Ultraman’s War

Chapter 929: Ablon is back

As soon as Nexus raised his right arm, he swept across the energy core of his chest. A bright wave of water surged all over his body and then burst into a dazzling blue light. The right arm was raised and aimed at the place where the island pipeline gathered. The ray of light condensed into a bow of light in the arms of Naxus bow and arrow.

"Swish!" The bright beams of bows and arrows roared and bombarded the island. The rocks and steel plates were like paper in front of them, and a large hole was instantly penetrated, and the bow of light shuttled through the island unabatedly. It hit the pipeline gathering place in the center of the island, and then exploded.

At the moment of the explosion, the entire island trembled abnormally, and then creaking and cracking sounded endlessly. The huge floating island slowly fell down, and the speed was getting faster and faster, but within a few seconds it evolved into a free landing. It seems that the buoyancy has been completely lost.

"Woo!" The floating island fell faster and faster, and the screaming sound when it cut through the air reverberated through the entire space. The fall lasted for more than ten seconds before crashing on the ground.

Nexus witnessed the destruction of the floating island with his own eyes. At the moment the floating island hits the ground, the density of the rock at the impact point rose several times due to the huge force, and the gap between the rocks was completely squeezed. Disappeared, the subsequent collision force caused the giant island to sink deeply into the earth, while the rocks and steel plates in the middle broke apart because of the overwhelming load.

The entire floating island immediately disintegrated and turned into a large pile of broken stones. The subsequent shock wave blows up a thick layer of ashes covering the ground, filling the entire space and making it even darker.

Nexus did not stop and turned and flew towards the gap in the space that was knocked out by the giant island. This space is believed to contain many secrets about the magic civilization, but the starry night is not that archaeologists are not interested in the long disappeared magic civilization. . The most important thing is that magic does not match the science and technology of human development. If you have the leisure time to study magic, it is better to study science.

After passing through this dark gap, Nexus turned around and crossed his chest with his arms, the energy core immediately shining with a bright golden light, and then a golden beam of light hit the gap.

The golden light spread on the crack, but the crack was completely covered in ten seconds, and the original black was completely invisible. Then the golden light gradually dimmed and turned into a blue blue sky again, and the black crack disappeared completely.

"Successful!" Seeing this in the distant sky, the Super Victory team showed a joyful smile on their faces.

The colored timer on Nexus' chest gleamed with golden light, and the huge body immediately disappeared into the air. Then a golden meteor invisible to the naked eye rushed into the Helios floating in the air.

Starry night opened his eyes, and what was greeted was the figure of Xiaozuo. The data of the various systems of the Helios and the surrounding environment were displayed on the large screen in front.

"Two minutes ago, a signal intervened on the Earth's communications satellite and released an image to the world, but because it was an internal signal from the TPC, it could not be intercepted." Xiaozuo said immediately after seeing the starry night.

"Play the video!" Starry night frowned. Since Xiaozuo said so, then this video should convey negative information, but in order to dispel some people's worries, when TPC's internal signal releases news, Xiaozuo does not It will be intercepted.

The big screen immediately began to play images, and the data originally displayed on it was suddenly transformed into a slightly dark background, and there was a row of servers on the wall with lights flashing constantly. From a middle-aged man with a hideous expression in a white coat, his face was full of triumphant smiles: "Everyone on earth, I have good news to tell you that we don’t have to be afraid of monsters from today onwards. There is no longer any need for the protection of giants of light. We can have extremely strong bodies and powerful forces, and we can completely protect ourselves."

"Identity has been checked. It is Ryo Yamazaki of the New Space Development Agency. He once participated in the Eblon Project of the Old Space Development Agency, and then joined the New Space Development Agency." The troupe was talking about this person's life and service experience. And some of the projects that I have participated in.

This called Yamazaki stood up as he said, and the camera rotated with his footsteps. He walked to the wall, his right hand was bent and suddenly popped out, hitting the wall with a fist, only to hear a loud bang. , The reinforced concrete wall was punched with a large hole with a diameter of one meter.

"Did you see it? This is just a little bit of power," Yamazaki looked at the camera very proudly, showing his powerful power~www.NovelMTL.com~ Then he picked up the camera and walked to the glass curtain wall next to him. In the lens is a rocket more than forty meters high.

"This rocket is filled with the Eblon cells that I have improved. It is about to go to the earth. When it explodes in the troposphere of the earth, then everyone can have a strong body and powerful force. Now." Yamazaki laughed very proudly, then the picture disappeared and the image arrived.

"Eblon cells? Is this guy crazy?" Xingye kept shaking his head, how come people are still studying this, although the Eblon cells preserved were destroyed at the same time when the Space Development Bureau was disbanded. Yes, but this is just plain.

The Eblon cell discovered twelve years ago can allow organisms to leapfrog evolution. At that time, this discovery shocked the world of biology and subverted the theory of biological evolution.

This kind of cell is also regarded as a treasure by the Space Development Agency, and it refuses to get involved in any organization. This has also led to the steadily increasing value of Ai Bolong cells, and even a few cell samples are enough to exchange for dozens of standard specifications of gold.

Unexpectedly, after ten years, there are still people studying Eblon cells and preparing to use it in people all over the world. However, judging from the performance of this Dr. Yamazaki's specifications, this guy has obviously injected himself with Eblon cells, so he can have such a powerful force.

Starry Night’s only doubt now is why this Yamazaki continues to study the Eblon cell, which has been banned. If it is for fame and fortune, then he only needs to let out the news of new progress in the research of Eblon cells. I am afraid that there are some forces in the world that want to fund and recruit him to continue his research. Even TPC will secretly set up experiments for him. Room.

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