Ultraman’s War

Chapter 2175: decline

‘Boom! ’

The two silver legs collided fiercely. The collision between the silver and slightly gray legs splashed incomparably dazzling sparks. The shock wave of terrifying energy spread to the surroundings, and the universe near the impact point was empty. In this energy shock, there were waves visible to the naked eye.

The moment the legs of the two sides collided, the signal light on the top of the forehead of the Diablo Super Evil Otter Killer immediately lit up, and launched an impact laser at Noah who was close at hand. The distance between the two parties was only thirty or forty meters, and the impact laser could be described as instantaneous. And to.

It’s just that the impact laser is fast. Noah’s speed is faster. With a forceful twist of his waist, his body immediately turned downwards, easily avoiding the impact of the impact laser, and at the same time, his left foot slammed into the dark with the force of the rotation Super evil Otter killer's neck.

'boom! With a muffled sound, the body of the Diablo Super Evil Otter Killer involuntarily dumped to the left under a powerful kick and flew towards the distance. However, the Diablo Ultra Evil Killer also reacted extremely quickly. He raised his hands quickly, and the two smaller ice axes above his head immediately soared into the sky, swiftly rotating towards Noah and chopping. Two blade-like head darts also spun back, forming a pincer attack on Noah.

Such an offensive is absolutely difficult for the average Ultraman to avoid, but for Noah, it is simply useless. A very easy space movement disappears in place, appearing hundreds of kilometers away, making this The four ice axes smashed into the air, and flew back to the body of the Diablo Super Evil Otter Killer.

Noah stared at the Diablo Ultra Evil Killer, and said with a slight sneer: "Leibalds, is this what you call the ultimate method? It's just a joke. I want to use this to defeat me and go to **** to practice ten times. Let's talk about it in billions of years."

With Noah’s voice, the wings of time and space immediately glowed with dazzling colorful brilliance, emanating from the wings of time and space, spreading towards the surroundings with a spatial jump, and the effort expanded to tens of millions of kilometers in the blink of an eye. Far away, spread a layer of colorful light film on the originally pitch-black universe.

The Diablo Ultra Evil Alt Assassin wanted to perform the same trick again, and he teleported to approach Noah, but his figure shook for a while, and he found that he had not moved even one millimeter, but still appeared in place, which made the Diablo Ultra Evil Alt Assassin He couldn't help but stunned. Before he could react, Noah suddenly appeared behind him, and a Noah Kick slammed on the back of the Diablo Super Evil Ott Killer.

The super-gravity wave burst out immediately, and suddenly kicked the Diablo Ultra Evil Killer out. Before he could stabilize his figure, Noah used spatial movement and appeared in front of him, and then he elbow fiercely. It slammed into the chest of the Dark Ultra Evil Killer.

Noah's own power and the inertia of flying towards here caused the soft armor on the chest of the Dark Ultra Evil Killer to sink to a depth of two or three meters before returning to its original state and flying backwards at extreme speed.

But this time it was still only a few hundred meters away, and Noah, who had performed space movement, appeared behind him, kicking the Dark Super Evil Otter away again.

Zofi in the distance was suspended there, watching the battle thousands of kilometers away, originally thought it was a stalemate battle, but only four or five moves in the end, this so-called dark super evil ultra killer was promised. Adam kicked the ball around. Just look at the dark universe stained with colorful light, a silver light flashed from time to time, and then Noah appeared there, kicking the dark super evil Otter killer flying towards this side, and then appeared on the other side. , Kick back the Diablo Super Evil Alter Killer, and then kick it back...the cycle goes back and forth, but within three seconds, there have been seven or eight rounds.

Shikali was holding his abdomen and slightly bowed in suspension, looking at the one-sided battle in the distance, and couldn't help but smile wryly: "It seems that we have nothing else to do besides being an audience."

"This power... is too powerful." Uub was shocked to himself. He was still delighted with the super power displayed by Amelim's head dart form, but in the blink of an eye. The Diablo Super Evil Otter Killer showed a super strength that made him unable to compete. He didn't feel the attack of the Diablo Ultra Evil Alt Killer at all, and he didn't reflect it until He was beaten into the air, but at this time Noah had already kicked the Dark Ultra Evil Alt Assassin.

And now, Noah is directly violating the Diablo Ultra Evil Otter killer, which makes Uub's heart wonder what power Noah should have, and is the strength he shows now the entire power of Noah?

Noah directly kicked the dark super evil Alt Killer ~www.NovelMTL.com~ and then raised both hands, gathering a strong supergravity wave in the palm of his hand, making his hands glow with bright blue light, and then both hands Together, they release a dazzling wave of supergravity-Gravity Noah.

The Diablo Ultra Evil Alt Assassin had just stabilized his body and was hit by this supergravity wave. The super-strong pressure contained in the supergravity fluctuations, like two big mountains, suddenly gave the Dark Ultra Evil Alt Assassin Squeezed in the middle, making the Diablo Ultra Evil Killer almost unable to move, the soft armor on his body began to deform under the high pressure, let alone launching a counterattack.

"Now I'll give you the final blow!" Noah raised his arms and crossed them in front of him. The collision of his arms splashed bright light, and the Y-shaped energy core in his chest also lit up with dazzling crimson red. Glorious.

Then Noah raised his arms quickly, forming an inverted figure. The light splashing from the cross of the arms stretched out with the movements of the arms, forming a huge energy core with the crimson light on his chest. Y-shaped.

Noah's right arm slid down like a hand knife. At the same time, his left arm stretched out to the left. A large number of superabsolute photons and intense plasma gathered on both arms. Two different particles were wrapped in Noah's hands and emitted. With bright brilliance.

Noah's left arm circled vigorously and buckled it heavily on his right wrist, causing the super-absolute photons and plasma on both hands to collide with each other, bursting out a dazzling seven-color light, and then turning into a dazzling golden light-lightning · Noah, instantly bombarded the dark super evil Otter killer who had not yet broken free from the supergravity wave.

The extremely defensive soft armor covering the body of the Diablo Ultra-Evil Otter Killer was as if it were paper under the attack of Lightning Noah, and it was penetrated at once.

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