Ultraman’s War

Chapter 950: The Ultimate Noah

Although all the energy of Starry Night was focused on energy control, and did not control the reflection at all, most of the reflected attacks were hit in the air. There are still hundreds of space battleships launched by themselves or their friends. Hit it and burst into flames immediately.

"What?" The aliens were all stunned. Obviously, according to the collected data, the energy consumption of such a large scale, this Ultraman energy should have been in the end, but now why is it suddenly alive, and Also released rebound skills that have never been used.

"Now it's your turn to beg for mercy," Noah suddenly raised his head and the beam of light in his right hand turned and shouted at the same time: "Noah-Dimensional Blockade!"

"Om!" An invisible ripple radiated from the colorful beam of light, and the surrounding space within hundreds of thousands of kilometers was firmly locked, and unless the power surpassed Noah, he didn't even want to get out.

In the Alien’s flagship, a strange crab-like creature hurriedly crawled over and said with a strange voice: "General, the dimensional engine has failed and has stopped working."

"What?" The ‘crab’ alien who made the little girl’s voice was shocked, and before he could say anything, the other thousands of search ships also reported the failure of the dimensional engine.

Before they could react from this extremely shocking news, there was another bad news. The empty universe where there were only human fighters and alien space battleship fragments floating, suddenly appeared densely packed and of different sizes. Meteorite, and flew towards this side at a very fast speed.

"Evasion of the entire ship!" The alien commander had no intention of attacking Noah. The number of meteorites with such a large number and speed was enough to smash his fleet.

Thousands of space-searching battleships quickly dispersed, and all the weapons on the ship's hull were all turned to aim at the countless meteorites flying in, and beams of light from lasers and main guns hit the distant meteorite group.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" As the violent explosion flame bloomed, the meteorites were blown into fragments before they approached, and even the dust that was directly gasified into the universe was completely disappeared and invisible.

However, no matter how hard the alien fleet attacked, it was useless. The meteorite was too fast to fly at a speed that violated the laws of the universe. The alien fleet only attacked three rounds of meteorites and it was close at hand. But the meteorites they wiped out were less than one percent of this group of meteorites.

"Swish! Swish! Swish!" Millions of meteorites passed through the alien fleet in an instant. Even though the aliens have tried their best to avoid, there are still thousands of warships here. In the wave attack, he was hit by countless meteorites and burst into flames on the spot. However, the alien commander breathed a sigh of relief, because there were no meteorites in the field of vision ahead, and all had passed.

"Do you think it's over like this?" Noah gritted his teeth and raised his head and shouted: "Noah-time and space flip!"

Immediately, the colorful beam of light on Noah's right hand flashed, and the meteorite group that had been far away from here changed its direction without warning, and flew toward this side again, and what is even more amazing is that many meteorites have not yet reached the one that changed direction. The line continues to fly forward, and these meteorites that have changed directions are obviously still staggered on the same trajectory as these meteorites, as if they were in different time and space.

"What?" All the aliens' eyes were cracking, watching the scene that violated the laws of the universe and just wanted to say that it was unscientific, but it was too late to think of anything unscientific, countless meteorites whizzed past again, as if countless The horses and mud horses running along the Gobi trampled past, and the fragile alien fleet was immediately stepped into mud, and more than 3,000 spaceships burst into flames in this attack.

"Come again, Noah-Time and Space Flip!" With Noah's shout, the group of meteorites that hadn't been far away flew again. After the group of meteorites flew past, there were only less than forty ships left in the alien fleet. Space battleship. And the biggest alien flagship is now in tatters, and there are blazing flames everywhere on the hull, and even if nobody cares, it will explode by itself in a while.

"How could this be?" The alien commander sat on the ground in despair, unbelievable that he led a thousand troops to conquer such a remote small planet and was the kind of primitive civilization that had just stepped out of his home planet. I originally thought it was an anti-aircraft gun that hit mosquitoes, but I didn't expect to encounter a B2 bomber.

"It's finally over." Noah lowered his right arm feebly, and the colorful beam of light soaring into the sky instantly dispersed and disappeared from the invisible. The meteorites all over the sky immediately stopped the crazy racing speed, became docile, and began to surround the small The planetary belt revolves. Although many asteroids were ‘borrowed’ from outside the solar system, Starry Night did not want to spend this energy to send it back.

Immediately, Noah also changed back to the childhood form of Nexus~www.NovelMTL.com~hum! Hum! "The crimson energy core in his chest was constantly shining and extinguishing, and Nexus felt the pain of his brain cracking.

"Give me all disappear." Nexus raised his arms, and the energy core of his chest immediately emitted a golden beam of light, which spread out after flying away from Nexus and turned into dozens of beams to bombard the remnants. Above the space battleship.

"Hahaha, don't think that you can defeat us. Our great God already knows this. He will soon come. Humans, Ultraman, you will still perish, I am waiting for you in hell... "The alien commander laughed arrogantly, then was shrouded in turbulent flames and turned into fly ash.

"Huh! Huh! Huh!" Nexus gasped violently, his vision began to blur, and the pain began to weaken. Only the last thought remained in his mind: "It's finally over, human... It's safe..."

A golden streamer straddled the long time and space, and instantly appeared in the control room of the Helios, condensing the starry night figure on the cold floor.

"Om!" The projector in the control room lights up, condensing the figure of Xiaozuo, Xiaozuo's face is full of anxiety, some bewildered looking at the pale starry night lying on the floor, her eyes closed, she is just a projection Nothing, there is no entity at all. In this situation, I can't do anything at all, I can only watch it here, but the xiaozuo instantly reacted and activated the life detection device according to the preset program to check the starry night.

PS: This chapter has been coded in a hurry, there is really no time to check it, too sleepy. I was thinking of making up the two more owed in the past two days, but the plot has advanced to a space war that has never been written... This paragraph is too difficult to write, so the two more owed have to be pushed back.

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