Ultraman’s War

Chapter 906: Muddle Monster

   "Cut it, pretend to be a ghost!" Xingye curled his lips, and walked directly to this place where it was supposed to be the exit. He raised the flashlight in his hand and illuminated the corridors on both sides. Both the walls and the doors and windows were almost as broken as the previous floor.

   Xingye looked at both sides, then walked to the railing, and leaned on the railing to shine the flashlight underneath. The black fog outside was several times thicker than the inside of the building, and the light of the flashlight did not shine at the bottom.

   "Guru" Asuka looked at the incomparably dense black mist and swallowed nervously. He had no idea what was going on right now. You can see monsters and so on, so you know how hard it is, but this is the first time you encounter this strange situation, and you don't know what to do.

"What should I do now?" Liang pulled over Morishita Wakaba, who was like a scared rabbit, and looked at the black mist below that was like a bottomless abyss and the downward staircase that shouldn't have appeared. Don't know what to do next?

"There is no signal at all, what is this place?" Asuka took out the communicator and looked at it, but found helplessly that there was not even one signal. You must know that since the earth has entered the era of the new realm, even in the Shanmaojiao. Maybe there is no signal.

   "It seems that this is the cause of the fog." Xingye raised the shock wave transmitter and pulled the trigger directly, and a dazzling beam of light was launched, bombarding the fog.

   "Long! Long!" The laser hit the fog and splashed a few bright spots, and then disappeared. The beam did not even penetrate 30 meters in the fog. The seemingly thin mist turned out to be like a stone, which surprised Xingye a little.

"Ang! Phew!" At this moment, another extremely sharp howling sounded. This time the scream was longer and longer than last time, so that they could hear clearly that the sound came from above, outside. The black mist also changed, and even the naked eye could see the black mist surging like a turbulent current.

   Asuka immediately picked up the Brest pistol and looked around with vigilant eyes, and said in a panic, "What happened?"

   "I don't know, but it's better than nothing happens." Xingye dropped the shock wave launching with his right hand, leaning into his clothes and grabbing the shock wave launcher with his left hand, looking around with alert eyes.

"Ah!" There was another screaming roar, and then the floor vibrated, and the walls and stairs behind him melted down like ice and snow that had been exposed to the sun. In just a few seconds before and after, the concrete floor underneath also turned into The black thing is like a rock when it is stepped on.

  At the same time, everyone felt as if they were sitting on an elevator, although the surroundings did not change, but they felt ascending.

   "What the **** is this place?" Asuka looked at the still dark mist around him, and shouted in despair, he was really fed up here.

Xingye raised his head and took a flashlight to illuminate the black fog that lingered more than ten meters above. In fact, there was this black fog around everyone, but it was dispersed by the light of the flashlight. Unfortunately, even this kind of super penetrating flashlight can't Just illuminate the surrounding area of ​​more than ten meters, and you can't see it at a distance.

   "Boom!" Suddenly the ‘earth’ under his feet shook violently, and Morishita Wakaba was almost swayed, but Lucky Liang caught her in time.

   Asuka steadily steadied his strangely swayed body and looked at the dense darkness around him with a puzzled face: "What the **** happened?"

   Xingye sighed: "We should be inside something. As for what it is, we can't be sure, but I tend to be in the belly of a monster."

"You mean we were swallowed by monsters?" Lianghe Ruoye suddenly became less scared. Ghosts and other things are scary. Monsters have been watched so much on TV. It is naturally not so scary to belong to known creatures. .

   "How do we get out?" Asuka thought about this question, and then realized something. He looked at the ground and shook his head: "I would rather die than go out there."

   The starry night turned a white bird and said, "If you want to get out from there, you have to find it too. You may not be able to go out if you wander around for a year."

   "What should I do? Are you here waiting to be digested by the monster and then turn into residue and go out" The two girls Liang and Wakaba felt uncomfortable when they thought of the scene.


"I care more about how there is a monster hidden here!" Xingye rubbed his temples with doubts and puzzles in his eyes, and he didn't even feel a trace of it. He didn't even know when the monster appeared, if it weren't for the regular walking. I'm afraid I haven't figured out where the shaking is.

And five minutes ago, the command room of the Super Victory team suddenly sounded a shrill siren, causing everyone who was sitting leisurely to jump to their feet. The vocalist standing next to Lv Chuan Wu raised his head and lit up on the big screen. At the same time the base’s optical broadcasting system also sounded a cold voice: "A huge object was found in the m6 area, and there is no life reaction. It is suspected to be a mechanical creation."

   Following the words of the melody ~www.NovelMTL.com~ the big screen shows the metropolis at night, and a huge black-gray object stands between the brightly lit high-rise buildings. There are two oblate lights that look like lanterns on the top. Under the shining of city lights, some details of this huge object can be seen clearly.

The stubby hands have three shorter claws, and they are draped in a dark-grey earthy armor. Underneath the armor are two cylindrical legs. This huge guy looks clumsy, especially angular. His head and the two oblate eyes, plus the three pipes protruding from his mouth for several meters, make this thing even more ugly.

   "I remember Asuka and the others went to this area." Nakajima touched his chin and said, "Can Xiao Wu contact them?"

   "Hmm!" Xiao Wu quickly tapped the keyboard: "This is the command room. Calling the Asuka team members, Senior Liang did not answer, and they couldn't find their signal."

   "What?" Captain Hibi frowned, but now the most important thing is to destroy the monsters, Captain Hibi had to suppress the worries in his heart and shouted: "The Super Victory team will set off immediately."


The flight cabin of the tpc integrated base rose, the dish-shaped launch port opened, and the Victory Condor rushed to the place where the giant monster was. Koda, Nakajima, Captain Hibi, and Kariya all set off, leaving only Xialvchuanwu stayed at the base.

   Mai Luchuan in the base pursed his lips and muttered: "Small play, I was left behind again." (To be continued.)

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