Ultraman’s War

Chapter 2162: Dark universe

"Okay, let's report with Hikari to the headquarters of the space garrison." After Naxus said, he flew out of the Otter Arena and flew towards the headquarters of the space garrison. Since flying by the plasma spark tower that exudes dazzling brilliance, I saw the Space Guard Headquarters suspended in mid-air. It has become extremely busy now, and the Ultra fighters are flying in and out there. All Ultraman are in such a hurry.

This kind of tension made the residents of the Kingdom of Light a little uneasy. After Beria detonated the hypertime bomb last time, the whole of the Kingdom of Light could be described as a warrior. I didn’t expect it to happen again before long. Tension.

In the headquarters of the Space Guard, the father of Otter and the senior officers of the Space Guard, such as Tyro, Ace, and Eddie, are coordinating the deployment of the entire Space Guard. Which troop can be sent out to fight and which troop is suitable for staying. Defensively, which troop serves as the reserve team for emergencies, and the staff members are discussing loudly how to deal with the situation, designing a set of preparation plans to deal with emergencies.

The father of Otto saw Nexus flying over, put down his actions, greeted him, and said, "Thank you very much for your help. Now the situation is unknown, we must prevent the worst result. "

"It's nothing, such a beautiful country is a treasure of this universe. It would be a pity if it disappears. It must exist forever." Nexus said calmly: "This time I will bring Seven They first figure out the situation there, and when I find that force, I will open the space channel directly to the Kingdom of Light. It will not be too late to dispatch the main force of the cosmic security team."

"Well, trouble you."

Just as he was talking, Zofi, Ultraman, and Seven flew in from outside, and said two steps forward: "Captain, the cosmic garrison sent out has all returned to the Kingdom of Light, and the teams are now sorting out their teams. , We can attack soon."

"Yeah!" The Father of Otto nodded in satisfaction, and then ordered: "The main force of the Universe Guard will not move outside the Kingdom of Light, and Ultraman Nexus will take you to investigate the situation there first. , And then decide whether the whole army will attack."

"Yes, Captain!"

Nexus remembered Hikari’s speculation just now, and then said: "Seven, Hikari has something to do with you, so you can go to the Science and Technology Bureau."

"Okay, I'll go over now." Saiwen nodded and immediately flew out again, heading straight towards the Science and Technology Bureau.

Nexus didn't stay much, he couldn't help much here. The most elite strategists and staff from the Kingdom of Light gathered here to help the father of Otto coordinate and formulate various plans, which can be described as cosmic security. The team’s brain, every command issued from here will have a great impact on the entire universe.

Just after landing on the roof of the building, Mayumi walked out of the Helios, and asked the starry night whose light had not yet condensed: "Is there a war again? I saw Seven and the others flying. Those who come and fly seem to be in a hurry."

"Yeah, those guys don't give people any peace at all

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line--

Novel netizens please remind: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

----This is a gorgeous dividing line---

Time, the wave has not settled, and the wave has risen again, really. "Starry night is also full of complaints. I thought that defeating the dark Lucifer completely eliminated the entanglement of Noah for billions of years. This old enemy can swim the universe with Mayumi at ease. As a result, I just came back and heard about this universe. The news of being blown up by Beria, and then the old case billions of years ago, a group of remnants of the ancient survivors jumped up and down.

Xingye really didn't understand. At the beginning, Noah and the four of them didn't take care of you. They didn't rush to find a place to hide and live honestly. How can they develop and prosper after such a long time. This group of guys is good, they just want to do things, and they are big news.

"Then what shall we do this time?"

"What else can I do," Xingye said helplessly, spreading his hands: "The clues I got now were deliberately provided by someone. Go there to see what the situation is, whether it is an ambush or a trap, or it is caused by internal conflicts. If you deliberately leak information, you can always wipe out some of it first."


The atmosphere of the country of light of the horses and soldiers is exceptionally solemn, and the members of the outer space cosmic space cosmic garrison team settle their duties, patrolling in their respective areas, waiting for the next order.

But Nexus and the others quietly left the Kingdom of Light and headed towards the vast and boundless universe. I didn’t bring too many people. I only brought Zofi, Seven, Ace, Shikali, and Uub who invited Ying~www.NovelMTL.com~ after all, just to determine the situation there, too much On the contrary, it is inconvenient for people. If it's not because of going alone, maybe you can't take care of all aspects, so Xingye is really ready to go alone.

In the space-time channel constructed by the colorful rays of light, six Ultramans advance side by side, shuttled through them at extremely fast speeds, flying here looking at the soft and colorful brilliance in front of the barrier, as if they turned into strips of soft silk and satin. , People feel relaxed and happy unconsciously, there is no sense of boring at all.

After flying in this space-time channel for too long, Nexus and the others rushed out of the space channel, the original colorful light in front of them disappeared in an instant, replaced by the vast and boundless dark universe.

It’s the real darkness, you can’t even see a single star. If it weren’t for Nexus and they could see each other’s color timers and the light from each other’s eyes, they would really doubt it. It's not that I am blind.

"What is this place?" Uub couldn't help but ask. The darkness of this place makes people feel annoyed. All creatures that grow under the light will have a natural fear and panic towards the darkness, not to mention Ultraman. But people yearn for the light more and hate the darkness.

Such a purely dark universe really makes Ultraman feel uncomfortable. If a room has no light but can be illuminated with electric lights, then there is no light in the universe now? What should I do?

In this case, you don’t know where to fly, because normally flying in the universe is based on the neutron star’s bipolar pulse signal. Now, there is nothing at all. There is no light and no neutron star’s pulse signal. It was like a flat-leaf boat that had lost its direction on the fog-filled sea. He didn't know where he was and where he should go.

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