Ultraman’s War

Chapter 2209: G+D's first battle

The whole body is mainly red, and a large number of silver and black stripes are evenly distributed on G+D's body. The colored timer on the chest is capsule-shaped. The most interesting thing is that it is larger than other Ultraman. The triangular blue eyes, the whole look gives people a sense of viciousness, and makes people feel terrified.

"Is this me?" Gyder raised his hands and put them in front of him, looking at the silver hands and the bright blue colored timer on his chest, he couldn't believe that he was himself, so he couldn't help saying: " What am I now?"

Before he got used to this, he heard the dull footsteps in his ears, making Gyder subconsciously raise his head, and he saw that the fierce Skalugmora in front of him had raised his legs and moved towards him. Walk over.

"Come on!" Jedd raised his arms in the way that Lyme had shown him some of the Ultraman fighting images and videos, and then dashed forward with his legs and dashed towards the front. Stepping on the earth, the body immediately jumped into the air.

"Wow! Wow!" Leaping up to a height of two or three hundred meters, Jie De couldn't help yelling. The weightlessness after leaving the ground made him subconsciously wave his arms to grab something. To stabilize the body. However, his subconsciously flaring teeth and claws looked extremely funny and of no use. After all, there was nothing in the sky for him to grasp, and even if there was, he could not support his 41,000 tons of weight.

Fushii Deze looked at Jeddah awkwardly leaping into the air through Scarrugmora's vision, with a sneer on his face: "What a clown." Following his words, Scarrugmora topped his head. The pair of red onyx-like sharp corners flashed crimson lightning, and then two light bullets were fired from them, accurately hitting Zhengfei in mid-air with nowhere to take advantage of Gide.

'boom! boom! Two explosions sounded, and the blooming turbulent flame swallowed most of Jie De's body. The strong impact blasted Jie De all out, and the intense pain made him almost fainted. Before the pain passed, the back slammed into a building, and directly smashed the building out of flying debris. The pain of the impact and the pain of the explosion of the two light bombs made Gideo They all curled up and couldn't stand up for a long time.

"Xiao Lu..." Pega looked at Jie De, who was beaten out and fell to the ground with great concern. He witnessed this'tragedy' with his own eyes. Gie De had just jumped up, and then he was killed by Scarruge. Two light bombs fired by Mora were hit, and then they were blown up seven or eight hundred meters away, and fell directly to the ground, crushing a building to pieces.

Jade sat up from the rubble holding his chest and grinned and said, "It hurts, Lyme, didn't you say that I can defeat this Scarug Mora?"

"Xiao Lu, you are not yet familiar with the power and combat methods of Altman Gedder, let alone any training, so you can't exert Altman's strength at all."

After hearing what Rhyme said, Asakura Lu was very dissatisfied and said, "Why didn't you tell me this before? I thought I would be like the Flasher, summon the armor and fit together to easily defeat the evil invaders. That's it."

"Because this is not a special film, but a reality. There is no such thing as a powerful force that can be easily controlled without training," Rhyme replied stubbornly, "Xiaolu, your physical fitness is very high. I draw a conclusion based on the data. You can use a part of G+D's strength, but you didn't expect Xiaolu that you have a lot of power but you don't know how to use it."

"Huh?!" Asakura Lu couldn't refute, and had to endure the pain to get up from the ground. Following his movements, the masonry and rubble that had splashed on him slid down, falling to the ground and splashing. Shares of soot.

'call! call! ’

Gedder took a few deep breaths, even though his chest and back were still painful, but he endured the pain, and then raised his arms to Scarug Mora again. This time he did not rashly launch an attack. , But carefully observed this monster, looking for the right time to attack.

And here in Xingshan City, which has been ravaged by Scarrogmora, in a residential area, the Cerro capsules placed on the table glowed slightly when Scarrogmora appeared.

"It's so, it's..." A vague voice rang in Iga Kuri's ears, making the drowsy Iga Kuri open his eyes in a bewildering manner, and it was reflected in his eyes. It was a golden color, to be precise, like a sea of ​​light.

This scene made Iguri wake up all of a sudden, the sleepy bug flew out of the clouds and looked at where he was in dismay~www.NovelMTL.com~there were golden brilliance everywhere, obviously so dazzling It is not dazzling at all, but makes Iguri feel that the light is very soft.

"Where is this place?" Iguri looked around in amazement. He was very suspicious that this was a dream. He couldn't help but stretched out his hand and grabbed his arm, but he felt pain.

Before he recovered from the consternation, the voice that awakened him from his sleep sounded again: "This is your consciousness, not the dream, so you will still feel the pain." With this voice, Yi The golden light in front of him was rippled, and then a red and blue figure walked out of it, about the same height as Iguri.

Just looking at it, Iguri was stunned. He couldn't help but stared wide and looked at the giant of light named Sai Luo in front of him in disbelief. The index finger of his right hand was trembling and pointed at him. He kept his mouth silent for a long time.

"My name is Sai Luo, Ultraman Sai Luo." Sai Luo raised his right thumb and pointed to himself and said: "The monster from yesterday afternoon appeared again. I felt his breath, not very far from here. ....."

"Nani? The monster has appeared again?" Igari said in horror: "You have to wake up Mui Ne and Xiao Yu as soon as possible. Sure enough, it is not safe to return to the city. I knew I would leave in the afternoon like the next door. How should I leave here?"

"It's so noisy, it's so irritating," Sai Luo waved his hand very irritably, interrupting the chattering words: "That monster is far away from you, he won't come to your city, so don't Worried about your family’s safety."

"Really?" Iguri nodded suspiciously, lowered his head and glanced at Siro, and then cautiously asked: "Well... what do you tell me to do?"

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