Ultraman’s War

Chapter 919: witch

"Every second is precious now. It is necessary to find the man behind the scenes as soon as possible to restore the young people to normal." As Captain Hibi said, he strode in, and the largest warehouse door in front was hidden, hi Captain Bi gripped the Brest pistol and slowly pushed open the door, the rusty hinge made a creaking sound, which was particularly harsh in the silent warehouse.

Seeing this, Captain Hibi pushed open the door, rolled to the left, then quickly got up, and raised the Brest pistol towards the warehouse. To the surprise of Captain Hibi, there was nothing empty inside. The sun shone through the skylight, bringing a ray of light to the warehouse, and it was vaguely visible that some debris was randomly stacked in the corner.

"How come?" Captain Hibi stood up straight, lowered the Brest pistol in his hand, and walked toward the depths of the warehouse, looking around with vigilant eyes, trying to find clues.

"Captain!" The door of the warehouse was pushed open again. Asuka ran in in a panic, and saw Captain Hibi walking slowly in the empty warehouse step by step, as if playing a one-man show.

"Uh, what are you doing?" Asuka looked puzzled at Captain Hibi who was alerting a bunch of air.

Captain Hibi looked at the Asuka who recklessly rushed in with a bit of hatred, and then saw that Yusu Mei also stood at the door and looked inside.

"Nothing?" Asuka walked in and looked at the empty warehouse with disappointment.

Captain Hibi still did not relax his vigilance: "Look clearly, there is nothing here. This is the biggest anomaly."

"Om!" Before Captain Hibi's words fell, the whole warehouse sounded an extremely harsh scream, causing Captain Hibi and the three of them to block their ears in great pain, but even such a sharp croak still couldn't stop. Passing into their minds, the three of them just persisted but fainted after two or three seconds.

When Captain Hibi was awakened by a dazzling bright light, he found that he was tightly tied to a bed and couldn't move. Turning his head to look around, Asuka and Habe Mei were similarly covered by several black belts. The thing is tightly tied to it.

"You are awake." A hoarse voice rang in everyone's ears, causing the three of them to quickly turn their heads to look at the source of the sound. I saw a man dressed like a medieval witch walking step by step with his waist and a cane. The skin on his face was old and full of wrinkles like tree bark, and his hands exposed outside the loose black robe were dry. Only skin and bones remain.

"Who are you?" Captain Hibi moved his hands slowly and calmly, trying to break free from the restraints, and at the same time he couldn't help distracting the witch's attention.

"Who am I? I also forgot. I haven't used a name for too long. Anyway, it's just a code name. It doesn't matter what the name is." The witch walked over tremblingly, playing with a dead wood table. Big pile of bottles and jars.

Asuka shook his arms vigorously, trying to break free: "What are you going to do to catch us? Are those young people your ghost?"

"Oh, you mean those noisy little guys, they are so noisy in their hearts. While not wanting adults to care about them, they also want to be cared about; they are afraid of unknown challenges, but they are full of curiosity. , It's too noisy." The witch's hoarse voice mixed the liquid in several jars and shook it in her hand.

"What did you do to them?" Captain Hibi asked suppressing the anger in his heart.

"I have made them obedient, why should they have their own ideas? Since humans existed, humans have been killing each other continuously, because everyone has their own ideas, even if it is a person at different times. There are also different ideas." The witch slowly walked over with the bottle: "So, as long as humans no longer have their own ideas, everything will follow the pre-set route and there will be no more surprises. , Let alone kill each other."

Captain Hibi shouted at the witch: "What? It must not be like this. Is it still life to lose oneself?"

"Oh, is it?" The witch raised her wrinkled face and looked at Captain Hibi with a sneer: "I helped you. Your daughter no longer hates you. She has become well-behaved and obedient, and will follow you. She has set the path of life to follow: go to university and find a good job. You clearly hope that your daughter will follow the path you have set. Hasn't it been achieved now?"

Captain Hibi immediately stopped his slightly struggling hands and looked at the witch in amazement: "Do you know what I think?"

"Haha," the witch walked to the bed where Captain Hibi was tied with a cane: "You see human beings are so greedy~www.NovelMTL.com~ When you are not full, just think about eating. After eating, I think about having a big house. With a big house and wanting other things, human greed is endless."

"You are wrong. This is the driving force of human progress and the vitality of human development." Yusu Yoshitaka said righteously.

"You can talk to that old bat after you go to hell. I didn't expect that old guy woke up so early and died so early. When you see him, you say I haven't settled with him yet." The witch turned around without paying attention. Go and walk to the bed where Asuka is tied up: "You have something on your body that makes me very uncomfortable, so I will send you to **** first."

"Damn it!" Asuka looked at the witch carrying a jar step by step, moving her right hand desperately upwards, but she could never touch the zipper, let alone get the flash sword.

At this moment, "Bang" shook violently around, making the witch staggered and almost didn't fall to the ground. At the same time, a burst of clear gunfire came from outside, making Asuka and Captain Hibi a hint of joy. .

"Hmph, you want to destroy my house, let me die." The witch looked angrily at the black misty place behind her.

The four people outside Ryo, Kaya, Koda and Nakajima held laser guns at the closed iron gate and pulled the trigger continuously. Lasers hit the iron gate and splashed violent sparks. The huge warehouse suddenly became With a pumpkin that is more than 100 meters in size, the speed of transformation is incredible.

"What a big pumpkin!" Nakajima couldn't help but swallowed a mouthful of water when he looked at this huge pumpkin. The others were not much better, and they all looked at this big pumpkin that was thirty to forty meters tall in shock.

"The captain and Asuka are inside. They must be rescued as soon as possible." Liang pulled the trigger anxiously, but the laser couldn't break through the pumpkin's defense without any way.

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