Ultraman’s War

Chapter 2218: Justice from heaven

‘Wow! ’

The pile of high masonry and rubble squirmed, and then a blue arm came out from it, and then Siro climbed out of the ruins, then raised his head high, and a black-gray fist slammed into it directly. After hitting Siro on the head, Siro, who had just raised his head, suddenly lay on his back on the rubble.

Three dark cyclops have surrounded Siro, one with two gaps on his shoulders, one with a huge gap on the back, and a large pit on his chest. The gaps of different sizes are constantly splashing out. , It looks extremely bad, and there is a slight stagger between actions.

Cerro smashed his head heavily on the pile of ruins, and the bricks and rubble were smashed in all directions. Another dark cyclops raised his right hand and waved vigorously. The ice axe in his hand was facing Cerro’s. The neck chopped.

With a piercing sound, Siro suddenly raised his hand in front of him, and the beam light between his forehead immediately emitted an emerald-colored Emelim cut. In the middle of the dark cyclops holding an ice axe, there was a sound. "Sneezing!" In the sound of metal friction, the ice axe was immediately cut into two pieces by Aimelim. Then Aimelim cut and castrated and continued to rush upwards, instantly bombarding the dark cyclops' neck, It flies out.

Another dark one-eyed giant has also come over, and Cyro has no time to get up, and directly sweeps his legs on the ground, sweeping all the bricks and rubble on the floor, and kicks fiercely with Cyro's right leg. At the knee joints of this dark cyclops.

‘Kang Dang! 'There was a loud noise, and the dark cyclops was walking. He was suddenly hit by this heavy blow. In addition, Cyro had cut out two deep gaps on his shoulders, causing him to lose his balance and lay down. On the ground, a depression full of half his body depth was pressed out of the earth.

At this time, the third dark cyclops had already walked over, raised his leg and kicked on Cerro’s back. The huge force directly kicked Cerro, who was half-hidden in the ruins, to the ground. At a height of thirty meters, a parabola was drawn in the air, and then hit the ground, sliding backwards, breaking two buildings from the bottom one after another before stopping.

The two buildings that were distorted due to loss of support smashed heavily on the ground, thunderously ‘Boom! The sound turned into two piles of ruins almost connected together, and the rising dust spread out. Sandstorms generally rose up between Siro and the dark cyclops, covering the vision of both parties.

"Come on!" Siro endured the pain. A scaly fish turned over and fought very quickly. As he leaped up, his index fingers lightly touched the ice axe above his head, and then swayed forward, two ice axes. Under the blessing of Nian Li, he whirled and rushed forward, instantly smashing the rising sand curtain wall.

And Cerro leaped high, preparing to use the Cerro flying kick to defeat the dark cyclops who was injured by Ultraman of unknown origin and extremely similar to Beria. His energy seldom maintains such a fighting rhythm. It's not easy. If you use light, I am afraid that such a small amount of energy will be used up in a Ciro cluster shot.

It’s like using whatever light you want to use before, and you can also use the Palagi’s bow to launch the ultimate siro. Now, even using a siro cluster ray has to worry about it, and I see the extremely dim one on the left wrist Gems, Cerro couldn't help sighing in his heart.

Cerro had just leaped up, and Utom, who was floating on the side, captured Cerro's movements, and then analyzed by the central computer, all of Cerro's next actions were transmitted to the control chips of the three dark cyclops.

A dark cyclop immediately strode forward, and quickly swung the ice axe in his hand, and accurately collided with the two ice axes spurred by Cyro, making a clear sound of golden and iron strikes. As a result of the collision, the ice axe held by the dark cyclops was knocked out of two gaps, and the fine cracks extended to the back of the ice axe. If the impact force is larger, it may be directly cut in half by the Siro ice axe. Up.

The other two dark cyclops raised their heads at the same time, and at the same time, they had crossed their hands into an L shape. The one-eyed and right arm of the head emitted light at the same time. The two dark cluster rays and the two one-eyed rays shot straight towards Up the sky.

At this time, Siro just jumped to the highest point. Four rays of light rose from the ground from two directions, and accurately hit Siro’s chest and abdomen. The turbulent dark energy impact made Siro let out a scream. The four rays of light pushed towards the sky.

And then the third dark cyclops also fired his dark cluster rays and one-eyed light shots at the same time, hitting Siro's body, directly flying Siro out, and then falling towards the ground.

'boom! With a earth-shattering crash on the ground, Siro hit the wreckage of a building, directly smashing the half-collapsed building into a pile of bricks and rubble.

‘Ding Dong! Ding Dong! ’

The colored timer on Cerro’s chest flashed red. The severe pain and almost exhausted energy made Cerro clutch his chest and curled up slightly in pain, allowing the surrounding bricks and rubble to collapse. His body ~www.NovelMTL.com~Although he wanted to stand up, he couldn't gather any strength to support him.

Fushii looked at this scene with a triumphant smile, and said to himself like: "It's over, Ultraman Cerro. The dark cyclops, give Ultraman Cerro a fatal blow."

Following the voice of Idushi Fushii, the three dark cyclops all stopped, and then their arms were erected, and the soft armor on their chests was immediately lifted to reveal the dense energy lines and a huge energy core inside.

The energy core immediately came out, and then the soft armor returned to its original position, mated behind the energy core cannon, and then a large amount of energy gathered, making the timer broken mirror cannons on the chest of the three dark cyclops look like The little sun generally exudes dazzling brilliance.

"Siro, Siro..." Iguri shouted Siro's name anxiously. Although he didn't understand, the actions of these three dark cyclops were not warm.

"Damn it!" Sai Luo tried hard to get up, but he couldn't gather any strength. He supported him on the ground with his right hand, but couldn't get him to get up. He could only watch the three words standing in front of him. The huge energy core of the dark cyclops that lined up gathered strong energy. This scene reminded him of the dark Lopus Siro that he had encountered in that small universe controlled by the Salomites. Mirror gun, that is not a very good memory, and now there are three dark cyclops posing such a pose to him, but he can't get up.

At this moment, a golden arrow of light descended from the sky and accurately hit the energy core of one of the dark cyclops' chest. The golden arrow penetrated from behind the dark cyclops, and even took the dark cyclops flying out.

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