Ultraman’s War

Chapter 806: The third giant of light-Dyna

"It's amazing, I'll destroy the monster in one shot." Mayumi was amazed. The Victory team had all sorts of hardships and hardships, and there was no one who didn't drop the plane. Now this super-victory team has wiped out the monster in one fell swoop.

Xingye shook his head: "It's not that simple, it's blocked by a monster."


Sure enough, after the flames and smoke dissipated, the monster was still standing there unharmed, waving two white claws like tridents and roaring loudly, and the whole body of electricity released a kilometer-wide grid, which instantly enveloped the sky. The space of kilometers around the fighter plane makes it impossible to escape.

"Boom! Boom!" The wing of the fighter plane that was blown by lightning exploded immediately, and countless fragments flew out. The fighter plane fell towards the ground in black smoke, apparently losing its power.

"Uh, I'm still going to fall as expected." Ma Yumi was speechless, and she just praised her, but she didn't shoot it down in an instant.

"Sure enough, I still want to go." Xingye sighed. It seems that although science and technology have advanced a lot, it still can't compare with these terrible monsters.

"Xingye, you see there are fighters." Mayumi pulled Xingye's sleeve and shouted loudly, pointing to the sky.

Starry night looked up, and the three fighter jets pointed out from the clouds and flew towards the monster quickly, which was much smaller than the fighter plane just now. And if they are combined, they are exactly the same as that fighter. It seems that this is a new type of combined fighter like Feiyan EX.

Three fighter jets roared past Starry Night and Mayumi’s heads. Xincheng sitting in the Beta saw two people standing on a narrow downhill road. Although they flashed past, Xincheng still saw that it was Starry Night. And Mayumi.

"Look, my brother's technology hasn't regressed yet." Xincheng whispered, and the Beta rushed to the monster quickly, only to see the monster spraying out the grid again, Xincheng pulled the joystick, Beta The fuselage on one side of the number suddenly passed through the gap in the power grid, and at the same time it launched several blue lasers to hit the monster, splashing violent sparks.

"Wow, this is amazing, it's much better than the one just now." Mayumi's eyes lit up and said, pointing to the blue fighter.

The monster roared, and once again released a power grid that was twice as strong as before. The gaps were only five or six meters wide, and there was no possibility of avoiding it. Sure enough, three fighters were hit at the same time, dragging a long black smoke toward the ground.

Starry night looked at Mayumi speechlessly, and both times she crashed just after the praise, which was really shameless. Mayumi was also stunned for a moment, and she opened her mouth and couldn't say anything. It was a coincidence. How to say it would crash?

The three fighters fell down before landing, and a dazzling beam of light traversed the sky. The light converged to condense the figure of a giant of light, and one of them turned over and kicked at the extremely arrogant monster in the air.

I saw the monster's arms stretched out, and the air in front of him was rippling. Ultraman's kick stopped at a distance of more than ten meters from the monster. In any case, he couldn't move forward. Instead, he was scratched by the monster's paw. On his lap, he flew Ultraman diagonally.

"This is...Dynah? No!" Xingye was taken aback, and suddenly recognized that this guy was Dynah who had met in that world before. He thought Dynah was from another world, after all. Gu and I dreamed of being in another world, but unexpectedly it was also in this world.

"Wait a minute, when Dagu left to go to the Mars base last time, the candidate of light he encountered seemed to be him." Xingye nodded thoughtfully, it seems that the original seed of light has matured. I just don't know if I can take on the important task of protecting the earth.

"It's the new Ultraman." Mayumi was surprised.

"Ah, it's Dyna!" A naive voice rang on the left, Starry Night and Mayumi turned to look. At the corner of this downhill road stood two little boys and girls, pointing at Dynaman who was fighting with the monster. Face worship and excitement.

"Why are there children here?" Mayumi was taken aback, and she was about to pull them over. A woman ran out of the corner and walked towards the two children with anxious expression, blaming: "Following the dream, the future, no You can run around, it's dangerous, we have to hurry down the mountain."

"Are you Chizuru?" Mayumi pointed to this woman before hesitated and said.

Qianzuru turned his head suspiciously, and was stunned when he saw Mayumi, and then pointed at Mayumi with surprise on his face: "Mayumi?!"

"Ah," Mayumi ran over excitedly, grabbed Qianzuru's arms, and looked up and down Qianzuru: "You have changed so much, I almost didn't recognize you just now."

Qianhe was also happy: "You are still the same, it's really enviable, I'm old."

"Mom, who is she?" the little girl asked Mayumi, tilting her head.

"Ah, this is you and Horii's child, so cute." Mayumi looked at the two children, not liking it.

"I think it's better to go down the mountain and renew the old. It is still very dangerous here." Xingye had to interrupt the renewal after a long absence.

"You are Starry Night, the two of you have not changed at all." Qianzuru took the little boy and said as he walked: "I heard that you have gone far away~www.NovelMTL.com~ It seems that you are going to implement a new field plan. Yeah. Eight years have passed in a flash, and I will have to stay on Earth for a while when I come back."

"Yeah, it's very far from the earth, it's really far." Mayumi sighed with emotion, not knowing how many universes were still in between.

Mayumi and Chizuru walked down the mountain road with their two children, while Xingye followed and kept watching the battle between the monster and Dyna.

The power of this monster is so powerful that Dyner actually fell under the wind, and this monster also has a subspace shield, so that every time Dyner attacks it, the monster immediately wields its sharp claws. It struck Dina's body hard, splashing violent sparks, making Dina cry in pain.

"Shoo! Shoo!" Small laser beams flew from the ground, hitting behind the monster. It seems that the downed Super Victory team used a laser gun to support Dairy on the ground.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Dina just stood up and was struck by several lightning bolts, flew out in violent sparks, and hit a small mountain peak behind. The huge rock on the top of the mountain collapsed and smashed into the surroundings indiscriminately. (To be continued.)

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