Ultraman’s War

Chapter 2168: Siege of Saulus

"Kill him for me!" This time Rebalds gave the order in a simple and clear way, and Hyppajdon did not hesitate to immediately use teleport to disappear in place, and suddenly appeared in front of Noah. At the moment of appearance, the arm glowing with orange brilliance slammed towards Noah.

Noah also slammed his right fist like lightning, and collided with Hyppajdon's arm. The silver brilliance and dark purple mist splashed in the violent collision, mixed together and spread to the surroundings. Come, but no matter whether it is Noah or Hypargerton, both sides are motionless, as if there is no such thing as a blow with all of their strength.

From the disappearance of Nexus to the moment Noah and Hypargerton fight each other, it takes less than two seconds before and after that. When Zofi and the others reacted, Noah and Hypargerton had already punched again. Collided with each other.

On the side, Victor Lukiel and Ultra Super Beast Ultra Killer Saulus also moved, leaping towards Zofi and the others with teeth and claws, apparently preparing to solve them now.

Uub didn't hesitate at all and immediately rushed towards Victor Lukiel, and said loudly while flying, "I will leave this to me, and the other will ask the seniors."

"Wait, Uub..." As soon as Saiwen said his words, Uub had already flown away, and the twelve long tentacles of the ultimate super beast, Ultra Killer Saulus, Quickly rushed towards Zofi, Seven, Ace and Hikali.

"Victor Lukiel will be handed over to Uub to delay. The four of us quickly defeat the ultimate super beast Ultra killer Saulus, and then go to help him." Zofi first made a decision, so terrible For the enemy, it is never a good idea to disperse the forces to deal with. On the contrary, one should concentrate on defeating one, and then deal with the other. The division of forces will only be broken by each.

Shikali nodded in agreement, and said: "Uub's sky infinite form is extremely fast. It is not difficult to drag this Victor Lukiel. Noah should be allowed to open the space channel for the reinforcements of the Kingdom of Light. ...."

He was interrupted by Ace before he finished speaking. Ace said solemnly: "Now the situation is very obvious. This is not where the enemy's main force lies. It is just a trap. I rushed to take the main force of the Nation of Light. Turn it over, maybe it's in the enemy's arms. The ultimate super beast Ultra Killer Saulus, who was able to defeat him once, can now defeat him a second time."

Ace said that he had flew towards the ultimate super beast, Otter killer Saulus, put his hands together in front of him, and then leaned up and down, and directly issued a cosmic guillotine, facing Sawu. Ruth's tentacles left, and instantly collided with one of Saulus's tentacles.

‘Ping! With a crisp sound, the cosmic guillotine cut off the tentacle directly, and continued to rush forward unabated, cutting the other tentacle in half.

Saiwen raised an ice axe grasping the top of his head with his right hand, and then hurled it forward, then put his index and middle fingers together on both sides of his forehead, emitting an emerald-colored Emelim light, catching up with the spinning ice. The axe hit on the ice axe, causing the silver-white ice axe's luster and brightness to rise seven or eight times immediately, and it flew forward at a faster speed. The tentacle that had been grabbed towards Saiwen was chopped by the ice axe after flying over two-thirds of the distance, and cut the tentacle in half easily.

The ice axe blessed by Aimelim's rays penetrated the cosmic void like a silver meteor, and beside it, there was a more dazzling light sweeping across a large area in front of Zoffie, smashing the two tentacles.

A crescent-shaped golden blade of light emanated from the knight’s beam blade, hit a tentacle and exploded, exploding the nearly twenty-meter thick tentacle, and let the claws on the front of the tentacle weakly continue according to inertia. He rushed forward, but it was no longer lethal.

Before the two parties had contacted, half of Saulus’s tentacles were scrapped by the combined efforts of the four Ultramans, causing Saulus to roar in anger. Following the howling of this hungry wolf, Saulus The patches of Saulus Stinger biological missiles all soared into the air.

There are as many as three or four thousand densely packed, completely covering the airspace where Zofi, Seven, Ace and Shikali are located. Even Ultraman did not dare to resist so many biological missiles, and flexibly shuttled in the sky of biological missiles, avoiding the missiles.

Biological missiles exploded in the dark universe, and the light emitted by the blooming flames turned the surrounding area into daylight. In the blink of an eye, the universe within tens of thousands of kilometers turned into a sea of ​​fire. , Swallowed all the four Ultramans into ~www.NovelMTL.com~ I saw the flames churning and couldn't see them at all.

Saulus seemed dissatisfied, the four cross-shaped luminous bodies in the middle of the huge lower body immediately lit up brightly, and the brightness of the luminous bodies increased simultaneously with the input of energy.

The energy was gathered for a full ten seconds, the brightness of the luminous body increased more than ten times compared to the beginning, and then the four luminous bodies emitted four dazzling beams-fatal blasting, and separated towards the distance. The fire rushed away.

Zofi, Seven, Ace, and Hikali were avoiding biological missiles in the sea of ​​flames. A thick energy beam broke through the sea of ​​fire and struck them. The strong energy response made the four Ultramans ignore these biological missiles. He hurriedly twisted his waist and turned around, and hurriedly gathered some energy to form a light energy barrier and blocked him.

The light energy barrier has just been formed, and the thick energy beam hits it, carrying the force of Wanjun, and slams into the light energy barrier. At the moment of impact, the originally flat light energy barrier dents backwards. Chunks.

Juli caused Zuofei's arm to bend down and leaned directly on her chest. Under the impact of this energy beam, her body couldn't stop retreating. The light energy barrier only lasted five or six seconds. Shattered.

The energy beam cast an unabated bombardment on Ultraman's chest, blasting the four of them directly out, rolling back five to six thousand kilometers before finally stabilizing his figure. Regardless of the pain, they immediately moved closer to each other. The tumbling flames caused by the explosion of the biological missiles finally extinguished, leaving Saulus and the four Ultramans without any obstacles.

Saiwen said solemnly: "The Saulus summoned by Rebolds is stronger than the one that appeared on earth."

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