Ultraman’s War

Chapter 826: Stolen sunset

"Who is that? Haven't they all been evacuated?" Asuka was surprised, opened the car door and walked over there, only to find that the other person was looking at him, and then the human face suddenly turned into a face. With a terrifying insect-like face, the man glanced at Asuka, as if he had noticed something, and hurriedly walked into the small alley ahead.

"Don't run!" Asuka yelled, and immediately rushed to chase him. Nakajima opened the door of the Bopa car and shouted at Asuka's back: "Hey, Asuka, where are you going? Come back quickly. It's about to begin."

But Asuka turned a deaf ear to it, but ran to the alley within a few seconds, turned and ran in.

Asuka ran as hard as he could, and it took only a few seconds for the distance of 100 meters, but the person in front walked slowly and unhurriedly, but Asuka could not catch up anyway.

Asuka ran panting and looked at the guy in front of him in surprise: "How is it possible? Who is this guy?"

The two of you chased me and quickly ran out of the alley and came to the invisible road on the edge of the village. The man stopped and looked up at the sky.

"Ka" Asuka immediately took out the Brest pistol and pointed at the man and shouted loudly: "Who are you? Is the letter you sent out to steal the dusk?"

"Look how beautiful this evening is," Pandora said, pointing to the sunset with excitement: "It's a pity that such a beautiful thing is on the earth, so I want to steal it and keep it forever, not just this one. I will steal all the beautiful things on the planet and I must not let humans destroy them."

"What are you talking about?" Asuka was surprised, this guy really wanted to steal the dusk, but then Asuka rightfully said: "The earth is our human planet, you have no right to steal our things."

"Your things?" Pandora sneered: "You are polluting the beautiful sky, clear streams, and cutting down the prosperous forest. Anyway, you will destroy these beautiful things sooner or later. What's wrong with me stealing it, at least I You can save them all so that the entire universe can appreciate the beauty of these things."


"But humans are too selfish. They would rather destroy these things than let them out. In that case, I'll steal them." Pandora smiled and took out the crystal ball: "The time is up, and the dusk is mine now. "

"What are you going to do?" Asuka was startled and saw that the other party threw the crystal ball in his hand. The transparent crystal ball melted into the sky and disappeared. Then the beautiful sunset glow in the small town suddenly became like an ink painting. It was just like splashing with clear water, and the color quickly faded and returned to white clouds.

"This...this..." Asuka feels that the whole person is not good. This is the first time I have seen this situation challenging his worldview.

Pandora raised his right hand, and the transparent crystal ball fell on his palm. Pandora slowly turned around and smiled and said to Asuka: "The sunset in this town is the most beautiful. Now I have saved him. Once it comes down, it will never be polluted by human beings and will always maintain such a beautiful appearance. Isn't this great? Ultraman Dyna!"

"Ah?!" Asuka was taken aback, his throat moved a few times, his gaze stayed on the crystal ball in the opponent's hand, it was no longer transparent, and the whole crystal ball could be clearly seen in the sunset of the town. Let the crystal ball become very beautiful.

Looking up at the sky again, there are only white clouds around the setting sun, and no trace of beautiful sunset clouds can be seen, making the sky seem particularly monotonous and devastated.

"Goodbye! Ultraman Dyna!"

Hearing this, Asuka hurriedly lowered his head, only to find that the other party had disappeared. There was nothing left in the surrounding area, causing Asuka to wave his arm bitterly.

When Asuka returned to the Bopa cart, he found that the place was messed up. Everyone looked at the monotonous white clouds in the sky in disbelief, and couldn't believe that there were still sunset clouds just now.

"Twilight is really...stolen by..." Nakajima stammered when seeing Asuka coming back and pointing to the sky.

"Yeah!" Asuka nodded and looked at the monotonous sky, but what the alien just said in his mind: Instead of letting beautiful things be destroyed by humans, let me steal them and save them, or at least let others. Appreciate the beautiful scenery.

TPC's various satellites and detection equipment were turned on at full power, but they didn't have any effect. The sunset glow disappeared in full view, and the detector hadn't reacted abnormally, as if nothing happened.

The TPC was a fighter plane and a chariot. Thousands of people came over mightily. As a result, nothing was found, and it was so easy to ‘stole’ the dusk.

The reporters nearby immediately exploded. Just now, many cameras were facing the sky. The sunset glow disappeared under the eyes of the public. Many photographers hurriedly looked at the playback in disbelief. Everything was normal in the first second, and the next second. The clouds became white.

However, what is even more shocking is that except for this small town and the surrounding area of ​​one kilometer, the dusk still exists in other places. Even a step at the border will make you see a different white sunset~www.NovelMTL.com ~ This is no longer an alien invasion but a standard weird event.

After TPC was busy for two hours, it was helpless to find that everything was normal except for the sunset glow at dusk. The tank troops and the air force evacuated here, and their artillery and missiles were of no use to such things.

For this matter, TPC held a staff meeting overnight to discuss the reason for this matter and the countermeasures, and more importantly, to understand how the sunset clouds disappeared, and why only the sunset clouds in that place disappeared.

The meeting lasted for two hours and finally did not discuss it. This kind of weird incident that transcended human common sense made TPC a little confused or even not sure how to deal with it, let alone solve this weird incident.

The scientific research department of Starry Night also received a task, requesting to conduct research on the weird incident in this small town, and it is best to propose a solution.

This large room of 300 square meters is packed with monitors and satellite receivers, and various data are continuously transmitted here for screening and further analysis of natural conditions such as weather, cloud cover, geology, and 4 o’clock. There is no difference, and there is no condition to cause this abnormal phenomenon. (To be continued.)

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