Ultraman’s War

Chapter 2248: A planet that only you can guard

‘Boom! ’

Skalugmora's head hit the ground heavily, poking the ground out of a hole, and then Jiedd jumped up and rode on Skalugmora, raising a pair of iron fists and then heavy The smashed down, fierce sparks burst out on Scarug Mora's body.

The immense strength caused Scarugmora's body to tremble violently, and the soil under him was squeezed, causing Gomora's body to sink nearly two meters. The aftermath of the hammering force splashed clouds of dust around Skalukmora flying towards the sky, forming a dust curtain wall around Skalukmora's body.

Before the dust fell, Jiede's iron fist had already been raised, and then hammered on Skalugmora again. Several consecutive hammer blows made Scarugmora scream with her mouth open, her paws slapped Gyder's body indiscriminately, and bright sparks were splashed on Gyder's red armor, but Gedder completely Ignoring the attack of Skalugmora, he blindly attacked Skalugmora, and every time he hammered, he exhausted all his strength.

Skalugmora, who was hit by several hammers, was dizzy and almost unable to touch the north, and the power to slap Gyder was getting smaller and smaller. Under the series of attacks of Gyder, there was almost nothing. The power to struggle now.

On the other hand, Fushii Desi, who was standing on the hill in the distance, had a gloomy face almost dripping with water. Every punch of Gyde fell as if it hit him in the face. Brugolas, whom he had high hopes for, only appeared on the stage. After a while, it was beaten by Ultraman Nexus from the Kingdom of Light, and then both sides disappeared at the same time, and they have not appeared until now. And Fushii was unable to contact Brugolas who had entered the fourth dimension, and could only stand here and watch Skarugmora who was beaten by Jed Fatty, whom he had never looked down upon.

Staring at the red Jade in the distance, Idushi Fushii whispered, "It seems that the power of the Otter capsule has to be re-evaluated. I didn't expect the fusion of the two capsules to produce such a strong power. In this way, The Monster Capsule should also have the same power, if this is the case..."

When Fushii thought so, there was a look of longing on his face, although Beria had said many times before that the Otter capsule contained extremely strong power. But how powerful it is, not to mention Fushii out of silicon, Beria has no idea about it. After all, he inferred from the importance of the Otto Capsule by the Kingdom of Light, and the only experience he experienced was to be glorified just after he emerged. Siro was suppressed.

And now Fushiide has an intuitive experience of the powerful power generated by the fusion of Aotejia capsules. Only a little energy contained in the Aote capsule can bring such a strong energy to G+D.

This made Fushiide Silicon an idea in his heart. If a few monster capsules with sufficient dark energy are created, then the fusion will give birth to a more powerful force, which will definitely far exceed the accumulation of these two monster capsules.

Just when Fushii came out of Sisi, G & D had some backflips away from Scarug Mora, and then raised his left hand to take off the J & D ice axe above his head, and then got stuck in the G & D's right arm armor. In the groove on the outside.

"Come on!" With the flashing colored timer on his chest, G+D bent down slightly, and at the same time bends his right arm back, the only energy remaining in the body continuously rushed to G+D's right arm, causing Ka The Jade ice axe in the groove burned with a blazing red light, and even Jade’s red armor could not conceal the extremely dazzling red light.

"Haha!" Gedee yelled, his legs stepped on the ground, his body suddenly jumped into the air, and then the ejector behind it opened immediately, ejecting hot flames and pushing Gyder toward obliquely at a speed exceeding the speed of sound Scarug Mora on the ground rushed away.

A red light flashed in the sky, and then Gedder appeared behind Skalugmora, his feet plunged deep into the mud, his right arm stretched forward, and the energy luster on the ice axe on his wrist had disappeared. Up.

Jeddah let out a sigh of relief, then stood up straight, raised his left hand, took the ice axe down, and placed it back on top of his head. Behind him, there was a fiery-red gap in Scarugmora’s neck. , Wrapped around Scarug Mora's neck.

