Ultraman’s War

Chapter 862: Human light

"Dina, get away." Liang stopped and shouted anxiously at Dina in the distance. He raised the laser gun in his hand and fired at the vines that entangled Dina. Victory and Super The Victory team immediately raised their guns to support them, but hitting the vines with such a small amount of power with a laser gun could not cause any effective damage except a few sparks.

"Boom" Dina's chest burst into violent flames, Dina's body trembled like a heavy blow, and her left leg, which had been supporting her body, also knelt down, and the five-diamond colored timer on her chest burned. Badly scorched.

"It's not over yet? How can you fall down?" Asuka felt his consciousness slowly passing, and what he saw with his eyes began to blur, and two vines threw out from the main body of the Monela star to entangle Dinah. With a strong pull with both arms, Dana lifted from the ground, drawn a parabola and fell into the abdomen of Monela.

After wrapping Dina with a bag like a net bag, she immediately began to extract energy from Dina. Dina struggled weakly, tearing the net weakly with his arms, but within a few seconds, the energy in Dina was completely emptied. His arms dropped weakly, his eyes dimmed, and the colored timer on his chest fell silent.

"Dyner..." The Super Victory team all stopped, and stood there with their eyes dull looking at Dyner who was lying motionless in Queen Monera's bag.

"How could this happen?" Captain Hibi's laser gun hung down on his right arm, and the helmet in his hand fell to the ground without knowing it.

"No, Dina won't die." Liang suddenly raised the laser gun in his hand and fired at the net around Dina. The laser shot on it and splashed a little bit of sparks, but faced the close at hand. When the explosion exploded, Dina tilted her head motionless, without any reaction.

"Dynah lost."

A middle-aged man lay on the ground feebly: "What should we do? Are you just waiting for death here?"

"Ultraman can't beat this monster, what can we humans do?"

"There is no hope." A young man fell directly to the ground, not wanting to move at all.

A cloud of despair hung over everyone in the underground refuge, and Dina's joy in defeating the robot had completely disappeared, leaving only deep despair.

"No, Ultraman Nexus and Ultraman Tiga will definitely defeat this monster." A child's clear voice was extremely conspicuous in the shelter filled with sighs.

Everyone looked up, a child wearing the clothes of the Super Victory team holding up a faded Tiga doll shouted: "My brother told me that he had become a light before and gave Ultraman the power to defeat Ultraman together. A fierce monster. My brother said that at the time Tiga told him that as long as he didn't give up until the end, everyone could become a light, giving Ultraman the power to defeat the monster together with Ultraman."

"Really? Can I also become a light to give power to Dai?" A little girl in a white dress stood up, with Shuiling's big eyes open, and asked timidly.

"Of course," the little boy, who was only six or seven years old, said firmly, and walked over and handed the slightly faded Tiga doll to the little girl: "Look, my brother was holding Tiga and turned into a light. Yes, we can too."

"Really?" A hint of surprise appeared on the little girl's face. She slowly put her hand on the Tiga doll with a little nervousness, but nothing happened after several seconds.

"No," the little girl dropped her hands in disappointment: "A lie!"

"Why? My Dahe never lied. My brother became a light because he firmly believed that Tiga would not fail." The little boy bulged his mouth and looked at Tiga from side to side, and suddenly lifted Tiga high: "I Always believe that Ultraman will not fail, Tiga!"

Asuka felt that he could not help falling down. When he opened his eyes, he found that there was nothing in the darkness around him, as if he were in a bottomless abyss. Asuka whispered: "Yes, I lost again. , I am not an opponent of that monster at all, and no matter how much training I train, I cannot defeat that monster."

"Asuka, believe in the power of your heart and feel the light in the human heart. As long as you can discover the radiance hidden deep in the human heart, you can become an invincible superman." Asuka with his head down, a gentle voice suddenly sounded in his ears. The voice of a man made Asuka suddenly raised his head: "Senior Dagu, what should I do? Where is my inner strength?"

The little boy named Dahe who was holding up the Tiga doll was surprised to find that the doll in his hand was emitting dazzling golden light particles. This warm light made all the people in the refuge raise their heads, looking at this somewhat faded in dismay. My Tiga doll~www.NovelMTL.com~ I don’t understand why it shines because it’s just a plastic doll.

"Look, I'm not wrong, as long as you firmly believe in Ultraman's power, you can surely turn into light and pass the power to Ultraman." Dahe Xianbao seemed to hand over the Tiga doll with golden light in his hand. Front of the little girl.

The little girl carefully placed her hand on it. The golden light particles spread from the Tiga doll to the two children, causing their bodies to emit a dazzling light. More and more children stood up, The light radiating from them illuminated the dim refuge into daylight, but the light was not dazzling but made the adults feel a warmth from the heart.

"This is... the power of light!" Staff Quan Teng looked at the light on the children with a look of astonishment, and was speechless with excitement.

The golden light flashed in front of the flying bird who was falling in the dark abyss, and the originally dark abyss was suddenly covered by endless light like daylight. Picture scrolls unfolded in front of the birds: the sky covered by darkness, the wicked birds in the sky, flames are burning everywhere in the city, countless buildings collapsed in the explosion; people were running in horror on the streets; Diga and Nexus were beaten by a terrifying monster in the sea and couldn't stand up...

"This is the dominator of darkness ten years ago..." Asuka suddenly remembered what he saw before his eyes. The disaster that swept the world ten years ago, Asuka remembers it clearly.

The following pictures unfolded one after another in front of Asuka, and the pilots who had forgotten their lives and flew at the strange bird Zoga, just to buy some time for the people escaping on the street; one by one TPC personnel standing on the tall buildings shouted He attacked Zoga the strange bird with a weapon, attracted Zoga to his side, and delayed the attack of the strange bird with his life.

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