Ultraman’s War

Chapter 904: The only clue

"Ka" the commander's room door opened, Xingye turned his head and looked around, and saw the bird walking in sneakily, looking very wretched.

Xingye asked strangely: "Asuka, what are you doing?"

"Uh, haha," Asuka chuckled, slowly moving in and walking in little by little. At the same time, he carefully looked at Captain Hibi's face, and prepared to escape from here as soon as there was a stir.

"Asuka, come here quickly. You guy, always causes trouble for me." Captain Hibi rubbed his head with a headache: "Does that girl say anything besides this devil?"

Asuka shook his head: "No, what's the captain?"

"Don't you know that there are more than a dozen accidental car crashes of this kind, but apart from the five female students, no one else has played that summoning ceremony." Captain Hibi always felt that Asuka's mind was full of water and flour. It becomes a paste when you use your brain.

"Really? Then..." Asuka scratched his head, thinking about it for a long time and didn't think of a reason, boldly guessed: "Could those people secretly play it?"

"..." Captain Hibi has no hope of Asuka's brain-working ability.

"I don't think that the summoning ceremony should be the main thing. These wrecked personnel absolutely have one thing in common, and it must have something to do with the so-called demon god. As long as this common point is found, everything can be explained clearly." Xingye After thinking about it, he said.

"Oh," Captain Hibi sat down with a sigh, "I think this so-called demon does not exist at all, after all, the demon **** or something..."

"Is it unscientific?" Xingye smiled and said seriously: "Actually, the devil may be just a pronoun, and the girl said that if there is a voice in her mind during the summoning ceremony, it might be a ghost made by an alien. Ah, preconceived after all."

"Then what should we do now?" Asuka asked seriously after thinking about it. This question silenced everyone. Look at me, I look at you. I really don’t know what to do, I should ask. All of the professional police have asked this question several times, and the Super Victory team can’t find any new evidence to ask.

"Maybe to find the other five pieces of paper?" Xingye said after thinking about it: "If this is really unknown text, if you have more of this text, you may be able to interpret it, so maybe you can find clues. ."

"I'll go." Asuka stood up ‘teng’ and immediately called for a fight, ready to go to the nightmare-level girls’ school copy again.

"Forget it, I'll go too, I'm really curious about this kind of ceremony." Xingye shook his head and followed Asuka out of the command room.

All the way to Lianghe Luchuanwu’s dormitory, the girl was curiously watching the difference between the Super Victory team’s dormitory and the school. Asuka clarified her purpose, and the girl tried hard to remember, and then said uncertainly: "Everyone was in a panic at the time. It seemed that I had thrown all the other papers in place. I brought it out by accident. Maybe it was still there. Where is it?!"

"Then hurry up, find the answer to the question earlier, maybe you can prevent the accident from happening again." Xingye leaned at the door and said softly. After all, now the serial accident case is not a clue to the police or the Super Victory team. The whole case was shrouded in a cloud of mist, although the demon **** said it was unreliable, but it was already a rare clue.

"Hmm!" The girl nodded.

A group of four people left the base in a patrol car, the red sun already slanted to the west, sending the last afterglow to the ground.

Starry night turned the corner and smiled at Asuka on the co-pilot: "The sun is going down, it seems we are going to speed up."

"Yeah," Asuka nodded sensibly: "After all, if the other party is really a demon, the night will be the other party's world."

"Then, I'm holding it all firmly, I want to accelerate." Xingye suddenly stepped on the accelerator, a good-performance patrol car, but accelerated from 80 yards to 500 yards in three or four seconds, and the instant acceleration made everyone's body press backward. On the back of the chair, the bushes on the side of the road flicked past the window.

Cars were quickly left behind by the patrol car. At a high speed of 500 yards, the scenery in front was like a mountain. Xingye was very excited and quickly turned the steering wheel, the throttle at his feet was not loosened at all, even if it was turning, it was used to drift past.

"Slow...slowly." Asuka hurriedly tied the seat belt that he had never worn firmly on his body, tremblingly shouting at the starry night.

"I can't hear." Starry night's turn of the steering wheel patrol car came with a tail flick ~www.NovelMTL.com~ So Asuka swallowed the rest of the words into his stomach, almost didn't bite his tongue.

The patrol car that almost flew close to the ground steadily stopped in front of the school gate under the brake of "Squeak!" Xingye opened the door and walked down with satisfaction, stretched out and looked at his watch: "Yes, Just ten minutes."

"Oh, ha!" Asuka got out of the car with soft legs, looked at the smoking tires and long brake marks due to high-speed friction, and the corners of his mouth twitched a few times: "You drive really...steadily. what!"

Liang and the girl Morishita Wakaba sat in the car for a long time without regaining their senses. It took a long time to get out of the car tremblingly. Liang looked at the starry night before turning his gaze to Asuka: "Asuka, I think your driving is quite good. of."

"I think so too." Asuka nodded in agreement. In the past, Asuka always liked speeding when patrolling, but now, compared to flying close to the ground like Starry Night, Asuka feels that he is driving a bumper car for children.

"Senior Starry Night, you should fly a fighter jet." Asuka said euphemistically. Starry night raised an eyebrow: "The Phoenix was developed by me. Ten years ago, its speed was twice as fast as other fighters. The entire TPC is also Just Lina can drive."

"So, I understand." Asuka chuckled dryly, finally knowing why there were such high-speed fighters ten years ago, as can be seen from the driving speed of the starry night.

Xingye looked at the school. It was now time for school, so the campus was empty with only twos and threes of students. He turned to ask. "Wuoye, where is the building where you played the summoning ceremony?"

"In the back, that building is an abandoned building. It will be demolished and rebuilt soon. Keiko said it was quiet and no one disturbed, so we went there." The girl pointed to the innermost campus.

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