Ultraman’s War

Chapter 934: Rockland crashed

"Haha!" Dina flexed his legs and then aimed at the monster's chest and bounced fiercely. The huge force directly kicked the monster out and hit the asteroid below.

The huge impact made the rocky ground sunken, and the asteroid shook violently, sliding down several meters.

The Rockland base built in the asteroid also shook violently, and the load-bearing steel beams made an unpleasant creak. Immovable Kenji, who had fallen into a coma due to the severe pain, opened his eyes during the shaking, and slowly stood up with his arms full of pain, and looked around blankly.

"Asuka? Asuka!" Kenji Fudo yelled a few times but did not hear a response. He could only hear the overwhelmed creaking of the steel beams in the base.

"Go ahead?" Kenji Fudo glanced at the bomb he had placed under the central computer, then gritted his teeth and stood up hard, stumbled towards the hangar where his plane was.

The original monster that seemed to be endless has disappeared, which surprised Kenji Fudo, but he hurried to his plane. On the way he walked, every two pillars could be seen flashing. Bomb with indicator light.

Dinah quickly kicked down the monster's left shoulder with his right foot, and kicked the monster to the ground.

"Boom!" Dina landed on the ground with both feet, and then immediately turned around and strode towards the fallen monster. At this moment, the tentacles of the monster's left hand slammed, whipping like a whip. On Dinah's chest.

"Boom!" With a muffled sound, Dina's chest splashed with violent sparks, and his body flew back and hit the ground heavily, causing the asteroids to shake.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" At this moment, the ground under her feet shook one after another, which surprised Dina. Then the rocky ground cracked many long cracks, but it took more than ten seconds to make this more than last time. The giant floating islands that appeared on the earth, much larger asteroids, broke apart and turned into hundreds of large and small meteorites floating around.

Then Dinah saw a scene of laughter and laughter. The monster was waving his limbs in the dark cosmos. It was a pity that it was not the ocean. No matter how he waved his arms, he couldn't make him move forward.

"Uh..." Dinah also froze for a moment and then realized that it seemed that the Eblon creatures were terrestrial creatures and could not fly at all, not to mention space warfare and planetary warfare are totally different things.

"I can't save you!" Dana immediately released Sorgette's light with his hands folded, accurately hitting the monster that had nowhere to borrow in the air.


A bright flame exploded in the sky, and the monster was directly blown to pieces, making Dina feel a little disbelief that victory came too fast, as if a tornado caught him off guard.

Then Dinah turned around and looked around. The Rockland base had become large and small meteorites. Some meteorites were still stuck with steel beams or pipelines and other messy things.

In Dyner’s field of vision, a Victory Flying Swallow series aircraft that blended with the surrounding environment was quickly leaving here. Only when Kenji Fudo was in the cockpit did he feel relieved, and he found it after a little searching. The wreckage of the Alpha aircraft is completely undriveable.

"Haha!" Dyna crossed his arms in front of him, and the crystal on his forehead gleamed with blue light, and immediately transformed into a blue miracle form. Then Dyna's body lingered around the blue light speed increased to several in an instant. Wanmacher, chased in the direction where the rocket disappeared.

In Dyna's field of vision, the surrounding stars were all stretched into long strips, and their length was constantly increasing, while the rocket, which was originally a light spot in front, was slowly expanding.

Dyna suddenly accelerated and passed the rocket directly, then raised his right hand and began to gather energy. The strong energy condensed into a light ball on his right hand, and then Dyna forcefully pushed the light ball out of his right hand and passed through the rocket. The back of the rocket burst open, forming a black hole. The strong attraction directly reduced the speed of the rocket to zero in an instant. The body of the rocket was torn into fragments and then absorbed by the miniature black hole.

Dynah finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then saw a few light spots appearing in the direction where he was flying, it was the fighter of the Super Victory team. Dyner was very puzzled. After everything was set up, why would he let the rocket run out of the encirclement.

"It's Dyna!" Liang first discovered Dyna was floating in the sky in front of him, and shouted out in surprise.

"Great." Captain Hibi was finally relieved. Everything was arranged well, but he didn't expect the rocket's speed to be several times faster than expected, making their original encirclement suddenly broken. Up. If it weren't for Dyna, the consequences would be disastrous.

At this moment, Asuka's voice sounded in Captain Hibi's headset: "Captain, help, the Rockland base was destroyed in the battle between Dyna and the monster, and the Alpha machine was also broken."

"What?" Liang Yi hurriedly slew the fighter jet towards the Rockland base and said with great anxiety: "Asuka, are you okay? How much oxygen is there, is there any problem with the spacesuit, and how long can it last?"

"Probably it's okay." Asuka stood on a meteorite that was several thousand meters long and scratched his head with some guilty conscience, thinking desperately for a while to explain how he escaped in the ruined base~www. NovelMTL.com~ And it's the kind of oxygen cylinder and space suit that have no problems.

Soon Asuka saw the gamma machine. What was surprising was that the gamma machine was shuttled through the meteorite at full speed, passing through the meteorite area in a dazzling manner and came to the side of the meteorite where Asuka was.

"This is... Liang?!" Asuka couldn't help but widened his eyes, and saw through the cockpit, sitting inside with an anxious face.

"Asuka, are you okay?!" Liang saw that the Asuka on the meteorite next to him was still standing there, and the heart that had been hanging was finally relaxed.

"Li..." Asuka smiled and waved his right hand at Liang: "I'm fine."

Sitting in the back seat of the gamma plane, Asuka asked curiously: "Liang, did you have a good flying skills just now? Did you hide your privates during training?"

Liang ignored the chattering bird behind, and there was also a hint of doubt in his heart. How did he get in just now. You must know that after the asteroid where the Rockland base is located, the number of meteorites here increased a lot, and the collision between meteorites caused a lot of The meteorite changed from a static state to an active state, which was even more dangerous than before, but it was passed on by myself.

"How did you do it?" Liang tilted her head and was very puzzled in her heart. At the time, she was thinking of just hurry up and hurry up. Maybe the flying bird would be in danger if it was one second late, so she just wanted to get there quickly. Go there to save the flying bird, and then fly in at full speed so unknowingly, without ever considering the danger of rushing in at such a fast speed.

The birds behind are still chattering, and they must be more confused than the last time, who is the real ace pilot of the Super Victory team. Rang Liang was very annoyed and muttered, "Asuka this guy..."

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