Ultraman’s War

Chapter 2182: Giants Reappearing


"Yes, master!" Izumi Fushii immediately lowered the height of the spacecraft with the optical camouflage turned on, and stopped descent when it was 200 meters above the ground, narrowed the detection range of the detector to 300 meters below, and turned the detector down. The accuracy has been improved by more than twenty times. I started searching the city like a plow.

Dou Zhuan Xing Yi, sun rising and sunset, this kind of exploration has lasted for three days before stopping. The collected data and data of this city amounted to tens of millions of terabytes. It took a week for the spacecraft's host to analyze at full load. After processing these data.

Beria was waiting impatiently, every minute and every second here was a torture to him, anxiously wishing to jump out of the dark circle, and then find out all the disappearing light particles. But no matter how urgent he is, it’s useless. He just has the genes of the Rayblad, he is not a real Rayblad, and he can’t be like the Rayblad who crossed the universe back then, even if it’s a one. A strand of remnant soul can also do great things.

Without an entity, he can only hide in the dark circle and wait for Fushii Desi’s analysis results. As for the body formed by the fusion of these two Otter capsules, he really looks down on him, so far he is most satisfied. It was the body of Cyro who had once occupied it, and the extremely powerful strength and potential he had never seen before.

And this time the crisis is also an opportunity for him. He wants to use these Otter capsules together to recast his body. He believes that such a body is definitely stronger than Luo. Now he has changed his plan. The light of Noah stored in the ultimate fighting ritual he got from Rebolds makes him want to add this thing too. In this way, his new body will be stronger. Maybe it's okay with Otto's King Bar.

Fushiide finally completed his analysis work, and the city map on the screen was covered with dots of luster, almost flooding the entire city. Fushii Desi is reporting his research results to Beria: "Master, I found some suspected light particles in this city. I suspect that the light particles of these Otter capsules have changed to others for some reason. particle of......"

"I don't want to listen to this, I just want to get my Otto capsules, I want to see which Otto capsules are these unconverted light particles?" With Beria's anger, the one on the table Two Otter capsules soared into the air, and then a black-red lightning flashed out of the dark circle, which immediately wrapped the two Otter capsules inside, and then flew toward the outside of the spaceship, turning into a golden and black intersection. The beam of light fell towards the ground.

The cargo compartment of the spaceship suspended in the sky slowly opened, revealing the ultimate fighting instrument placed inside, and then bounced upwards, drawing an arc in the void, following the lingering red under the action of gravity. The beam of lightning fell towards the ground.

At this time it was twilight, the setting sun, most of the golden sun fell below the horizon, and the afterglow reflected the western sky into a fiery red color, as if the clouds on the horizon were burning.

People in the city are living an ordinary and busy life. There are cars and crowds on the highway. Students are walking in groups on the way home. Office workers are dragging their tired bodies and crowding the bus. And the subway, the full-time wife also began to prepare dinner. The whole city is full of peace and busyness, and it looks no different from usual.

At this moment, a black and gold light beam suddenly appeared in the void, and then instantly fell on the ground, slamming straight into a building that was more than 60 meters high. I only hear ‘Boom! 'A loud noise, like a thunderbolt from a blue sky, resounded through the void, scaring people a few kilometers nearby could not help but shake. Many drivers who were driving were shaken with fright. The steering wheel slammed and directly collided with the car next to it. Together.

In just such an instant, hundreds of cars collided together like this. The car behind was forced to brake to avoid collision with the car in front. A group of people got out of the car and yelled, suddenly letting the nearby seven or eight streets. Blocked up. But more people turned their eyes to the direction where the sound just came from.

I saw that the tall buildings that originally stood on the ground had crumbled into a pile of rubble, and the cement and gravel scattered all over the sky fell towards the ground, causing pedestrians walking near this building to exclaim in exclamation, hurriedly Running to the distance, trying to avoid the sky full of building debris.

A black spot appeared in the sky and fell rapidly towards this place, but within three to five seconds, it showed its specific figure. It was the ultimate fighting rig that was blocked, but one was protruding from the ruins before it fell on the ground. Silver and red arms grabbed the ultimate fighting instrument~www.NovelMTL.com~Huh! 'The pentagonal prism of the Ultimate Fighting Apparatus immediately slid towards both sides, and in the blink of an eye, it grew from a length of only 20 meters to a full length of 50 meters, and then stood a silver and red giant from the ruins. , The masonry covered with rubble fell to the ground with his movements, splashing strands of dust.

Beria stood upright holding the ultimate fighting instrument, twisted his neck and looked around. One hundred-meter-high high-rise buildings stood on the ground, and even some buildings made Beria need to look up.

Every human being who saw Beria was stunned, and looked up at the forty-five-meter-high giant. This scene that can only be seen in movies and dreams makes everyone unbelievable. This is the living giant that appeared before his eyes.

"Humans, it's really amazing to be so weak and small to build such a glorious civilization. It's a pity, only strength is the true meaning of this universe." Beria said, raising the ultimate fighting instrument in his hand, and then used force. After falling down, the end of the Ultimate Fighting Apparatus broke open the asphalt road immediately, not half way.

‘Boom! A muffled sound awakened the stupefied human beings. Some people couldn't help but think of seeing the images of two giants fighting in the city six years ago on TV and the Internet. Many people hurriedly moved away from the giant. Running in the direction, it is definitely not a good thing to stand at the feet of such a huge giant, as the opponent can trample them into fleshy mud with a move.

Beria didn’t care about these tiny humans as small as ants. He immediately raised his arms and crossed in front of him. A large amount of light energy gathered, causing his arms to glow with dazzling brilliance. Stretching out, putting both palms together, the concentrated energy turned into a beam of light and instantly bombarded the ultimate fighting instrument.

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