Ultraman’s War

Chapter 877: SOS from the universe

"I searched through the entire TPC base to find her with great difficulty," Lu Chuanwu said admiringly: "She is very smart and knows so many things."

Asuka looked at Lu Chuanwu with a weird face: "You have more knowledge than a computer? You can, you can!"

"What computer, this is my friend," Lu Chuanwu pouted and greeted the screen: "Small, this is the dumbest guy on our Super Victory team. The captain likes to scold him the most."

"What is the captain's favorite to scold me? I'm not stupid." Asuka retorted immediately.

The on-screen vocalist tilted his head and nodded in agreement: "The Asuka team’s crash rate is 47%, which has broken the TPC record. It is much higher than the other players. It’s really stupid."

"Um, hahaha!" Lu Chuanwu laughed out immediately, and slapped Asuka's shoulder vigorously: "Asuka, have you seen it? Even the trot says you are stupid, it seems you are hopeless what."

"What? I've had so many crashes," Asuka retorted unconvincedly, "It's just that many more."

"It's 1.45 times more," Xiaozuo emphasized. At the same time, a row of data on the ratio of the number of super-victory team attacks to the number of crashes appeared on the screen. Asuka was at the top of the list and dumped everyone ten blocks away.

"La la la," Lu Chuan Wu hummed happily, holding a bunch of things in front of Asuka: "Hurry up and help, you put all these things on for me."

"What's this?" Asuka looked at the lines on the table, picked up one of the cameras and shook it before her eyes.

Lu Chuanwu pushed Fei Niao to do things quickly: "Hurry up and put it on for me. You don't take me with you every time you strike. It's so boring to let me stay here by myself. After this little melodrama, you can play with me. "

"What, can't you be polite to let someone do the job?" Asuka pouted his mouth under the'command' of Lu Chuanwu, and installed these things one after another.

Lu Chuanwu looked at the virtual reality projectors around the command room with satisfaction. Asuka climbed down the ladder and looked at Lu Chuanwu with some doubts: "Did you install these things with the captain's approval?"

"Who said I did it, didn't you do it?" Lu Chuanwu pointed at Asuka with her right index finger, her face sly.

"Ah, you..." Asuka understood at once, and immediately carried the ladder to prepare to take it down.

"No disassembly! I heard it, it's mine if it's installed." Lu Chuanwu immediately grabbed Asuka's arm and pulled him desperately.

Asuka dragged Lvchuanwu forward and walked hard: "Let me go, what is yours, in case the captain goes crazy, it's me who scolded me."

Captain Hibi walked in and saw Asuka carrying a ladder in his left hand, while Lu Chuanwu squatted on the ground and clutching Asuka's right arm. The two of them were as funny as they were, and immediately went crazy: "You two What are you doing? Let it go, let it go, what do you look like, do you still look like a Super Victory team member?"

The two hurriedly separated and stood at attention. Asuka glanced at the ladder in his left hand and hurriedly lowered it from his shoulder.

Captain Hibi stared at the two bell-like eyes, panting heavily, and glanced at the two guys: "What are you two doing? Asuka, what are you carrying a ladder, and holding a wrench, you want to make the base Has it been demolished?"

"Ah, no, that... it's Wu," Asuka immediately pointed her finger to Lu Chuan Wu, "It's all the ghost of her."

"What? You can carry the ladder, and you can pretend to do things. What does it have to do with me?" Lu Chuanwu retorted unconvincingly.

"But you brought the things."

"Okay, okay, stop arguing," Captain Hibi pressed his hands with a headache to stop the two guys: "What are you doing?"

"Om!" The surrounding virtual reality projectors lighted up, and a small melody figure gathered beside Captain Hibi. At the same time, the radio system of the command room sounded a cool voice of the melody: "The Antelope sends out a distress signal, now it's playing. ."

"Huh?!" Captain Hibi was stunned when he watched the small play, and then seemed to understand what turned his eyes to Asuka and Midori Chuanwu. The two immediately raised their heads and looked at the ceiling, as if something was attracting them. .

A young man shouted very anxiously on the radio: "This is the Antelope. We are being chased by monsters. We ask for support, we ask for support!"

"What?" Captain Hibi didn't care about the two self-assertive guys, and immediately turned his head to look at the vocalist: "Where is the Antelope now?"

The picture on the big screen turned and turned into a radar display. The red dot on it representing the Antelope was moving, and another green dot was immediately behind the red dot. The small screen next to it is the image taken by the satellite. In the dark cosmic background, countless stars are constantly shining.

"I remember that the Antelope was a passenger spacecraft that transported the first generation of children born on the Jupiter orbital space station back to Earth." Lu Chuanwu hurriedly ran to her seat and began to search for relevant information.

Xiaozou continued: "Find relevant records in the TPC database. The monster chasing the Antelope is Daiolis. Three years ago, it destroyed a new space station and was a carnivorous cosmic monster."

"What? Carnivorous monsters, aren't the kids very dangerous~www.NovelMTL.com~The captain asked for an attack." The ladder on Asuka's shoulder slid down and fell to the ground, but he couldn't control so much.

"Wait for Asuka," Captain Hibi frowned, "I remember this guy could not break through the earth's atmosphere, so he did not invade the earth, but he has harassed TPC's other bases many times. TPC has organized many clean-ups for this, but they have all been killed. It ran away."

"Crack!" The door to the command room opened, and the other members of the Super Victory team hurried in. They were taken aback when they saw the strumpet standing in the middle of the room.

Lu Chuanwu turned her head to report: "Omega Base has dispatched the Victory Red Dragon team to the rescue, and it is expected to arrive in ten minutes."

"Daiolis expects to catch up with the Antelope in five minutes. There are no armed satellites nearby, and the Antelope is not armed, and has no counterattack capability." The small group quickly reported a line of information.

"Why is Dayolis this guy?" Nakajima looked at the communication from the Antelope, surrounded by Mai Luchuan in shock.

Chaos on the Antelope has become a mess, and the crew gathered the scattered children on the bridge to prevent accidents or the children from missing. (To be continued.)

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