Scarug Mora's body did not move, but his head shook a few times in the wind, then fell directly from his shoulders, rolled in the air a few times, and then hit the ground heavily, knocking the earth out. A pit came, bounced a few times and then stopped moving.

Then Scarrugmora's huge body then lay backwards and fell on the ground, saying ‘Bang! A muffled sound. And this sound was like a drum beating on the hearts of all human beings who were watching TV, making everyone unable to help but stare at the beheaded monster.

'boom! ’

The monster immediately exploded and turned into a turbulent flame mushroom cloud soaring into the air. It was particularly conspicuous at this moment when the sun was setting. The fire light shining on the red armor of Jeddah made it even more impressive. Bright.

The explosion had not subsided, a bluish light suddenly appeared on the slightly dim ground, and then it quickly converged, revealing the blue body of Nexus. The bright red sunset has touched the top of the mountain in the distance. From this perspective, the sunset is right between the blue Nexus and the red Gedder, emitting a fiery red light to illuminate the two Ultraman’s Body.

Nexus looked at the empty ground around him, nodded, and said to Gyde: "You did a good job. You have made a lot of progress than last time. Let's go. Let's go back to the town."

Then he raised his head and flew to the sky suddenly, and Gyder followed closely, and the two of them recoiled into the sky and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

On the helicopters of several TV stations in the distance, the host shouted into the microphone with a little excitement: "I am now somewhat convinced that Ultraman is indeed here to help humanity. Just when Ultraman wiped out The two Ultraman fleeing the monsters that invaded the city also flew away. This time the two monsters’ attack did not cause any damage to the city and no casualties were caused by the monsters..."

Although there are still many people who hold a conservative attitude towards Ultraman, it is an indisputable fact that Ultraman eliminates the monster that seriously threatens human comfort for whatever purpose. Most people were originally afraid of Ultraman. Attitudes have changed.

A helicopter took off from the city and flew towards the place where Ultraman was fighting the monster just now, and cars came along the road towards this place, wanting to collect some from the place where Ultraman and the monster were fighting. Information about Ultraman and monsters, after all, it takes only two or three minutes for Ultraman and monsters to appear each time. Often they disappear before they arrive at the scene, so they can only detect them. Battlefield to collect some remaining energy.

It’s just that some people have rushed to the battlefield before them. Fushii walked on the ground full of floating soil like flying with a cane without leaving any footprints. After three or five steps, he walked a distance of more than 100 meters. He stopped when he reached the northwest corner, bent down and picked up the two monster capsules from the gap between a pile of earth and rocks.

Hold the monster capsule in front of your eyes and take a closer look. The vivid 3D monster models in the two monster capsules have been blurred, as if they were kneading various colored plasticines together. There is no trace of the original Gomora and Reid. Traces of the king.

Fushii Desi pinched the two monster capsules in his palms and said softly, "It seems that the energy is overloaded. The energy output efficiency must be increased. The contact method must be improved. Otherwise, once it enters the other dimension, it cannot be recovered. Yes, thank you for helping me test the Monster Capsules. I will repay you with better Monster Capsules, Altman Gyder, Ultraman Nexus and Ultraman Cerro."

With that said, Fushii took a step out of the silicon and walked into the distance, and soon merged into the darkness. Then these human helicopter teams and convoys arrived and quickly blocked the battlefield, and groups of soldiers in chemical protective suits walked in. In the battlefield, various instruments are placed...

The setting sun finally fell, and the last afterglow disappeared. The lights of the small town were lit up at the beginning of the day. In a small soba noodle restaurant near the street, Starry Night and Asakura were sitting at a table near the window. on. From here, you can see the pedestrians coming and going on the road through the town, and occasionally a car will rush past, so even though the road in the town is not very wide, it does not appear to be crowded.

