Ultraman’s War

Chapter 976: Gloka's attack

Nexus hovering in the cosmic void, looking at the earth shining blue light ahead, there are many broken space junk orbiting the earth outside, and most of the space junk is satellite debris. , Looking far away from the vast periphery of the earth, there is no satellite.

"Sure enough, something went wrong." Nexus nodded clearly, and then rushed to the earth first. Helios followed closely behind Nexus and rushed into the atmosphere.

In an underground base on the earth, the atmosphere inside is very tense. On the screen in front of you, four very strange robots are raging in the city, and their arms are constantly firing shocking light balls, surrounding the city. It has all become a ruin in flames.

The human fighter team is constantly launching attacks on them, but lasers hit the armor plates wrapped around their bodies, and apart from a few sparks, they can't cause any useful damage to these robots.

However, a wave of attacks by these robots exploded hundreds of fighter jets in the air into fires.

"What?" A group of defense officers in the base were all stunned. These advanced human fighters were so vulnerable to these robots.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" The four robots spread out and walked in the four directions of the city. As they walked, they fired shocking light **** constantly, blowing up the neat buildings into piles of rubble. .

The three fighters of New Life Eyes rushed down from the sky and fired laser beams at these robots, splashing violent sparks. Although they did not cause any harm to these robots, they managed to attract the attention of these robots.

The robot stopped the destruction and turned its attention to the three fighters flying in the air. Groups of impact light **** roared towards the high altitude. The three fighters rolled back and forth like dancers on the ice. Turning around, he escaped dangerously and dangerously from the shocking light balls.

"Om!" Seeing this, the four robots all raised their arms, five sharp claws bent down to reveal the muzzle of the black hole inside, and then eight rays of Bonn Cannon light rushed towards the three fighters.

"Get out of the way!" Keisuke Kasuki, who has become the captain of the new EYES team, yelled, and the three fighters immediately pulled up and quickly avoided the eight rays of light rushing over. But the speed of the eight rays of light was too fast. They had just turned the corner, and the light was less than a hundred meters away from the three Tektronix cyclones, and there was no time to dodge at all.

"Swish!" A bright blue light flew down from the sky, leaning across the three fighter jets across the sky, intercepting all eight rays.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" A series of explosions sounded, and the splash of flame light was as dazzling as the second little sun.

Immediately, a silver figure whizzed past the Tyke whirlwind driven by Feng Chuan Keisuke, and that familiar figure made Feng Chuan Keisuke's face a surprise smile: "This is... Nexus Ultraman ,No way?!"

"Haha!" Naxus kicked and kicked one of the robots below. The powerful impact force kicked that robot out, and a huge giant appeared on the steel shell kicked by Naxus. Sunken.

"Boom!" The robot Gloka Pawn smashed heavily on the ruins, and sparks spattered and flew back and forth, almost burying Gloka Pawn inside.

With the help of Nexus, he turned over and landed steadily on the ground, raised his arms towards the other three Gloka pawns, and put on a fighting start gesture.

These robots are extraordinarily weird. They are all black steel with wings-like components behind them. On top of their heads are V-shaped red eyes or sensors.

The people who were paying attention to the situation here were all stunned, their faces full of surprises looking at the silver giant standing in the ruins: "This is... Ultraman Nexus!"

The still fat Doigaki Haoji shouted at the communicator in surprise: "Ayano, Ultraman Nexus has appeared, Starry Night is back, and Musashi can be saved."

The radar screen in the secret base of the Defense Force flashed quickly, and a radar soldier shouted in horror: "Sir, it's not good. An unknown spacecraft has entered the earth's atmosphere and is breaking through the earth's atmosphere."

"What are you talking about?" The smile on the face of the defense commander disappeared suddenly, and he shouted in horror: "Do we still have a counterattack weapon?"

"Is it an enemy or a friend?" The former EYES captain Hiura Harumi sighed deeply~www.NovelMTL.com~Human weapons, whether they are submarines or missile launch vehicles... The spaceship and these four robots were destroyed, and apart from a limited number of fighters, there was no other counterattack.

The Helios passed through the atmosphere and then began to slow down, adjust its direction, and float on the top of Nexus, turning its attack direction to the four huge robots on the opposite side.

"This is..." Kazebuki Keisuke was taken aback, looking at this huge battleship like a mountain in disbelief, and it seemed like this spaceship was going to fight with Nexus. Look like.

In the control room of the Helios, the vocalist was standing next to Mayumi, and his cold voice couldn't help saying: "The target has been locked, and the attack is on!"

"Om!" The two main guns of the Helios rose up, and the main guns lit up with a dazzling light, and then two golden beams of light were shot from the two robots on the left.

"Boom! Boom!" Two earth-shaking explosions sounded, and the two robots were directly blown into fragments in the sky, and the shocking sound lifted a layer of rubble on the ground.

"It's a friend!" Fengchuu Keisuke waved his hand in surprise, and immediately pulled the headset over the excited report: "Headquarters, this sky ship is a friend, not an enemy!"

The report by Keisuke Kazebuki and the picture sent back by the drone made the defense officers breathe a sigh of relief in their hearts. Just now, the Helios directly smashed two robots. This attack power can no longer be used by terror. Described, especially when compared with the hundreds of fighters that have just been shot in seconds, it is even more powerful.

"Mayumi, let the ensemble find a place to land," Nexus conveyed words to Mayumi with his mind and said: "The Helios is not suitable for combat on earth."

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