Ultraman’s War

Chapter 2228: Alien in disguise

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The picture of the boy just appeared on the big screen immediately, and there were various detailed information from small to large next to it. As long as the information stored on the Internet was all searched out by Xiaozou.

"Asakura Lu, was abandoned at the gate of the old observatory 19 years ago, was discovered by the staff at the time, and then adopted by a family..." Most of the information above is the growth history of this teenager named Asakura Lu, for example In elementary, junior and middle schools, there is not much useful information about grades, etc.

"Nineteen years ago..." Xingye thought for a moment, then quickly tapped a few times to bring up the records on the earth network about 19 years ago, and soon he was holding a long stick in his hand. The picture of Altman standing on the ruins appeared, the picture was very vague and the quality of the picture was touching. Then Xiaozuo immediately started the screen rendering, and quickly processed the blurred picture into a clearly visible picture.

The Ultraman standing on the ruins is the Ultraman that this Asakura Lu boy has turned into, and it carries in its hands a thing that Ultraman in the Kingdom of Light all knows—the ultimate fighting rig.

"Another ultimate fighting instrument appears, so is this Rebolds's or the third ultimate fighting instrument?" Starry night whispered to himself, the ultimate fighting instrument held by Beria can control a hundred heads. A super monster, and can bring extremely powerful power to Beria.

Although the ultimate fighting instrument used by Rebolds looks exactly the same as Beria's, its functions and the number of monsters that can be controlled are far more powerful than Beria's. And it is impossible to judge whether it is owned by Rebalds from the appearance, but based on intuition, Starry Night feels that this is Rebalds's. After all, the guy Rebolds said he really played conspiracies and tricks. In this respect, he is really no better than Beria. It has nothing to do with the amount of knowledge and the advanced level of technology. One and two.

Beria can be said to be an expert in this set. A huge galaxy empire can be built by one person in a different world, and his soul state can fool the five dark kings to be loyal to him... Such Beria is estimated to be thunderous. Byrds was played to death by him without knowing how to die.

Rebolds and the others want to use Beria. Now it seems that whoever uses it is not necessarily true. Beria got the Otter Capsule as he wished and saw him carry the ultimate fighting rig like this. As for Rebold Who knows if he is still alive?

Although Rebolds and Beria are both resurrected again and again, it is absolutely impossible for such a resurrection to be resurrected without any cost or to be resurrected in full state just like the use of resurrection coins. The greatest enemy of the Kingdom of Light, Zeda It can be resurrected from the rift in the universe again and again, but each time it takes a long time to resurrect.

And the longer the time, the stronger the power after the resurrection. Although I don’t know much about the resurrection mechanism of the Lebrards, it takes time to make the monsters stronger only from the monsters they resurrected with the ultimate fighting equipment. Look, I am afraid that both Beria and Rebalds are like this, so if Rebalds has just been resurrected and Beria sneaks on the side, then it is probably easy to kill Rebalds.

This boy was abandoned in the observatory nineteen years ago, and three months before that, the Ultraman he transformed appeared in the city with Beria’s ultimate fighting instrument and launched an unidentified golden beam. Disappeared. But now that the monster has reappeared, with Beria's shadow faintly behind, the Ultraman transformed by this teenager can attract these Ultra capsules...

Based on the current information, the originally dispersed light particles are regrouped due to unknown special particles, and this Ultraman is the key to turning these light particles into the Ultra capsule again. Only he can make these light particles through the verification code. The Otter Capsule reappears, I am afraid this is his role and mission.

On a street in the central business district of Xingshan City, Iguri made people walking on the way to the bus stop with a purse. While waiting for the green light at the intersection, the tall building directly opposite was two stories high. The so-called special report is playing on the huge LED screen.

This time, it was finally no longer the bricks who called the beasts spit to talk about their so-called opinions, but the people wearing AIB characters. The shooting location was not the TV station building but in a secret base.

As soon as the news was broadcast, everyone who saw it was fascinated. It showed an alien like a goldfish in a cage made of a thick steel column on his wrist, and one of his legs was also fascinated. It was cut off at the knee, but was hurriedly bandaged. The laser cannons on both arms were also removed from the roots, leaving only two steel bracers connected to the arms.

An officer appeared in the camera, then saluted, and said very solemnly: "At 11:28 this morning, this alien disguised as a human appeared in the K6 area and appeared on the street. He also attacked the citizens with his weapons, resulting in 15 casualties. An AIB agent fought the aliens at the scene to prevent the aliens from continuing to abuse them and protect more The safety of the citizens... Then an unknown giant also appeared in the K6 area, and started a battle with the alien. After the alien was defeated, the giant disappeared, and the staff arrested the alien. ."

Subsequently, the surveillance footage of the time was also broadcast on TV, including the aliens returning to their original form and launching lasers, and Aizaki Moeya raised a gun to attack the aliens, and then the aliens became bigger. With superb editing, The screen turned into an image of an alien being attacked with a gun by Aizaki Moeya before stopping the attack, and then becoming larger. The AIB staff face the ferocious aliens without letting one step, and relentlessly attacking the aliens to protect the citizens' image is hearty.

Iguri made people who were also waiting for the green light next to him could not help but talk: "Oh my God, aliens can turn into humans, it's terrible."

"Yes, will monsters also become humans?" the other person couldn't help but said.

"Yeah, yeah, the previous monsters appeared without warning, just like this alien who can grow bigger."


