Ultraman’s War

Chapter 898: Collision of forces

Dyner on the seabed once again attacked the half-human snake. Dyner ran on the seabed with strides, leaving a deep footprint on the seabed with every step. The sharp claws of the opposite half-human snake were high. Yang Qi, the slender tail behind it is swaying slightly with the surging of the ocean current in the sea, but Dina, who has just seen the power of the tail, knows that this slender tail must not be ignored, otherwise it will definitely suffer. of.

Dina raised his right arm to block the flying claw, and at the same time, his left hand grabbed the strange snake's right arm and prevented it from swinging. At this moment, the strange snake's originally swaying tail instantly flicked. He quickly hit Dina.

"It's now." Dina kicked the ground with both legs, and under the blessing of the power of mind, his light body rose into the air, holding the strange snake's arms with both hands and turning his back to the strange snake. When he got to his back, the monster's tail was knocked out.

Dina immediately released the strange snake's arms and turned around quickly, his right arm swiped across the crystal on his forehead, emitting a bright blue light of thought power, and wrapped the strange snake's tail that had not yet retracted.

"Come on." Dina moved his feet quickly, pulling the light of thought power around the strange snake, but within a second or two, it turned more than ten times, and the blue light of thought power accompanied the strange snake. Both arms are tightly wrapped, making this half-human snake look like a zongzi.

"Well, haha!" Dina crossed her arms in front of her, her body shining with silver light, and she immediately transformed into a shiny type. Then the arms immediately crossed into a cross, emitting a high-hot blue sine curve of Soljet's light, impinging on the monster's body.

Including the deadly strange snake whose tail was entangled by the light of thought power, I had to watch the Sorgette light hit him. After struggling for two seconds, it was accompanied by a muffled sound of'boom' on the bottom of the sea. The snake was blown to pieces.

Dinah looked at the disappearing strange snake without a trace, took a sigh of relief, raised his head and looked at the sea, raised his arms and flew up quickly, and the seabed was calm again.

The hands of the rhino monster and the hands of Nexus grabbed each other and wrestled with each other. Nexus slid his left leg to the right and turned his body at the same time. After standing firm, Nexus immediately pulled the rhino monster's arms with both arms, and at the same time stretched out his right foot and kicked the rhino monster's knee. .

The rhino monster was immediately knocked down, and fell to the ground again. Nexus flew on the rhino monster, and his fists raised and hammered the rhino monster's back, with the'bang bang bang' The sound of impact caused a dazzling spark on the armor.

"Roar!" The rhino monster roared loudly, struggling with all fours and suddenly bowing, and overturned Nexus to the ground. Nexus rolled to the left on the ground and immediately stood up.

The rhino monster climbed up, and two white smoke came out of its thick nose. Accompanied by the mechanical operation sound of "Ka! Ka!", the rocket launchers on the rhino monster's shoulders opened, exposing hundreds of launch holes densely packed inside.

"Haha!" Nexus stretched out his arms and opened the golden Otto barrier. Flame bombs were launched from the rocket launchers on the shoulders of the rhino monster, bombarding the Otto that opened in Nexus. On the special barrier.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" An almost continuous explosion sounded, and the flames filled the sky illuminating the entire sky and the earth, and the flames rising from here could be seen from far away.

In the violent explosion, Nexus's Otter barrier kept trembling, and the huge impact force caused Nexus's feet to sink deeply into the mud, even so it continued to slide backwards.

"Come on." The energy core of Nexus' chest and the blue diamond-shaped gemstone behind it shone golden light, and the endless light particles condensed a pair of bright light armor on Nexus' body.

"Bang" Nexus's left leg stepped on the ground forcefully, and the retreating body suddenly stopped. Nexus raised his right leg and took a step forward, pushing the Otter barrier with both hands and walking forward. step.

"Swish! Swish!" The two remaining fighters of the Super Victory Team in the sky took this opportunity to launch an attack, and beams of light hit the back and shoulders of the rhino monster, splashing fierce sparks.

However, after the flame dissipated, the location where the monster was hit was still intact, and the firepower of the beta machine and gamma machine could not penetrate the thick superalloy armor on the surface of the monster.

"Well, haha!" Nexus pushed the Otto barrier with both hands and walked forward, letting the Rhino monsters on the opposite side bombard the Otto barrier one by one with missiles, he still couldn't shake Nexus. The Otter Barrier.

"Fizz! Fizz!" The missile attack lasted for more than ten seconds, and the rocket launchers on both shoulders of the Rhino Monster sounded shutting off, and wisps of hot air emerged from the missile launchers, distorting the air.

"Are you out of tricks? It's me now." The Otter barrier in Nexus's hand spread out and disappeared, shaking his numb arms, and striding towards the rhino monster.

"Roar!" The rhino monster roared and swung its sharp claws and slammed it towards the Nexus. Nexus did not dodge, his arms protruding out like lightning, grabbing the arms of the rhino monster ~www.NovelMTL.com~ and then his right foot quickly popped out, kicking **** the rhino monster's chest, huge The power drove it back a hundred meters.

Without waiting for the rhino monster to stand firm, Nexus bullied himself and hit the rhino monster's chest with a punch. The strength of the force compressed the air into visible ripples.

With a loud bang, the rhino monster weighing more than 100,000 tons was directly beaten up for more than 20 meters, and then hit the ground heavily, causing the ground to tremble violently.

"Yeah, ha-ah!" Nexus grabbed the gap in the armor of the rhinoceros monster with ten fingers with both hands, and suddenly exerted force on both arms, and lifted the rhino monster weighing more than 100,000 tons over his head.

"Ah!" The rhino monster is struggling desperately. The rhino monster is sixty to seventy meters tall and has a chest of thirty to forty meters. It is more than a circle bigger than Nexus. The fiercely struggling rhino monster makes Nexus. The center of gravity is extremely unstable, and the body is swaying as if about to fall.

"Let me take off!" With a flick of both arms, Nexus directly threw the rhino monster into the sky, and then kicked his legs **** the ground, his body suddenly leaped, and the whole body burst into a dazzling golden light, turning into a gallop. The arrow slammed into the chest of the rhino monster, flying the rhino monster on top. (To be continued.)

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