Ultraman’s War

Chapter 890: Resurrection ground painting

"This...definitely that." Asuka suddenly recognized that this strange bird was the strange bird in his dream.

"Isn't this Dank Shadder's painting on the ground?" Kashi stood up in surprise, "How come there is such a thing?"

"Is it a monster in the painting? It shouldn't be a coincidence." Captain Hibi felt a little bit of a bad thing in his heart.

"There are currently three uncovered paintings on the ground by Dan Keshadr. The black shadows in the Andes Mountains of South America are 74% similar to one of the strange birds." The Xiaozuo said and listed the three photos on the big screen. One of the pictures of a strange bird is very similar to the outline of this monster, but it is much simpler.

"It seems necessary to visit Dr. Qiuyue," Captain Hibi nodded and immediately turned around: "Asuka and Shishi, you two should go to Dr. Qiuyue's house immediately to understand what the painting on the ground is like. What's going on?"

"Understood!" Asuka and Kori raised their thumbs, turned and walked out of the command room, driving the patrol car to the direction of Millennium Town.

"Dingdong! Dingdong!" Sashiya stepped forward and pressed the doorbell. Asuka looked around. The red paint on the door had fallen off in some places. There was a creeper climbing on the wall. The entire courtyard looked very primitive. The profound sense of history that I didn't appreciate last night.

"Kacha" the door opened, and Dr. Qiuyue looked at the cleaning standing at the door with some surprise: "It's Sashi, I have long heard that you have joined the Super Victory team."

"I'm really sorry that I haven't visited the teacher for so long." Kashi bowed apologetically.

Dr. Qiuyue brought the two to the living room and asked, "He was here last night, is this also for the Zenaijindal people?"

"Yes, sir, half an hour ago, a monster similar to Dankshadr's ground painting appeared in the sky in the Andes region and destroyed two fighter jets from the South American branch." Kari said with a serious face. : "So I want to ask the teacher about the specific situation of Dan Keshadr's ground painting. This is very important to us."

"Come on." Dr. Qiuyue took the two to the studio on the second floor. Asuka saw that the pencil drawings he had drawn based on his dream memory were hung on the display board and covered with a protective film. There are many texts that look like notes.

"Asuka, right? After you left yesterday, I read the previous information. Although there are only a few words in the record of the Zenaijindal, I hope it will help you a little." Dr. Qiuyue raised his hand and handed a stack of information to it. Asuka and Sarishi: "Although many records are very vague legends, there are still some things that can be determined. The Zenaijindal people have powers similar to the power of thought, and the technology is also very powerful, even though such a powerful race and civilization have perished. The reason for is not clear..."

"That said, the painting on the ground by Dankshadr is actually a monster. In that case, wouldn't it have three monsters?" Asuka was shocked, thinking it was just one monster, but unexpectedly there are three, in case all three monsters appear I can hardly imagine it.

Dr. Akizuki put together the picture of the monster brought by Asuka and the picture of the strange bird drawn on the ground by Dankshadar and said in a deep voice, "Now it seems that the Zenaijindal people do have some special methods, even in the past. Ten thousand years, the monsters can still be activated. If you think about it this way, maybe the ghost city exists, and if the monsters appear, will the ghost city also appear?"

As he spoke, Dr. Qiuyue's voice lowered, and his brows were furrowed. It was obvious that he was in deep thought. It seems that because of the lack of information, Dr. Qiuyue can only use brain supplement and imagination to guess that it is hidden in history. There is a mystery in the dust, maybe his theory is not accepted because there are too many things to fill in the brain. Asuka thought maliciously.

"Then we're leaving, and we'll visit the teacher next time." Sashiya stood up and bowed to Dr. Akizuki. After all, the monster has already appeared, and the monster must be found and destroyed as soon as possible.

On the way back, Asuka kept flipping through the materials given by Dr. Qiuyue, combining these materials with the things he had seen in the dream that he still remembered in his mind, and he became more sure about the stone city he saw in his dream. , It was this city called by Dr. Qiuyue as the ghost city, but Asuka was a bit strange afterwards, because the city in his dream was completely located in a huge valley, not in a subspace.

Everyone in the commander's room circulated and looked at the information collected by Dr. Qiuyue and some of the things he inferred, especially the part about the three monsters, they have been read several times.

"Unexpectedly, there are three monsters. If you say so, there are two other monsters that have not been awakened." Koda looked at the other two Dankshadel floor paintings, frowning: "If they all wake up, then Oops."

"Yeah!" Captain Hibi turned around and gave an order: "Ryo, Kari, Koda, Asuka, and Nakajima, you five drove the Victory Condor immediately to the Andes region. You must wake up in all the monsters. Destroy these monsters before."


The Victory Condor departed from the top of the base ~www.NovelMTL.com~ and rushed to the place where Dr. Akizuki found the painting on the ground in South America.

After half an hour of flying, the five finally reached the southern end of the South American Andes. Asuka and Koshi came to the ground to investigate the paintings on the ground buried in the cave, while the three of them were on guard in the air.

Following the map drawn by Dr. Akizuki based on the memories of the year, Asuka and Kari quickly found the original cave, passed through a tunnel that was more than 100 meters long, and finally came to the cave with the painting on the ground.

"What a big cave!" Asuka looked at the cave illuminated by the portable flashlight on the helmet, exclaimed.

"Yes, the teachers were very surprised when they discovered this place. Thousands of years ago, they had dug such a huge cave." Kaya said while looking for it. The cave where the two of them were located was nearly 200 meters deep. Gauguin was more than 100 meters away, and traces of knives and axes were visible on the surrounding mountain walls.

"Why did you excavate such a big cave at that time? It's not just for these three paintings?" Asuka was surprised. According to Dr. Qiuyue's description, each of the three paintings was only one or two meters long. Well, there is no need for such a big cave. (To be continued.)

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