Ultraman’s War

Chapter 2271: Thunder Killer

After the two silver-white ice axes cut off the long tail of King Ai Lei, they continued to strike forward unabated, slashing one after another on King Ai Lei's chest, bursting out a few fierce sparks, a huge chopping. The power made King Ai Lei couldn't help but back several steps. The thick biological stratum corneum in the chest was chopped and cut into two deep gaps, and a large amount of pale green blood spewed out from these two wounds, like a fountain, dyeing the nearby air into pale green. .

"Shoo! Shoo!"

The two ice axes whirled back, accurately falling back to the top of Siro's head, making a clear and pleasant collision.

'Humph! Sai Luo raised his hand to wipe the corners of his mouth, put his arms in front of him, and said leisurely: "How come you are so embarrassed? Jade!"

"Siro..." Jie De stood up with a sullen face, looking at the calm and refreshing Siro, and compared it with the soil that was contaminated on his body and exported it to Su Mu, it was just like coming out of the refugee camp.

"Hiss!" King Ai Lei yelled angrily. The tail was cut off, making it extremely painful. Large strands of light green blood poured out from the dock, soaking the soil below into light green and lush. The vegetation disappeared immediately, and the moment of effort lost its vitality.

King Ai Lei roared angrily. The surface of the beige body glowed with strong blue electric light. From a distance, it looked like it was covered with a layer of blue gauze. A huge amount of electric current rushed in the air. Send out a series of'crack! ’The sound.

The endless electric light rushed to the part of King Rader’s mouth, making King Rader’s mouth, which originally had only a gap, lit up with an extremely dazzling blue light, compared to the energy of the previous King Ellie attacking Jeddah. The fluctuation is more than three times stronger.

"It's been a long time since I've been fighting, let me move my muscles and bones well." Sai Luo shook his right hand, and then strode towards the king Airy ahead, not caring about the king Airy who was gathering energy.

Sai Luo has just ran half of the distance, and the energy gathered in King Ai Lei's mouth has reached the maximum value, and the endless electric light turns into a shining electric beam and whizzes directly at Sai Luo.

"Come on!" Sai Luo shouted, his feet suddenly kicked the ground, his body immediately jumped into the air to an altitude of three or four hundred meters, turned over three hundred and sixty degrees in the air, and then kicked towards Airey. king. The rapid descent caused Cerro's right foot to rub against the air, igniting a raging flame, and almost half of Cerro's body was enveloped in the flame.

The flying kick of Siro and the light of the discharge collided instantly, and the hot flame and the blue electric beam collided, causing intense sparks.

The discharge light only slightly slowed down the forward speed of Cyro Fei kicking, and then it was kicked by Cy Luo Fei from the middle like a drill bit. Cy Luo Fei kicking was only slightly delayed for half a second, and it was still kicking heavily. On the chest of King Ai Lei.

Sai Luo Fei kicked heavily on the chest of King Ai Lei, only to hear ‘Boom! With a muffled sound, King Ai Lei’s seemingly soft chest immediately sank into a large chunk, and then flew out far away, directly hitting the halfway position of a hill.

'boom! With a loud noise, the place where King Ai Lei’s body hits collapsed toward the inside, and the entire hill shook violently, cracking long gaps one after another, densely packed, and it looked like a mountain. Yau was shattered. King Ai Lei roared in pain, and opened his mouth, spitting out one after another crescent bullets towards Sai Luo.

As soon as Siro reached the ground, he immediately raised his hand to caress the ice axe on the top of his head, and then swiped his hands forward, and the emerald brilliance of the contact between the ice axe on his head and the groove swept across, following Siro 'S gesture while rotating and flying towards the front. In the collision with one after another, the crescent light bullets volleyed into a ball of flame balls.

Two silver-white ice axes were flying in the air like Swifts, drawing a series of dazzling trajectories, and all the hitting light bullets were scattered by the ice axe, and nothing was revealed.

