Ultraman’s War

Chapter 2144: Persist and give up

At this moment, five or six destructive light waves attacked Uub, causing Uub to quickly disperse the blade of his left arm, and at the same time quickly took a step, immediately turned to the back of the mechanical Gomora, and then those destructive light waves The bombardment hit this mechanical Gomora, blasting one big hole after another in his solid armor.

The Uub's arm on Uub's right arm glowed with a dazzling brilliance, and the shining arm blade immediately became the ultimate eight-point light wheel in this light. Uub threw it to the two mechanical Gomora on the right side, and the spinning sawtooth was easy. Cut open the mechanical Gomora’s armor, cut this mechanical Gomora in the middle, and then continued to cut it towards another mechanical Gomora. This time only half cut it open, and it exploded in the body of the Mechanical Gomora. Come and blow up this mechanical Gomora to pieces.

Two dark beams of light emerged from the wreckage of the two mechanical Gomora and went straight to the sky, disappearing in the blink of an eye. This time Uub didn't dare to intercept it anymore. The opponent's method of self-destruction if he couldn't escape was too personal.

The mechanical Gomora whose chest had been exploded with several large holes suddenly bounced from the huge metal tail that had been hanging on the ground, carrying infinite aura, and slammed into the right of Uub, who was almost close at hand. Lap.

'clang! A clear metal crash sounded, and the unsuspecting Uub staggered his right leg. The tremendous strength made him lie back and hit the ground with his back heavily.

Before Uub stood up, Mecha Gomora's huge metal tail fell down, and slammed it on Uub's chest, screaming ‘Boom! A muffled sound made Uub let out a painful cry, and the ground beneath him instantly cracked.

When the blow succeeded, the giant tail of the mechanical Gomora immediately lifted, and then continued to fall towards Uub. Uub hurriedly raised his arms and crossed them in front of him. The metal tail hit his arm, huge. The smashing power of Uub felt that his arm was numb for an instant, and his arms sank suddenly, almost hitting Uub's body.

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! The friction between the light blade and the huge metal tail splashed fierce sparks.

‘Chuff! With a sound, then the arm blades of Uub's arms collided together, and the metal tail originally sandwiched in the middle was cut in half by Uub's arm blade, and then Uub turned over and sat up quickly with a scaly fish. . As soon as he got up, he saw several destructive light waves expanding in Uub's eyes, and then bombarded Uub's abdomen without mercy.

'boom! boom! 'Several loud explosions sounded, Uub was immediately blown out and hit the mechanical Gomora whose tail was cut off behind him, knocking it out, and two huge figures tumbled and fell. Pour on the ground several hundred meters.

The pain of being hit by the destructive light wave in his chest made Uub groan a few times, a feeling of breathlessness, but Uub still endured the pain and pushed his right hand on the ground to make him roll over, his right arm in the air. After drew a semicircle, the arm blade of the back wrist was inserted into the head of the mechanical Gomora with the help of the force of turning, making it stop after a few twists.

A heavy footstep came from the top of his head, causing Uub to endure the pain with his palms on the ground, and hurriedly stood up. The footsteps were approaching, Uub quickly turned around, and saw three mechanical Gomora. Walking over with heavy steps, one of the wrists was bare, obviously the mechanical Gomora whose chain had just been cut off by Uub.

The mechanical Gomora who was walking in the front lifted light

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line--

Novel netizens please remind: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

----This is a gorgeous dividing line---

The bald right arm slammed into Uub, making Uub hurriedly raise his right arm. The arm blade of the wrist collided with the right arm of the mechanical Gomora, splashing fierce sparks and sharp arm blade. All of a sudden, the sharp armor of Mecha Gomora was cut, half of the blade went deep into it.

"Ha!" Uub yelled, his right arm suddenly exerted force, the light blade swung upward, and it cut off half of the mechanical Gomora's forearm. At the same time, he swung his left arm vigorously toward the front. A fierce stroke across the mechanical Gomora’s chest, wiping fierce sparks, opened a deep gap in the Mechanical Gomora’s armor, and even the energy lamp was cut in two by Uub. half.

At this moment, the missile launch port on the belly of the mechanical Gomora opposite Uub instantly launched seven or eight missiles, bombarding Uub who was almost at hand, blasting Uub mercilessly, and then his nose. The sharp corners of the upper part launched a super vibration wave and hit Uub who was flying, knocking Uub far away.

Before Uub landed, the ten energy lamps on the chest of the mechanical Gomora on the top of the mountain and the sharp corners of the nose aimed at Uub flying upside down and launched a series of destructive light waves and ultra-vibration waves. The bombardment hit Uub's body.

The destructive beams and super vibration waves in the sky completely conceal Uub from attacking intermediate workers. The terrifying impact shot Uub directly from thirty to forty meters in the air, hitting the ground, and then more destructive beams and super vibrations. The waves came overwhelmingly, and instantly drowned Uub who fell on the ground.

Pillars of flames skyrocketed, densely turning the area more than two hundred meters near Uub into a sea of ​​fire. In this explosion, the rocks full of frost were either blown up or melted into magma in the high temperature.

This frantic bombardment lasted for seven or eight seconds before it stopped~www.NovelMTL.com~ The valley where the frost was originally densely covered with snow and frost, the air became extremely hot, and the land was full of wanton torrents. Magma and fiery rocks that were blown out.

Uub was lying at the bottom of the big pit in the middle. The ring-shaped color timer on his chest was flashing red. The pain in his whole body made Uub painful even when he breathed, and he didn’t have the strength to move a finger. Up.

Lying on his back, looking at the gleam of light from the gray sky, Uub couldn't help but smiled bitterly: "I didn't expect that I would die here in the end. I am really unwilling. There are still many things that have not been done. There are still people waiting. To me."

Uub tried to stand up, but it was extremely difficult to move his arm a little bit. It just moved a little bit. Several missiles roared down into the sky, bombarding Uub's body, making Uub grunt in pain. , The arm that had just been raised weakly hangs down.

"It looks like I'm going to stop here." Uub whispered and stopped struggling in vain. He lay there waiting for relief. When he was at his best, he would try his best to avoid so many mechanical Gomorrah. The attack, not to mention his current state, I am afraid that even a mechanical Golem could abuse him.

The heavy footsteps in his ear clearly informed Uub's "God of Death" that Uub was approaching. At this moment Uub noticed that two golden bright spots suddenly appeared in the gray sky, and the brightness increased rapidly, but It took a second or two to expand from the size of a mung bean to the size of a basin.

At this moment, two voices full of vicissitudes came into Uub's ears from above: "It seems that it is not working? Do you want to give up?"

"Men are always challenging themselves, so no matter what kind of difficulties you face, you can't give up lightly, you must stick to it."

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