Ultraman’s War

Chapter 2286: Revive

In the bustling metropolitan downtown business district, beside a roadside stand under a luxurious office building beside a wide highway, Starry Night, Mayumi, and Iguri make three people sit around a small table. The traffic on the road next to it and the pedestrians on the sidewalk are also endless, and it is an extremely busy scene. Although the traffic has been reduced by a lot compared with the appearance of the monster, it is still blooming.

After all, for most people, it is more important to continue their lives than the monsters that may appear. There are too many things that cannot be abandoned in this city, such as houses, jobs, connections, etc. A series of things are entangled, making most people have no choice but to stay in this city.

Every day when I go to work, I am nervous, for fear of the sudden appearance of monsters, which also makes the insurance business a hot product. Some people who do not like to buy insurance are now all starting to buy insurance. All this is because the streets and roads that were destroyed when the monsters appeared the previous few times were nothing. They were to be built, but the houses and vehicles belonged to the citizens themselves and were destroyed by the monsters, except for admitting that they were unlucky. There was no other way, so many people started to insure their property with hindsight.

Many insurance companies have also introduced monster insurance. Although the premium is very high, it has become the most popular product once it is launched. People flock to purchase insurance for personal and property safety.

Xingye knew it because the Iguri in front of him made him a part-time salesman. He was originally to earn a penny after work to subsidize his family, but he did not expect the monster to appear but let him promote his insurance business. Suddenly it became a hot project. The insurance policy he made this week exceeded his salary for one month of his job.

So when I came to see the starry night, Iguri’s briefcase carried a thick stack of insurance leaflets, and even Siro said helplessly: "If you have anything, please tell me quickly. I've been busy for a while, and I will go to a client's house to continue selling his insurance."

"Anything can really become a business opportunity," Xingye couldn't help but shook his head, then took a sip of the black tea on the table, and then said: "I found Beria on earth The subordinate of, all monsters have been released by this man since Scarug Mora. That guy can get in touch with Beria in an unknown way, and even get power from Beria. "

Siro, who had been slumped in a chair, straightened up suddenly and said excitedly: "Is Beria still in this universe?"

"Now it seems to be true. After all, the only way to communicate and transmit across the universe is to establish a space channel. It is impossible to hide such large-scale temporal and spatial fluctuations from me, so Beria must still be in this universe. I just don't know which corner of the universe is hiding in?" Xingye nodded, which made Sai Luo even more excited, his chest undulating violently, it made people feel that they might be violent at any time.

"This guy... definitely can't let him go anymore." Cerro gritted his teeth and growled. That way, if Beria was in front of him, he would definitely be torn to pieces by Cerro, and Beria would leave it to Sai. Luo's impression is too deep. From the very beginning of the monster cemetery to the distant alien universe... the enmity between the two people has deepened as the two sides fought again and again. After Beria’s soul occupied Cerro’s body and wiped out the Ultimate Cerro Security Team, both sides were already immortal. From then on, Cerro took the initiative to find Beria’s traces for revenge. He can even jump into the space gap without hesitation, just to destroy Beria.

"I'm now forcing this man to contact Beria again, so that I can follow the trails of Beria..." Xingye couldn't wait to interrupt before he finished speaking. Xingye's words: "If you find Beria, tell me immediately, I will never let him go again."

Mayumi couldn't help it anymore, and she spoke to persuade him: "Siro, you can only recover halfway now. Don't force yourself. My opinion is that you should return to the Kingdom of Light and let yourself fully recover. Then I will talk about the elimination of Beria. There will be starry night watching here, there will be no problems."

"It's okay," Sai Luo waved his hand casually, and said nonchalantly: "Isn't it half recovered? It will be very soon, it will be too troublesome to return to the Kingdom of Light. I will take more time to go to Hurley. He was treated in the Russian."

"Well, I hope you really have time to come," Xingye stopped the topic decisively and began to say another question: "I told Gydder about your matter."

"Oh? What's the matter?" Sai Luo couldn't help but was puzzled. His deeds should be the monster cemetery beating Beria, the alien universe beating Beria, and the monster cemetery beating Beria again.. .... Is it really good to tell Jade that Siro often beats Beria?

"Of course it was when you were young and frivolous, to go to the Plasma Spark Tower to get more powerful power." Xingye took it for granted, as if a basin of cold water was poured from the head, making Siro retreat from a state of indignation. Coming out, staring at the starry night silently.

This incident can be said to be a black history that Cerro can never erase. At the beginning, because he was "playing invincible hands all over the world" in the Otter Arena, Cerro had a feeling of "invincibility is so lonely", but because You cannot become a full-fledged member of the Space Guard without completing your studies, go to the light country to perform missions, travel the stars and fight against monsters.

So on impulse, Siro ran to the Plasma Spark Tower to get strong power, but he got into a big disaster and was thrown to the K76 planet called "birds do not shit" to receive hellish training. It was an unbearable period to look back. It also left a history of psychological trauma.

"Why tell him this." Sai Luo's voice suddenly dropped several degrees, and he muttered with dissatisfaction. Anyone who was exposed would be a little unhappy. Sai Luo asked with some curiosity: "You told him this, how did Gyder react? Wouldn't it be unfair? His father was driven out of the Kingdom of Light, but I was killed by the Otter brothers. Leo took the training away, huh, no matter how you look at it, it's the result of selfishness."