Soon, two bowls of steaming soba noodles were brought up, Xingye picked up the chopsticks, grabbed one of the chopsticks and stuffed the noodles into his mouth, then chewed a few times, swallowed, and sighed with satisfaction: "The taste of this side is still very good."

"Yeah!" Asakura Lu nodded with a smile, and said slurredly while stuffing noodles in his mouth: "This noodle restaurant has been there since I remembered it, and I like to come here to eat noodles the most. When the weather is cold, you will feel warm after eating a bowl of steaming soba noodles."

Speaking of this, Asakura Lu couldn't help but stop, he suddenly thought of a question, and asked a little curiously: "Senior, Ultraman...do you want to eat too?"

Xingye raised his eyes and glanced at Asakura Lu, pointing to him and said, "Ask yourself, aren't you eating now?"

Asakura Lu opened his mouth, only to realize that he himself is also an Ultraman, but he will still be tired, hungry, and painful... Except for his strength and size, he has nothing to do with ordinary people. Too big a difference. For the first time, Asakura Lu realised that Ultraman is actually no different from a human being, and it hurts when he is injured and tired when he is tired.

Seeing Asakura Lu's worries, Xingye smiled and said, "Speaking of soba noodles, I thought of a story I heard a long time ago." Xingye picked up the chopsticks and picked up a chopstick noodle, slightly nostalgic. Said: "It is a creature different from humans that has lived for a long, long time. He is a nocturnal creature and likes to stay in the dark, so he can't drive him during the day. In the era of the rise of mankind, he relied on buckwheat at night. He lives with noodle stalls, but with the rise of mankind, the city is getting bigger and bigger, and the light has dispelled the darkness, making his living space smaller and smaller. After the last mountain he inhabits is also included in the human development plan. After a riot, let humans remember him, and then step into the eternal darkness where no one can disturb him."

Asakura Lu also stopped devouring, and couldn't help but ask: "Is he dead?" When he asked this, he realized that it was obviously nonsense.

Starry night stared at the small town outside and whispered: "He chose to die, because he knew that he was a creature that was completely different from the human beings living in the light and should have been eliminated. More importantly, he was reluctant to leave the small town. The town, even if it’s already completely unrecognizable, and familiar people and things can’t come back, so... he chose to leave this hometown that didn’t belong to him forever, and pursue the familiar town that only exists in his memory."

Asakura Lu even put down his chopsticks and looked outside with the starry night's vision. This is the place where he lived from childhood to adulthood. However, many buildings have undergone great changes compared with his childhood. Just like the observatory where he was discovered, it has long since been abandoned, and no one goes there anymore. It is even more unable to restore its original prosperous appearance. Maybe it will be demolished one day, and it will no longer be found except in memory. .

Xingye smiled and said with emotion: "You still can't feel it now. When you leave this town one day~www.NovelMTL.com~, you will find that you will miss the plants and trees here. After returning for a long time, I couldn't see any familiar building or any familiar people. I went to the hometown to look like a bad guy. I can't find my hometown anymore. It's really sad and really pitiful."

Asakura Lu opened his mouth. Since knowing Xingye, he had never seen Xingye show such a tone and expression. Although he didn't understand it, he could feel that Xingye's tone was full of nostalgia and sadness.

Starry night looked at Asakura Lu, and said seriously: "Xiao Lu, there are always things worth fighting for and protecting you. Don't wait until you lose it to realize that you cherish it. Then it will be too late to regret it."

"Senior..." Asakura Lu sat there a little at a loss. He had never encountered anything like this before and didn't know what to say, but from the words of Xingye, he It feels like Xingye is the one he said to be like a bad guy.

Xingye sighed and said, "This planet and this small town are your hometown, and the people who live here have your friends and relatives, so Xiao Lu, use your power to guard this place. I and Siro will leave sooner or later. Yes, only you can guard this place at that time. If you don’t work hard, then who else can guard this planet and this town? Don’t wait until you’ve lost to know regret and hard work, no matter what you are at that time It's too late to do anything."

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