Ultraman’s War

Chapter 979: Order of the universe

"This...this..." The stunned Keisuke Keisuke looked at Nexus who was bathed in golden light. He didn't recover for a long time, and he didn't know what words to use to describe how he feels now. Up.

The robot Bishop Gloka on the opposite side didn’t care about so many. He immediately started firing the Kilsadis beam again when he saw Nexus. The speed was less than one or two seconds and he fired more than ten Kils. Sardis beam.

Nexus looked at the sky beams flying towards him, and looked at the robot Bishop Gloka through the beams: "Do you think you are very good?"

Speaking that Nexus had raised his right hand and blocked it in front, a wave of Kilsadis beams bombarded his right hand, and the turbulent flames that exploded instantly swallowed Nexus again.

Looking at Nexus, who was once again enveloped by endless flames below, Keisuke Kazebuki's heart suddenly grasped, but the attack of this Tektronix One had no effect on this robot.

"Huh!" Nexus slammed his right hand, and instantly tore the flames that enveloped him. The right hand was still held in front of him. After dozens of Kilsadis beam bombardments, it still didn't happen Lossless.

The robot Bishop Gloka seemed to be stuck in a program, and his paws moved unconsciously and made a "click! Click!" collision sound, and then the propeller behind turned on, driving his huge body to rush towards this side quickly. .

The super-fast hurricane that rolled around the body rolled a layer of masonry and rubble on the ground to the high sky, looking like a horizontal tornado advancing crazily from a distance.

"Well, haha!" Nexus spread his legs, squatted slightly, raised his right fist, looked directly at the robot that was rushing over, and suddenly threw out his right fist when he was only a breath away from him. , Hit the robot's abdomen severely.

With a loud "bang!" loud sound, the loud sound wave spread, and even the masonry and rubble on the ground were shattered into fragments wherever they passed, and the close ones turned directly into powder.

And when the robot rushing over at a speed of kilometers per second hit by Nexus, it directly stopped in a way that violated the law of physical inertia, and the steel behind it protruded even more. Then the robot flew back at a faster speed, hitting the ground heavily, and its heavy body slid out a ravine of more than 2,000 meters on the ground before heading into a pile of rubble.

The robot slowly stood up, and he could clearly hear a "hiss! Hiss!" sound, like a short-circuit sound from inside his body, and his movements were a bit stiff and awkward, and his hands and feet were a bit uncoordinated.

Nexus put his right fist away and stood up slowly: "No matter how hard the shell, but you always have precision parts and circuits inside."

The robot raised its arms again, and the hollow wrist lit up, obviously preparing to emit light again.

"I won't suffer a second loss!" The golden light on Nexus flashed, disappeared in place, and then appeared behind the robot. At the same time, the Radiant golden light of Nexus's arms on his right arm was already shining, and the moment Nexus appeared, it had condensed into a golden light blade.

"Haha!" Nexus yelled and waved his right arm vigorously. The blade of the arm slashed past the robot's left arm without any hindrance. The robot's left arm flew immediately, and the shoulder was chopped in half by Nexus.

Before the robot could do anything, Nexus waved the blade of his right arm laterally, cutting the robot's left arm at the elbow.

The robot immediately turned around, and its forehead sparkled and emitted a Blair beam. With a quick left fist, Nexus directly smashed the Blair beam into pieces, and even the laser transmitter on the robot's forehead was also smashed into pieces.

Nexus backflips away from the robot a few times, then raised his arms, began to gather energy, and then his arms became an L-shape, releasing a golden ultimate light to bombard the robot's body.

"Bah! Bah! Bah!" The robot hit by the ultimate light burst out with dazzling sparks, and its body kept retreating, but within a few seconds in the ultimate light, it turned into molecules and disappeared completely.

Nexus lowered his arms and looked around. Nearly half of this bustling city was turned into ruins. The black smoke rushed straight into the sky, and embers were burning in many places, looking as terrible as purgatory.

Just when Nexus turned around, a woman's voice came into Nexus' ears: "Why do you want to help these humans?"

"Who is it?" Nexus immediately turned his head and looked around, searching for the source of this voice~www.NovelMTL.com~ The female voice said righteously: "Order, this universe needs order to maintain, and humans The existence of will break the order."

"What the **** are you talking about?" Nexus searched around and finally found the source of the sound. A woman in a black leather jacket was standing on a half-collapsed building, looking at Nexus, who was shining with golden light. S.

"Is that you?" Nexus looked at the woman directly: "What is your relationship with these robots?"

"The Grol you defeated is nothing but Delacion’s forward. The Earth Restart plan is unstoppable. All obstacles to this mission must be eliminated. This is my last warning to you who don’t know the inside story. Next time I will kill you myself." The woman turned and disappeared.

Nexus still lowered his arm and did not stop the woman from leaving. He did not know how long he had left here, and knew nothing about the current situation. It is better to understand the situation first before acting. Blind actions will only get him into trouble. Among.

Nexus looked up at the Tektronix One hovering in the air, nodded at the wind in the cockpit, and then quickly rushed to the high altitude towards the direction of the landing of the Helios.

In more than ten seconds, Nexus had arrived at the airport where the Helios landed. The huge hull of the Helios completely occupied most of the airport’s runway occasionally, making the airport paralyzed. Dozens of police cars parked at the entrance and exit of the airport, and one or two hundred police officers pulled up a cordon to block the airport.

Even so, it couldn't stop the curious citizens and the more curious reporters. Almost everyone craned their necks to look at the huge mountain-like Helios. Such a large spaceship was obviously not made by humans, and it was so powerful that people couldn't help being curious.

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