Hearing Sai Luo's complaining and angry words, Xing Ye couldn't help but chuckle twice. This kind of speculation existed in the Kingdom of Light, but after Sai Luo used his own strength to confirm his power again and again , No one said that anymore. However, Siro himself was very upset. He didn't even join the Space Guard team. Instead, he founded the Ultimate Siro Guard Team with Jambert and the Mirror Knight, just to prove that he did not rely on his father Seven to make his life today. Of achievements.

"It's forgivable for a kid who doesn't understand anything to make a mistake, but if a mature adult commits it knowingly, he won't be forgiven anywhere," Starry Night said flatly, "For this one. In fact, nothing is said about the matter. You just think too much by yourself. Your efforts have proven your own strength for so long. In many ways, you have already surpassed Saiwen."

"Humph!" Sai Luo snorted very proudly, without any veto or humility. He accepted Starry Night's compliments completely. In that way, Mayumi who was sitting on the side could not help but laugh with his mouth. Sai Luo was completely like this. It’s just a kid who has been praised. The key Siro is now using the body of Iga Kuri. It’s too contradictory for a middle-aged person to make the same expressions and actions as a child, and it’s full of joy no matter how you look at it. sense.

Starry night also couldn't bear to look at him, raising his hand to cover his face and sighed: "The general situation is like this. If Beria is concerned, just leave it alone, let yourself be restored to the peak moment and talk about other things. Just your current state, Don't talk about dealing with Beria, that is, many defeated men in the first place can defeat you."

Sai Luo didn't say a word, just took a sip of the cold drink on the table. Now his condition is indeed very poor. He used all the Otter capsules rashly at the beginning, which caused him great damage. Not only were all the Otto capsules shattered, even the Palaji bracelet was broken and could not be broken anymore, and he himself had been asleep for twenty-five years. At the moment when he just woke up, even Skalugmora had almost never beaten him, and he used to be a huge dark cyclops in a split second. After a tie, he could not be suffocated anymore.

It’s just a joke to play with Beria when he’s half recovered. Thinking about it this way, Cerro’s desire to return to his peak is stronger, but it’s useless for him to be anxious. The kingdom is not going to be much faster, this is not to say that the energy is exhausted, but that he has been greatly damaged, and he needs a little recuperation.

Iguri, who was squeezed to the side by Cyro, said weakly, "That Cyro, are you finished? I have to go to work. This is a time when insurance is selling well, and it has not been in the past. So many people want to buy insurance."

Iguri weakly awakened Cyro from his thoughts. Then he nodded and said to Starry Night, "Is there anything else? If not, it makes me want to work. This guy has to work hard now." Those who make money to support the family are different from us."

"It's okay," Xingye said as if he remembered something after speaking, "I bought a house, and now Asakura Lu lives there, you can go there to find us in the future." The address was written on a slip of paper and passed to Cyro, who was picked up by Cyro and stuffed it directly into his pocket. Then he picked up the briefcase next to him and said, "Then I will go first!"

Speaking, Siro walked towards the bus stop twenty meters away, and only took a few steps. Igari pulled out the glasses from the jacket pocket of his suit and put it on. He sighed with relief.

And beside an old observatory built on a mountain, Fushii Desi stood there and looked around, his eyes indifferent as if he were on unrelated things. He was still wearing the suit covered with dry mud, wrinkled. Baba's looks very ugly. Coupled with messy, dirty hair, he is a refugee no matter how he looks, without the personable appearance before.

But Idushi Fushii didn't care at all, so she walked all the way here, staring at the weedy and rusty gate of the old observatory. Nineteen years ago, he personally put the tools he made in the laboratory at the door, just to complete the task assigned by the owner, Beria, and didn't care at all.

Who could have imagined that this tool became such a powerful existence nineteen years later, even his Thunder Killer was defeated, and a tool used the Otto Capsule to defeat the monster capsule he had worked so hard to make. Because his Monster Capsule is not as good as the Otto Capsule of the Kingdom of Light, this is what Idushi Fushi can not accept.

As Fushii was thinking about it, the weeds on his left were suddenly separated, and then a cylindrical metal cabin appeared. ‘Crack! 'The metal cabin quickly opened, revealing the translucent metal bulkhead inside. Fushii walked in and out of the silicon. The metal cabin immediately closed and then drove down at a very fast speed. It took only three or four seconds. It has stopped.

The metal hatch opened slowly again~www.NovelMTL.com~ reveals the large and bright hall behind, but now it is very different from when Fushii Izumi left, full of various To Fushiide, things that are completely useless, such as tables, chairs and benches, are completely unnecessary.

Fushii Desi just glanced at it and moved his gaze upwards, and said, "Change of authority, Limesi."

Following Fushii's words, the hall quickly changed. A steel wall began to fall, restoring the previously separated rooms into one room, and then Fushii began to issue new orders: " Bring up all the data of Asakura Lu and compare the data with the original data."

Following Fushii’s orders, one projection screen after another quickly appeared around him. All the data displayed on it were Asakura Lu’s data. After a battle, new data is entered, which shows the data changes of Asakura Lu.

Fushii looked at the data, and couldn't help but squinted his eyes. It was only forty or fifty days. Compared with the initial transformation, Asakura Riku's initial data has increased by nearly three-fifths. This is an incredible speed. , This is much faster than the fusion beast he created, even with the support of Beria's power, there is no such speed.

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