Ultraman’s War

Chapter 2164: cluster amaryllis

"What are these things?" Shikali looked at the flowers that exuded blue light in amazement. He didn't feel that these flowers had energy, but they could emit bright light. This was really amazing. I was shocked.

"I don't know, but it doesn't seem to be a good thing." Nexus said softly, no matter what the enemy summons, it is definitely not buffed for you, and red for you.

Fifteen Rebalds shook their bodies, and then instantly divided into countless ones. Next to each faint blue flower, a Rebalds appeared, and the six of them were full of thunder. Birds and the blossoming flowers of the other bank, and then a bud of the blue light condensed slowly grew among these faint blue flowers. The light was twice as bright as the other parts of the other bank.

The countless Rebolds standing beside countless other flowers said in unison: "Why don't you know? These one-third of the flowers are your masterpiece, do you know? Every destruction of the universe will be born Such a flower from the other side brings a ray of light to the universe that has become so dark because everything is destroyed, guiding the souls to the other side of reincarnation. But there are some lives that don’t want to leave, even though the universe has been destroyed. But they still linger there, because it is where they were born, where they live, and where they have infinite memories. And if these dead souls do not leave, then these other shore flowers will always exist. These are all those who refuse to leave. There are other flowers in the universe where the departed souls are located. Have you seen these souls? They are crying, accusing this unfair destiny."

The loud voices of countless Rebalds speaking in unison resounded through this faintly blue universe, and the Nexus surrounded by them felt as if countless bells were ringing together.

Following Rebolds’ words, the buds floating in the cosmic void among the flowers on the other side slowly opened at the same time, and from inside rose a black light ball, dotted with a An extremely tiny spot of light.

Upon closer inspection, I found that these black light spheres showed images like a screen, from the first microbes to single cells to multi-cells...it has evolved into intelligent creatures; from the first slash and burn, clan civilization... .. Until the intelligent creature drove the spaceship and flew out of its home star, and began to colonize other planets, it continued to develop like this.

Countless screens are showing the development routes and processes of different civilizations in billions of trillions. The difficult development has been through the thorns, from dwelling on the home planet, until the universe, this is the hard work of countless generations. The flower of civilization poured out by sweat. then......

The same four people appeared on all the screens of replaying civilization: Noah, Saiga, Regedo, and Pete. The four of them appeared on countless screens. The planets next to them were also different. Obviously they were different. The same figure appeared in the place.

The four people looked different and used different moves, but they did the same thing. With one blow, the flourishing civilization was wiped out in an instant, and the smiles of the lives of countless families gathering together froze at that moment. , And then disappeared.

In the end, all the screens fell into silence, and what was left was the same as the previous universe, full of darkness and death, without a little light and vitality, and then a little blue light appeared on the dark screen, and then blue The colored light spots spread out quickly, and finally condensed into a slowly rotating three-layer flower-the other side flower.

The screens spreading up and down, left and right showed wailing, thin silhouettes. Although they were different in appearance and body shape, they were all hideous and hideous. Although they could not hear the sound when their mouths were open and closed. That way, people unconsciously feel that they are telling their unwillingness, their despair and their resentment.

Although Saiwen and the others have heard some of the past of Noah and the King of Otto, it is the first time that they have actually seen what they have done. The pictures played on the countless flowers of the other shore are indeed It is too shocking. None of these civilizations are stronger than the Kingdom of Light, but without exception, these countless civilizations were all destroyed by Noah and the four, turning the countless universe into a dead silence. Although this scene was played by the enemy, it still gave them an unspeakable shock.

"This..." Uub was surprised and didn't know what to say~www.NovelMTL.com~ Since getting Ultraman's power, the teaching he has received is that'Ultraman is to protect the universe Peace, help the weak and the messengers of justice', but these four Ultramans on the screen are also exterminating life and destroying the universe.

"Pretend to be a god!" Nexus snorted coldly, folded his arms in front of him, and the energy core on his chest immediately burst out with dazzling golden light, shining like a small sun to the surroundings, all of a sudden, the flowers on the other side The faint blue light emitted was suppressed.

Immediately, the golden light spread towards the surroundings, spreading to millions of kilometers away in the blink of an eye, and wherever they passed, the bright flowers of the other bank collapsed immediately, and then disappeared and disappeared. In an instant, Nai There was a big blank space around the dense flowers of the other bank around Coxus.

Nexus snorted and said to Void: "The scene you just showed is very familiar, and you have repeated it several times, and several screens are showing that scene. I want to strengthen my understanding of that scene. Remember. Let me think about it. It should have been more than three billion years ago. When the four of us followed the rules to eliminate the cross-border civilization, the people on the main planet of this civilization questioned the four of us. , It does allow us to reflect on whether our actions are correct. That universe is also the last universe that the four of us wiped out. Since then, the four of us have each embarked on a journey to find our own existence value, that is, from From that day there will be no more prisoners in the universe."

Nexus' heavy voice paused here for a while, then raised his head, and said with a full ridicule in his tone: "Leibalds, you wouldn't think it is because that person's language ability is very strong. , Did you convince the four of us? You IQ, really, oh!"


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