Ultraman’s War

Chapter 884: Ancient country in dream

In the dark rock cave, a group of people walked deep and shallow on the rugged rocky ground. The powerful searchlight carried on their heads shone through the dark night like a beam of light and shone on the rock wall.

"Look here," a person leaned over the rock wall excitedly, flashing a flashlight on the rock wall, and you could vaguely see the symbols carved on the rock wall that were almost integrated with the rock wall.

A group of people leaned over, carefully observing the symbols above, getting more excited as they watched them, their faces flushed as if they had taken Shiquan Dabu pills.

"What text is this?"

"Never seen it."

"Hurry up and expand them all."

This group of people wearing TPC uniforms were talking very excitedly. The cameras and notebooks were all on, and they began to copy the symbols on the wall, but they did not notice that the surrounding dark fog was gradually increasing. They were able to shoot before. A beam of light that has worn more than 30 meters can now only illuminate a place more than 10 meters away.

The place where the beam of light can illuminate is constantly shortening, but the group of enthusiastic guys who have fallen into the study did not notice this at all. With a few beeps, the beam of light disappeared, and this huge cave fell into In the darkness, there was no more sound.

Asuka looked very suspiciously at the desert-like place around him. Asuka turned around and scratched his head: "Why am I here? What is this place?"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! , Asuka was shocked and stretched his right hand to his waist subconsciously, but he drew a hole. Looking down at Asuka, he found that the Brest pistol on his waist was missing. After a closer look, he found that he was not wearing a Super Victory team uniform, but a linen-like clothes, especially the waist. There are more things like a rope than a belt, which surprised Asuka.

"This...this...what the **** is going on?" Asuka's whole person is not good, standing there, and the whole person is completely stunned. It took a long time for Asuka to open his mouth: "Am I dreaming? , Yes, it must be a dream."

Asuka stretched out his hand and squeezed his face forcefully, and then let out a scream: "Ah! It hurts!" Asuka grinned and rubbed the red face that was pinched by himself, and said with a bitter face: "It hurts, no Doesn't it hurt to dream? Isn't it a dream, but... where is this?"

Asuka touched his chest, and found that his flash sword was gone. Asuka sighed at a loss. He couldn't even remember how he came to this ghost place, let alone why he wore it. All in torn clothes.

Asuka looked around in a bewildered manner, and after thinking about it, he still walked in the opposite direction to that strange bird. After all, Asuka is now unarmed, let alone fighting a monster, just encountering a tiger or a wolf may become a feast for the opponent.

The bird walked along the gravel ground for a long time, but there seemed to be no change in the surroundings. The surroundings were still weathered into stone pillars of various shapes, as well as gravel and gravel all over the floor, making the bird sit on the ground and lie down directly. Go down to the sky and shout: "What the **** is this place?"


A black spot gradually expanded in the air, and the strange bird quickly flew to the hill on the left, and then dived towards the ground.

"Is there anything there?" Asuka hurriedly ran to the direction where the strange bird disappeared, panting over the 100-meter-high hillside in front, Asuka panting with both hands and knees, looking up, Asuka was stunned by everything in front of her.

Below the cliff is a city that is several kilometers long and wide. Most of the buildings are made of stone. In the middle of the city is a huge pyramid. The monster that just flew past falls on the top of the pyramid. There are many small birds in front of the strange bird. Sombra, the strange bird kept lowering its head as if eating.

"What is that?" Asuka looked intently, but was extremely horrified to find that the monsters were eating humans with their hands and feet tied.

"This..." Asuka looked at this scene in the distance with wide eyes in disbelief. Living in a civilized society, he couldn't believe what he saw in front of him.

A swift sound of breaking through the air sounded from behind the bird, and the bird hurriedly turned to look at it. A disc spacecraft with a diameter of no more than two or three meters stopped more than ten meters away from the bird. The disc spacecraft landed and the bird watched. On top of the disc stood an unidentified life form that resembled a human being, wearing a gray robe, only the head was exposed, and the eyes were deeply sunken. The skin on the head was as uneven as tree bark. The mouth is even more peculiar, like a snail.

"What's this?" Asuka is very surprised. He now doubts that he has come to an alien planet. The unknown lifeform on the opposite side stretched out his right hand~www.NovelMTL.com~ There are five sharp right hands like old bark. His nails, holding a silver pistol in his hand, pointed it at Asuka.

"Damn!" Asuka turned his head and looked around, but apart from the gravel and gravel on the ground, there were no weapons available at all. Even so, Asuka did not give up, bowed slightly, and was ready to move forward at the moment the opponent launched an attack. One rolled to hide, and then threw an attack with stones on the ground.

Just when this strange creature's finger was holding the trigger and preparing to shoot, with a "swish" sound, a silver-white light bullet that was several meters long fell from the air, covering the disc spaceship completely, and the disc spaceship was in there. Inside, it turned into fly ash the moment the light bomb hits and disappeared completely.

"Swish" a sharp air-breaking sound rang from the top of Asuka's head. Asuka hurriedly raised his head and watched in surprise as a giant of light of red, purple and white flew quickly through the sky, and its flight path was towards the pyramid. The strange bird on the left.

"This is... Tiga?!" Asuka's mouth was open and it was more than enough to let go of his fists. Then Asuka felt that the world was shaking, and then the picture in front of him began to shatter, and Asuka's consciousness became blurred and fragmented. In the picture, Asuka vaguely saw Tiga fighting with the strange bird, and then the city fell into a sea of ​​flames and turned into ruins. (To be continued.)

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