found that it was everywhere. Large and small meteorites floating in mid-air, and even larger continental plates with a diameter of tens of kilometers, or even the largest ones with tens of thousands of kilometers, and the edges of the continental plates are so broken that they can be seen in the first place. The rubble fell, making Nexus very doubtful whether the meteorite and continental debris floating in it were fragments of a planet.

Just like the asteroid belt of the solar system, it was born after a planet between Mars and Saturn was broken, but the remaining matter after the planet was broken is only one thousandth, and the rest is in the big bang. Fly away.

If this conjecture is true, then what a huge planet that so many fragments in the monster cemetery used to be, and what kind of problems did such a huge planet encounter to break so thoroughly.

It didn't take long before a continental plate with a diameter of thirty or forty kilometers appeared in front. This is where Hikali's Otter signature was issued.

"You must hold on, Shikali!" Nexus flew quickly towards the continental plate. It has been a while since Shikali issued his signature. I don't know what is going on with Shikali now.

"Boom!" A blue streamer fell straight towards the ground, hitting the land mass without slowing down at all. With the loud noise of'Bang', the sky full of smoke and dust was splashed. Alarmed several aliens from a kilometer away.


"Why are people coming in again? The Frozen Starman said he has already arranged it?"

"Who is it? Come out for me!"

A messy sound sounded, and Nexus straightened his right leg and walked out of the sky filled with smoke and dust, but the sight in front of him made Niksus stunned.

Among the huge aliens stood Shikali who sent out a distress message, and behind them was guarded by a few imprezas turned out to be Tyro and Ace. The two of them were hung under the cliff. His arms were tightly entangled by the light cord and couldn't break free.

"This is... what's the situation?" Nexus was taken aback, feeling that his brain was not enough for the first time, deeply suspecting that the world was too crazy or his brain was not big enough. He now even more suspected that he had come to the cemetery of the fake monsters and encountered fake Hikari.

"Isn't it clear enough? Shikali is now on our side." Di Srem, who had defeated his clan on earth, walked over with a smile and patted Shikali on the shoulder in front of him.

Hikali tilted his head indifferently, leaned beside Mephilas who was wearing the armor, and said a few words softly.

"You are Ultraman Nexus, I have admired your name for a long time." The armor-clad Mephiras squinted his eyes and looked at Nexus. In addition to Ultraman Hikali, there is another such excellent fighter who can break through Grozam's defense. How about joining us with Hikali?"

"Blue warrior?!" Naxus was taken aback, and then he understood something in his heart. He is now in a blue form, indeed very similar to the Blue warriors of the Kingdom of Light, and now these cosmic people call themselves Blue warriors. , Then it means that Hikari must be walking with these evil cosmic people for other reasons.

Tyro and Ace, who were hung in the back, also exchanged glances a few times, and then continued to struggle with anger on their faces, nothing unusual.

Nexus pointed at Shikali with great anger, and condemned: "Hekali, these are evil cosmic people, how can you go with them? Are you still a righteous Alt fighter?"

"Evil?" An imperial star with a red streak stared at Nexus violently, and immediately walked forward, but he was stopped by the armor Mephilas on the side without taking two steps.

Hikali hugged his arms in front of him, and walked leisurely, looking at the gray monster cemetery and said: "Nexus, have you forgotten our Blue Clan's dream?"

"Dream?" Nelson wanted to say how I knew, but he didn't show it on the face. He clenched his fists and said, "Of course I remember, but what does this have to do with your current behavior?"

"Of course there is," Shikali put down his arms and said with resentment on his face: "Our Blues are the smartest in the Kingdom of Light. All the technology in the Kingdom of Light comes from our hands. China’s development has made outstanding contributions, but what are the results?"

Shikali suddenly turned around and pointed at Tyro and Ace behind him angrily, and said, “Because the red race is a warrior, it has always occupied most of the resources of the Kingdom of Light~www.NovelMTL.com~ while the silver race and the white race are combined. Together they have seized the leadership of the Kingdom of Light, but they have been suppressing the most important Blue Clan at the bottom."

"We have not discriminated against or suppressed you," the struggling Ace retorted: "Hikali hurry up and turn around. It's still too late. Nexus must not be seduced by them. You can't turn back when you fall into the darkness. "

"Shut up," Hikali shouted: "What didn't suppress us? When Ultraman Czech Republic led our Blue Clan to seize the leadership of the Kingdom of Light, if it weren't for your Red Clan to intervene, we Blue Clan Now that you have become a leader, not the so-called scientific workers who have been squeezed by you, for so many years you have prevented us from reappearing fighters from the Blue race in order to prevent us. We have had enough."

Nexus anxiously said, "Shikali, what do you think? The strength of the Blue Clan is so weak now, and the Red and Silver Clan are torn apart..."

"I have found something that can quickly increase the strength of our Blue Clan," Shikali said with a smile: "It's the gigabit fighting ritual sealed by the Otto King in the Valley of Flames under your feet. As long as we have the things of the Lebrard star people of the extreme life form, we are not afraid of the red and silver races at all."

Speaking of Hikari, he turned his head and looked at the armored Mephilas, the Imperial Stars and Desrem behind him, and said, “Now Mambius has gone to get the Gigabit Fighting Rig, and they have also agreed. The Gigabit Fighting Instrument is lent to us. With the wisdom of our Blue Clan, I believe that the secret of the Gigabit Fighting Instrument will be solved soon. At that time, our Blue Clan warriors will no longer have to hide in hiding, and can be famous throughout the universe."

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