The crowd couldn't help but agitated. This speculation is really terrible. The invisible enemies are always far more terrifying than those on the bright side. Why are so many people afraid of something like ghosts? Because ghosts cannot be seen or touched.

Suddenly, the crowd couldn't help but disperse. Many people looked at strangers around with suspicion and fear, for fear that they might look well-dressed and turn into a monster with a gun in the next second. Even Iguri makes people feel a little embarrassed. This news is really terrifying. He now wants to go home and see if there are hidden aliens pretending to be humans in his neighbourhood, otherwise he will feel uneasy when he goes out to work. .

Monsters appeared before, but now, monsters, aliens, etc. are hidden by your side like time bombs, which are more daunting than huge monsters appearing on the streets.

Iguri whispered cautiously: "Siro, can you see through aliens and monsters disguised as humans?"

"Of course you can. As long as you show up in front of me, their tricks don't even want to escape my eyes." Sai Luo was very proud to say, making Iguri smile a little on his face, anxious Hurriedly said: "Then Siro can ask you something? I will go home later to see if there are such hidden cosmic people in the community."

"A trivial matter, just hug me. By the way, there is someone on your left who is staring at you. If you talk to yourself like this, you will be considered mentally ill."

"Huh?!" Igari was taken aback, then subconsciously turned his head to look over there, and saw a girl wearing a checkered shirt, curly hair with shawl, and carrying a large piano case staring at him. , His eyes are full of exploration. Iguri made a slight smile at her and then cast his gaze on the big screen, not paying attention to anything. Now the people around are watching other people like this, for fear that whoever is around is hidden. Aliens, monsters or something.

At this moment, Siro's voice resounded in Yiguri Renren's mind again: "Huh, don't go home first, the starry night is calling me, let's go find them first."

"They?" Iguri was taken aback, and said dazedly: "Did the Kingdom of Light send someone over again?"

"Wait there, you'll know, okay, now listen to my command and turn and walk down the street to the second alley." Sai Luo's voice rang in Iguri's mind, making Iguri nod her head. , And then turned and walked behind according to Cyro's instructions.

After walking to the second alley, Iguri immediately turned and walked into the narrow alley between the two buildings, which was only two meters wide. He endured the pungent smell and walked inside, complaining while walking. Said: "Why does that starry night live here?"

"Hey, hello, I didn't say that he lives here, do you want to disappear in full view? If that's the case, when I didn't say it." Sai Luo's slightly teasing voice sounded, making Iguri even more impressive I was confused and didn't understand what playing disappeared. Before he could ask a question, he felt that his feet were empty, and he couldn't help but let out a scream.

The sound of exclamation was very loud in the slightly quiet alley. The narrow buildings on both sides made the sound echo for a long time. The girl with the piano case rushed in, but what I saw It is an empty alley. But she had just seen this person walk into the alley with her own eyes. Only two seconds after she walked in, she heard an exclamation and then disappeared. In such a short time, it is impossible for ordinary people to walk into this alley. At the other end of the meter-long alley.

"This guy really has a problem."

Iguri made an exclamation just now, and then he felt that he had stepped on a solid floor. A stagger almost didn't fall to the ground, and then he felt wrong. The light was much brighter than the small alley just now and it was also There is no unpleasant sewer smell.

"Siro, you are here." Starry night's voice sounded from his left side, and Iguri raised his hand to take off his glasses, and immediately stood up straight, then turned around and said: "Starry night, there is What's the matter? Hurry up, it makes people want to go home as soon as possible."

"Hey, look at this." Starry night said as he showed a piece of virtual projection screen in front of Cerro, and said his inference about the new Ultraman again, Cerro couldn't help but frowned: " Sure enough, this guy has something to do with Beria, is it to collect the Otto capsule? The Otto capsule must not fall into the hands of Beria and the people related to him, Starry Night, can you find where he is? Let’s hurry I took the Otter capsule back in the past..."

Before Sailor finished speaking, Starry Night shook his head and said, "Siro doesn't need to be so nervous and anxious. Judging from the current situation, it is obvious that the Otter Capsules have regrouped into a small part, maybe even a few A few. And now only that Ultraman can induce the Aotejia Capsule to reappear, even if it kills him, it will only let Beria change someone to reconsolidate the Aote Capsule, not to mention that he may not know it. "

"No idea?"

"This is just my guess Belar~www.NovelMTL.com~ so next I am going to contact and see what is going on? Maybe..." Xingye put his hands in front of him, his face With a smile, it was like seeing something funny.

"Hey, hello, what are you thinking?" Sai Luo couldn't understand a little bit. How could he still contact Beria because he knew it was a person? Should I still communicate with each other? What is there to say, Beria did not hesitate to steal the plasma spark energy core of the Kingdom of Light at first, and detonated the hyperbomb without hesitation the second time, and did not hesitate the third time. He blew himself up, where did the communication come from, and Xingye didn't seem to like to play communication, it was when others were communicating with him, he was punched out.

"No, I'm just going to verify a guess," Starry Night said with a smile, leisurely: "This young man named Asakura Lu has never been in contact with Beria in the past nineteen years. Otherwise, it is impossible to have such a Strong power, but I don’t know how to use it."

"So, what are you going to do?" Sai Luo couldn't help but looked towards the starry night. From his words, Sai Luo felt the conspiracy.

Xingye smiled slightly, and then said: "I don't plan to do anything, since Beria is so short of time, then I will help him."

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