Ultraman’s War

Chapter 2124: Threat

"Go away." Beria grinned, and then flicked his left arm, and threw the pinched Uub out like a stone. The Uub who got out of his hand rolled over in the void of the universe with this power. Get out.

After throwing Uub out, Beria glanced at Siro who was rushing towards here, sneered, and then flicked his right hand at Uub in the distance, and fifteen or six sparkling dolls in his hand flew immediately. After going out, it quickly expanded in the void of the universe, and in the blink of an eye, it changed from a small sparkling doll to a steel robot over fifty meters high.

"Imperial soldier Reginede..." The familiar figure made Siro recognize that these dozen robots were the imperial hunters he had dealt with. Although the strength was average, it was billions of dollars. The number of calculations is still fresh in Cyro's memory.

Beria turned to look at Cerro and grinned: "This is not the kind of junk stuff that I used to be. I upgraded and improved. Cerro is not the only one who is getting stronger, I am also constantly improving. Your own strength, wait, one day it will destroy you."

After Beria finished speaking, he turned and flew towards the rocky planet on the left, making Cyro very angry, but looking at Uub surrounded by robots, Cyro had to turn and fly to Uub's side. The previous confrontation with Murunao consumed a lot of Uub’s energy. Later, he was attacked by Beria. It’s already very good to have one or two points left. If you don’t help, I’m afraid Uub Stay here today.

The Paraghi bracelet on Cerro’s left wrist flashed, and quickly turned into several rays of light covering Cerro’s body, condensing the silver-white ultimate armor, in order to eliminate these robots as soon as possible, and then go to Beria , Cerro did not hesitate to use the ultimate armor with low energy reserves.

"Go to hell!" Sai Luo yelled, and with a strong wave of his right arm forward, the Ultimate Sai Luo long sword in his hand immediately launched a dazzling silver-white light blade, flying at the speed of light in the void of the universe, instantly splitting At the waist of an imperial soldier Reginede, cutting melons and vegetables directly split the imperial soldier Reginede in half, and then exploded into a raging flame.

The sound of the explosion made half of the Imperial soldier Reginede turn around, the electronic instrument in his eyes locked the Siro flying towards here, raised his arms like a laser cannon, before the laser cannon was launched. , Sai Luo had already rushed in front of them, and the ultimate Sai Luo long sword in his hand was slashed towards the right side. The sword force engulfed the three imperial fighters Reginede and swept in the two. An imperial soldier Reginede was cut in half.

Uub watched Cyro rushing into the Reginede group of imperial fighters, slashing left and right, as if into a man’s land. He couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder. He used to fight Gala with Cyro on earth. Tron, Cerro's strength was stronger than him. But at this moment, the power displayed by Cyro is more than four or five times stronger than on the earth.

The long silver-white sword in his hand swung quickly, and any steel robot that was touched seemed to be a piece of paper. It was directly cut in half and exploded into a turbulent ball of flames.

While paying attention to Siro, Uub did not stop the attacking action in his hand. The only energy remaining in his body was input into the Uub saw in his hand. The four characters, V, X, and four lights up, and the next four Each saw tooth also lit up their respective lights, and this light extended to the Uub circular saw, giving the Uub circular saw a brilliant four-color brilliance.

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!) The brightness of the mountain's four-color light continued to increase, and the size of the light ball grew wildly like a balloon. In the blink of an eye, it expanded from just five meters in diameter to nearly thirty meters in width. But its thickness is only half a meter, and it rotates around the Uub circular saw a little bit faster, and the edges gradually condense with sharp teeth.

The laser cannons in the hands of the four imperial soldiers, Reginede, were all locked in front of Uub, and energy was continuously delivered to the laser cannons with both arms, causing the muzzle of the original black hole to gradually light up.

Uub has been paying attention to the movement of Reginede, the imperial soldier. When the energy of the laser cannon was about to be full, he threw the huge light saw that had been condensed in his hand and threw it forward. Rotating quickly and slashing forward.

The laser cannons of the four imperial fighters Reginede’s arms were already full of energy. When they were about to launch, the Tolinitium light wheel had already slashed over. The Tolinityum light wheel and the imperial aircraft The collision of Soldier Regineder splashed bright sparks, and the sparks flying against the dark cosmic background were particularly dazzling.

‘Chuff! ’

The imperial soldier, Reginede, was cut in half immediately, and the accumulated energy was out of control because of this before it was released. It exploded into a turbulent fireball, and then Tolinitium lighted it. The round continued to slash away, cutting apart the remaining three Imperial Mechanic Reginedes one by one. After a ball of flame **** flew past the four-color Tolinitium light wheel, they burst into the universe one after another.

Uub turned into a four-color light beam and rushed forward instantly, appeared in front of the Torinityum light wheel, and then caught the Tolinityum light wheel that had been dimmed a lot, and then looked around. , Reginede, who originally had as many as fifteen imperial fighters, now has only eight left~www.NovelMTL.com~Six are besieging Siro and two are on the left, facing the game Luo rushed away.

"Haha!" Uub yelled, and threw the Tolinitium light wheel, which had dimmed a lot in his hand, at one of the imperial fighters, Reginede, and then rushed towards him with a wave of Uub's circular saw. Regineed, the second imperial soldier.

After the Tolinitium light wheel hit an imperial soldier Reginede, it exploded immediately, and the energy contained in it exploded the imperial soldier Reginede to pieces. And the mechanical neck of another imperial soldier, Reginede, turned and looked at Uub's side, a four-color rainbow light came into its eyes and expanded rapidly.

‘Oh! ’

Uub, who held the Uub circular saw high in his hand, didn’t mean to slow down at all. He slammed into the chest of the imperial soldier Reginede, and instantly penetrated the chest of the imperial soldier Reginede like a sharp arrow. , Drilled a large hole in the chest of the Imperial soldier Reginede, almost cutting off the Imperial soldier Reginede.

'boom! ’

The imperial soldier Reginede exploded, and the turbulent flames illuminated Uub’s back. In the flames, Uub turned his head slightly, and saw a group of flames bursting out where Cyro was standing. Linked together to form a sea of ​​flames spreading extremely wide, even in the icy universe, the raging flames have not dissipated for a long time.

‘Wow! A bulge suddenly appeared in the corner of the sea of ​​fire, and then Siro rushed out of it, without the intention to say hello to Uub, and rushed to the huge gray-white rocky planet ahead at the fastest speed.

Uub took a breath, and then raised his right hand. The Uub saw in his hand glowed with a four-color light, and then landed on Uub’s right shoulder, turning into a four-color shoulder guard on his shoulder. Bucai flew towards the rocky planet at a slower speed than Siro.

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