Ultraman’s War

Chapter 831: Quan Min added a victory

"Huh!" Pandora snorted coldly, and the red indicator light on the top face of Garsh Rhein flashed, releasing a beam of several meters thick, and the momentum it carried would draw a deep line of ground along the way. The gully, with countless rubbles, whizzed towards Nexus with an indomitable momentum.

"Don't underestimate me, too." Nexus's right arm lightsaber stretched forward, releasing a turbulent counter-attack light that collided with Gathulin's beam.

The counter-attack light with the sharp characteristics of the lightsaber slashed Gashu Rhein's beams in just a few seconds, and rushed straight at Gasu Rhein like a boat against the current.

Before Gashu Rhein had time to evade, the counter-attack light from Nexus hit the top face of Gashu Rin. With a "bang" explosion, Gahu Rin fell awkwardly from the violent flames. Flew out and hit the ground heavily.

The face that was hit by the counter-attack light of Nexus was scorched and turned into pits and devastated. Only the blue indicator light in the middle of the three faces was still on, and the thought power and beam attack were abolished.

"Damn it, **** it!" Pandora walked around in the control room like a violent, full of anger, nowhere to vent, he was rampant in the universe for so long and was planted on this tiny earth.

"Da! Da!" Nexus slowly walked over with the lightsaber: "What's the matter? Is there any other move to use quickly, otherwise there will be no chance for a while."

Gaschulein clutched his scorched face and got up, the only remaining face was deformed: "Don't think that I will give in. I haven't fully demonstrated my strength yet."

As Gaxulin said, he ran over with heavy steps, and every step he stepped on made the earth shatter tens of meters high.

"Want to fight with me?" Nexus stood still, the lightsaber in his right hand turned into light and disappeared, and then he assumed a fighting start.

Gashu Rhein rushed over quickly, and his right fist slammed into Nexus fiercely. Nexus lightly touched the ground, his body moved to the left side while backing a few dozen back. Mi, escaped Gashuline’s boxing.

Seeing this, Gaxulin immediately changed his tricks, turned and raised his leg with a whip leg and slammed it at Nexus. Nexus saw this with his arms crossed in front of him, and the sound of'boom' blocked Ga Hugh Rhine's whip leg.

At the same time, Nexus quickly bounced his right foot and slammed it on Gaxulin’s left shoulder, kicked Garxuin and moved a few steps to the left. Before he could stand still, Nexus was already violent and charged. Holding Gaschulein in the chest is a punch. The tremendous power carried by the fast speed makes Gaschulein’s chest visible depressions, and the remaining force is transmitted to Gaschulein’s back and it makes a sound of “bang”. sound.

"Boom Rumble" Pandora felt the sky tremble, and Nexus's power passed through Garshurin's body and hit the place where he was. Pandora got up from the ground embarrassedly, his suit already in a mess.

Nexus didn’t wait for Gashu Rhein’s counterattack, and immediately retreated a hundred meters at a speed far surpassing Gashu Rhein. With a flick of his arms, he flew out several light blades from the Nexus bow and arrow weapons. There were deep gaps cut out on Hugh Lain's body.

"Ah! Aung!" Gashu Rhein roared like a beast, and rushed towards Nexus again with scars all over his body.

"Your fighting skills are pretty good. It's a pity that dragging this huge body makes your speed too slow." Nexus appeared like a streamer and drew a curve and instantly appeared behind Gashu Rhein, kicking him. With one kick, he broke the balance of Gaschulein, kicking Gaschulein to the ground.

The Nexus attacking arm on the right arm of Nexus hanging down popped out a shining lightsaber. Nexus raised his right arm and pointed it at Garshu Rhein in front of him. The bow and arrow of Nexus ejected from both sides. Two golden light bows bow.

"Haha!" Nexus stretched the bow of light with his left arm and then suddenly released his four fingers. The rotating beam of the ultimate bow and arrow was like a golden meteor, whizzing towards Gashurein.

Garsiu Rhein staggered to his feet. He just turned around and saw the bow of light. Pandora, who was thrown out of his head, was shocked and threw out the crutch in his hand. Gaxulin slid to the left strangely, but just as it began to slide, the ultimate bow and arrow beam had hit Gaxulin's body. Although with Pandora's help, Gaschulein was still hit on his left shoulder. With a loud bang, Gaschulein's left shoulder and a quarter of his body were blown to pieces.

"It's impossible to miss it." Nexus frowned, clearly aiming at the only remaining middle face of Garshurin~www.NovelMTL.com~ and the guy unexpectedly shifted a certain distance.

Pandora was a little frightened, his strongest magic puppet was defeated in twos and threes, and he was already thinking about whether he should run away quickly.

"Don't think it's over." Nexus stretched out his arms, the energy core of his chest and the diamond-shaped gemstone behind him emitted a dazzling golden light, and the bright light particles condensed into an armor of light on Nexus.

"Well, haha!" Nexus kicked the ground with his left leg, and his body rushed forward quickly, three times faster than before. If you can see a blue light just now, then now it's a blink of an eye. Nexus had already crossed a distance of several thousand meters, and smashed Garshu Rhein away with a punch.

Before Garxus Rhein landed, Nexus raised his right arm, and the light armor on his body immediately dispersed, forming a huge light bow centered on the bow and arrow weapon of Nexus' right arm.

"The last blow!" The energy in Nexus is continuously injected into the light bow of his right arm.

Just as Gashuline got up, the two small eyes on the only face saw a stream of light appear in front of him.

"Bang!" The bow of light fiercely hit the only face of Gaxulin, and instantly pierced Gaxulin. The turbulent energy rushed into Gaxulin's body.

"Ah, what's the matter? Damn it." Pandora watched in horror at the sparks that were constantly erupting around him, and jumped out of Gashuline, who was on the verge of an explosion. Just when Pandora ran out, the opposite Gashu Rhein exploded. The flame mushroom cloud that rose into the air was hundreds of meters high, and the billowing air wave lifted Pandora, who had already flew high into the sky. He fell from a high altitude in embarrassment, fell heavily to the ground, and fell to the ground after a few bounces.

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