King Ai Lei had just pulled out his body from the depression halfway up the mountain, and Siro had already flown over, turned over in mid-air and landed in front of King Ai Lei, punching King Ai Lei in the chest. , The King Ai Lei fell back and hit the mountain behind again. At this time, the two ice axes had just split the last two crescent shots and fell back precisely to Cyro’s. In the groove above the head.

"Huh, it's simply vulnerable!" Sai Luo said contemptuously, and quickly jumped more than 20 meters high, and then kicked on King Ai Lei's body. The strong kicking force made Ai King Lei's body sank three to four meters deep into the hill, and most of his body was buried in the earth and rocks.

Iguri said weakly: "Um...Siro, I am at work now, hurry up and solve this monster, I still have a lot of work to do, otherwise I won’t be able to finish it. I'm going to work overtime."

Iguri said in a whisper, and Siro waved his hand and said impatiently: "It's a man, please be quiet. I haven't been out for a long time. I have to play a good game this time. ."

Sai Luo said that he would continue to attack King Ai Lei with his fist, but his right arm was just raised, and the colored timer on his chest flashed a red light, making Sai Luo startled for a while, and was very complaining. Said: "Damn it, just recovered so little energy?"

Just when Celo was stunned, King Ai Lei raised his arm and sprayed a puff of high-temperature carbon dioxide from the small hole in his hand, causing Celo to retreat uncontrollably. Before he could stand still, King Ai Lei It expelled three crescent light bullets one after another and hit Cyro's chest, which was almost close at hand.

'boom! boom! boom! 'Siro's chest exploded with a bright spark, the impact of the explosion made Cyro unable to stop backing, and it took seven or eight steps to stop before he stopped, clutching his chest and knelt on the ground for breathing. .

"Damn! If the energy is sufficient, there will be a King Airey..." Sai Luo squeezed his right fist in anger, grabbed all the dirt on the ground, and saw that King Airey had stood up. Come, the gap in his chest previously cut by Cyro's ice axe is still flowing out of light green blood, which has dyed most of King Ai Lei's chest to light green.

King Ai Lei has stood up, his broken tail slapped on the ground, splashing plumes of smoke and dust, and he was walking towards Cyro while spewing crescent light bullets. The momentum seemed to use the crescent light bullet to kill Cyro. Buried in general.

"You want to defeat me, you are still 20,000 years old." Sai Luo suddenly jumped up from the ground, with his left hand in front of him, and the beam of light on his forehead emitted a small Emerim cut, emerald color. The beam of light pierced one after another like a sharp arrow, and burst into fireballs in the air.

Then cast an unabated blow on the chest of King Ai Lei, directly piercing King Ai Lei's chest, but there was no blood flowing out, all the blood was irritated under the impact of Emerim's cutting Disappeared.

Siro's arms stretched out to the left and right, the ice axe on top of his head immediately glowed with emerald light, and then it soared up into the sky and flew around Siro for two laps before being picked up by Siro, and his arms looped around to close the ice axe. On both sides of the color timer.

‘Om! ’

Endless energy gushed from the color timer, overwhelming the flashing red lights, and the large amount of energy made the two ice axes reflect silvery white. As Siro's arms stretched out again, the two ice axes, together with the colored timers, emitted extremely bright rays of light, and hit King Ai Lei directly.

The powerful energy impact made King Ai Lei unceasingly retreat, a large amount of matter vaporized and disappeared in this impact, before and after the total amount of less than two seconds, King Ai Lei exploded and turned into one. A flame mushroom cloud rose into the air, raising a huge amount of dust to roll around.

"Humph!" Siro snorted and grabbed his body, and walked towards Gyde. The ice axe on both ends of the colored timer on his chest flew up, and then landed on Siro's head, saying, ‘Clang! Two soft beeps.

Siro hugged his arms in front of him and looked at Gyder and said with satisfaction: "This time I did a very good job. At least I can fight the King Islay who is two points better than Biscarugmora. It's been a long time, keep working hard, kid!"

