Ultraman’s War

Chapter 945: Decisive moment

When the Victory Condor withdrew from its sub-light speed flight, it had already reached the vicinity of Mars. The first thing that caught everyone’s eyes was that Mars was no longer dark red. Now Mars can see the blue sky. The atmospheric transformation process is faster than expected.

However, the planet was surrounded by dense black spots, and fighter jets roared past, and it was impossible to count how many. The most striking thing is the dozens of large-scale human space battleships. Even though all the forces of humanity are still very weak in front of the alien space fleet, humans still have to fight these aliens to the end. determination.

If it weren't for monsters to appear on the earth, but for a barren planet that didn't need to be careful, and the speed of the universe monsters was slow enough to allow these fighters to catch up, I'm afraid that another ten monsters would die in the burial ground.

The Victory Condor dispersed into three fighters, and Koda Alpha flew towards the distant Helios with Captain Hibi, Starry Night, and Oko. In front of the surrounding fighters, the huge size of the Helios is simply outstanding.

Helios opened the hatch to allow Alpha to enter. Captain Hibi entered Helios for the first time. Even though he could not understand everything about Helios in the hangar, he still had a glimpse. Everyone knows everything, from the layout of the hangar you can know the level of this space battleship.

Captain Hibi left without staying too much. The Super Victory team still has a lot to do. As for the greetings, they will wait until after the war.

"Let's go, go to the control room." Xingye patted Dagu on the shoulder and led him to the control room.

"Crack!" The automatic door opened, and Starry Night and Dagu walked in. Helios is an intelligently controlled battleship. The control room is very small, but Atdis is about one-third of it, and also There are not so many consoles.

The most conspicuous thing besides the small melodies that appeared in the room was the more than twenty huge screens on the opposite side.

"Small, how is the situation now?" Xingye asked directly, and only by knowing more information can we formulate the battle between the two of them.

"The first to twelfth fighter groups have reached the asteroid belt and will be tentatively attacked there. The space fleet of the betrayers is moving towards here, and it is expected that it will reach the attack range of the first attack group in half an hour."

Starry Night nodded: "It seems to be about to start. Dagu, we will go to the asteroid belt. The goal is to eliminate at least 80% of space warships."

"Ah?!" Da Gu was taken aback and then thought about the number, his mouth twitched a few times: "That's tens of thousands of spaceships, are you kidding me."

"There is no way. If this is not the case, I am afraid that the human fighter group will collapse in the first wave of attacks. The gap is too great." Xingye shook his head with a headache. Now the enemy's strength is still unknown. To be honest, if he can expand time and space. Wing, with Noah's infinite energy, ten times the space fleet is not enough to stuff his teeth, but unfortunately now he can only rely on the energy in his body to fight, and he can't use the endless energy contained in time and space.

"I see." Dagu's face became serious, and he nodded slightly. Although he didn't have much confidence, he had to do it for the sake of humanity.

Xingye then said to the Xiaozu: "Little Zuo, go forward to the asteroid belt."


The huge Helios began to accelerate, and flew quickly toward the asteroid, and behind it were thousands of fighter jets used in space warfare.

Asuka looked at the Helios heading towards the void of the universe, and couldn't help clenching his hands. He knew that Xingye and Dagu were going to fight the alien cosmic fleet, because it was impossible for humans to defeat each other. Everyone who participated in this battle knew this, but everyone came here without hesitation after writing a suicide note, just because he was a member of mankind and had the pride of being a mankind.

"Captain, Asuka has requested to play." Asuka said, putting his hand on the joystick of the engine.

Captain Hibi frowned and immediately said, "But our mission is to guard Mars..."

"I can go by myself. There are a lot of meteorites in the asteroid belt, which is very suitable for the Alpha machine I am driving. There is nothing to hide in such an open place, so the captain let me go." Asuka said quietly and started the engine. .

Captain Hibi groaned for a while, looking at the large number of fighters that had disappeared into the dark night sky, and then said: "I know, I will contact the headquarters now. Our Super Victory team should never wait in the rear."

"Yeah!" Asuka showed joy on his face~www.NovelMTL.com~He couldn't transform into Dyna at all here, unless he exposed himself regardless, otherwise once he contacted himself...but on the front line is different After all, it is normal for the battlefield radio to malfunction.

Starry night in the Helios looked at Dagu with a serious face, and couldn't help but laughed: "Why are you so nervous? In fact, we humans have a pretty good chance of winning."


Xingye Xiaoxiao explained that, just as the Xiaozuo said, aggressive races like humans are super rare in the universe. The reason why human beings are aggressive is that human beings are extremely keen on offensive weapons. From thermal weapons to the full popularization of laser weapons, mankind only took less than a hundred years, but not to mention the equipment to defend against laser weapons, that is, bulletproof clothing that can completely defend against thermal weapons. , There is no interest in inventing these things that will only be used on the battlefield.

The spear-pointed shield is the most realistic portrayal of human beings, and the partial science is extremely serious, and if the opponent develops normal contradictions in coordination with each other, then humans are really not afraid of attacks.

As time passed by, a slightly empty asteroid belt appeared in front of the Helios. A quarter of the fighter jets assembled by mankind flew away, and more than a dozen spacecraft were searched for by Helios. The numbers are lined up in the center, and more fighter groups will also come one after another to join the blockade. After all, it is the first time for humans to mobilize such a large-scale fighter group and only join the battlefield in batches to avoid coordination problems.

Many spots of light appeared on the side of the asteroid belt far away from the solar system. The alien warships also retreated from the speed of light, and stopped at the other side of the asteroid belt. The distance of thousands of kilometers.

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