"Siro, I really want to go back, I will never finish my work," Iguri urged uncontrollably, making Siro very upset, ‘Cut! There was a sound, and then crossed his arms in front of him, and a circle of emerald halo appeared all over his body. In this light, Siro's huge body quickly blurred, disappearing in the blink of an eye. Gone.

"Am I stronger?" Gyde himself couldn't believe it. He was very pleased with Siro's affirmative words. He has worked so hard for so long and finally got some results, not before. The weak man who was hit by the monsters all over his teeth, has gradually been able to compete with the monsters.

Gyder thought about squeezing his fists, and secretly vowed in his heart: "One day, even if I am alone, I can protect the world. It will definitely be possible."

In the vehicle that had driven out of the town, the Pitstars who had changed back to their original appearance stared at the disappearing Ultraman and the wiped out King Ai Lei, their lips trembling a few times, and they said very sadly: "My Ai King Thunder... how could it be eliminated?"

On the mountain ridge on the left side of the highway on which a group of more than ten vehicles were driving, Fushii Desi stood on the top of the mountain, looking at the unburned flames in the distance where King Ai Lei was originally located, and whispered, "Oh King Ai , It’s really good. I accepted this gift as it can be used as experimental material."

Said Fushii and raised his left hand, holding an empty capsule in his palm, an invisible gravitational force emanated from the capsule, directionally attracting the remains of King Ai Lei. The burning flame separated a ray of flying towards From his side, he flew into the capsule precisely, and became the small and exquisite figure of King Ai Lei.

Fushii dropped his hand, put the monster capsule of King Ai Lei in front of his eyes, looked at King Ai Lei’s face with a satisfied smile, and whispered: "Combining living creatures and semi-living creatures will produce What kind of effect? ​​The things that are born must be beautiful, but it is too wasteful for me to appreciate such beautiful things. Let’s take a look at the heroic appearance of my new ideas."

With that said, Fushii Desi lifted the sublimator, and his thumb had already pressed the button above the King Ai Lei capsule, and then inserted it into the sublimator, and then took out the Ace Killer's capsule and opened the upper end. The restrictor was then inserted into the other side of the sublimator.

Fushii was holding a sublimator that was twinkling with light, staring at the colored timer on his chest in the distance, and the red-glowing Jie De, a triumphant smile appeared on his face: "Go on, Thunder Killer, help me verify the new Formula."

With that said, Fushii Desi had already pressed the button of the sublimator's handle, causing the two lights in the hourglass to merge together, and then these lights turned into a light beam and flew over the town towards the distant Jade go with.

Jie De, who was about to change back to Chao Cang Lu, suddenly raised his head, and saw a dazzling beam of light descending from the sky. When it was still in the air, it condensed into a huge monster, emitting two monsters from its eyes. The black crescent-shaped light wave—the dark crescent light wave, hit Gide’s body from top to bottom, exploding bright sparks and directly knocking Cyro into the air.

‘Uh! 'Jeddah cried out in pain, and his body fell heavily to the ground far away. In the trembling of the earth, the place where Gedd fell was sunken for several meters ~www.NovelMTL.com~ almost all Buried it.

At this time, the monster that fell from the sky fell heavily on the ground, causing the earth to tremble, and the surrounding dust was splashed like a sand wall to engulf the monster in it.

"What is it?" Jade held his chest with his right hand, and raised his upper body with his left hand on the ground, looking towards the dusty place, and through the dusty, you could vaguely see the monster inside.

The overall look is 80% similar to King Ai Lei, but compared to the King Ai Lei just now, this King Ai Lei not only has a size of nearly one-third larger, but the body surface is covered with a metallic luster. armor. Most of the white armors have black patterns on them, and the armors on the back, joints and top of the head are beige, with two long tentacles rising from the shoulders. The most obvious thing is that this monster has the same pattern as Beria and dark purple energy lights on its chest.

Fushii Desi waved his hand very imposingly, and shouted at the monster in the distance: "Come on, Thunder Killer, let the world see your mighty power."

Before I heard Fushii's voice, I heard a young boy's voice behind him: "I finally found you, summon the source of the fusion monster."

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