Ultraman’s War

Chapter 2122: Beria reappears

Murunao stood there staring at the streamer, full of anger and hatred that made her unresponsive for a while, but soon Murunao reacted quickly, her left arm quickly As he lifted up, the brightness of the original luminous body on his chest soared, and a large amount of dark energy gushed out, activating the four-layer magic circle on Murunao’s left wrist one by one, and outlined a magic with four six-pointed stars in the void A quadruple compound magic array formed by overlapping arrays.

'call out! ’

An incomparable beam of energy was launched from the quadruple compound magic array, and instantly collided with the Ultimate Siro bow and arrow, and fierce sparks exploded, like fireworks exploding in the sky.

The swiftly advancing Ultimate Siro bow and arrow trembled slightly, but it didn't mean to stop at all. Instead, it quickly spun at the moment of the collision, twisting Muruna's energy beam into pieces like an electric drill.

The fragments of the diffused energy beam spread out and are very bright in the dark universe. It looks like a flower blooming in layers. This scene made Muruna hurriedly increase the energy output, trying to prevent this look. Rotating the bow and arrow fiercely approached.

The fifth layer of magic circle on Murunao’s wrist lights up with stronger dark energy input, and then the fifth layer of magic circle is outlined in the void with Muruna’s left wrist as the center, and then and in front of it. The four magic arrays overlap each other. During this process, the brightness of the original luminous body on Murunao’s chest became brighter and brighter, as if a hernia headlight was installed. If you look at the light, only this dazzling light remains. Can't see Murunao.

The horrible dark energy gushes out from the circular luminous body and flows along the magic lines on the surface of Muruna's body, making the magic lines in the folds of the surface of Muruna's body brighter. The light, you can faintly hear a chuckle! Shit! The sound of tearing of the cloth.

At the same time, in the folds of Muruna's body surface, from time to time, there are very small fountain-like dark purple energy beams, which reminds people of the high-pressure water pipe being pierced out of the hole, and the water gushes out under the action of pressure. , Forming a tiny stream of water.

But that's all, Murunao's fifth magic circle has just been formed, and the ultimate Cyro bow and arrow fired by Cerro has shattered the four-fold spiral beam that Murunao hurriedly emitted.

In Murunao’s horrified gaze, Ultimate Siro slammed into the circular luminous body on Muruna’s chest, and the sharp sword tip and the luminous body collided with fierce sparks. , The shock of horror made Muruna retreat immediately.

Murunao struggled hard, but under the impact of the ultimate Siro, her body couldn't help but retreat. The super fast speed made her body bend into a bow shape, spinning wildly to the extreme. Cerro's bow and arrows have pressed the circular luminous body on Murunao's chest into a depression for nearly two meters, and even Muruna's chest has also been slightly sunken.

The ring-shaped color timer on his chest was flashing with a red light. Uub was doing his best to resist the attack from Murunao. Suddenly the pressure disappeared like a low tide. Uub was taken aback and raised his head hurriedly. When I came, I saw a silver streamer pushing Murunao back. Uub finally breathed a sigh of relief. He immediately dissipated to Tolinitium and fired, lowering his right arm a little tiredly, his eyes tight. Staring at Murunao, who was retreating violently, he saw Murunao retreating under the impact of the final Ultimate Siro until it hit the huge rocky planet before finally stagnating.

Uub didn't hesitate and flew towards the rocky planet immediately. No matter what, he couldn't relax without seeing Muruna's annihilated with his own eyes. The most important thing was to get the dark circle. And on the far left of the universe, there was also a silver streamer, and it was Sai Luo who flew towards the place where Murunao hit the rocky planet like him.

Siro flew to a place more than one million kilometers away from the planet, and a silver streamer flew towards him. It fell on his left wrist to condense the slightly dim Palaji bracelet. Siro looked down, Pa The colored chronograph oval gems on Raj's bracelet are now bleak, and the stored energy has almost been consumed in the first blow.

Siro turned his head slightly to look in the direction of Uub. He was flying obliquely toward Siro. It seemed that he wanted to meet Siro. Seeing this, Siro also changed the straight flight trajectory toward Uub. The cloth side moved closer.

At this moment, Cerro noticed that Uub, who was flying normally, was suddenly tilted to one side, revealing the red and black light blocked by his body~www.NovelMTL.com~ was bombarding Uub. Uub couldn't help pushing here on his body.

"Uub?!" Sai Luo was taken aback and changed his flight trajectory without hesitation, ignoring that Murunao immediately flew towards Uub, trying to help Uub and find out the attacker. But this black and red light gave Cerro a sense of familiarity, but now he didn't have time to think about it, he just wanted to reach Uub as quickly as possible.

Uub, who was attacked by this black and red ray, waved the Uub saw in his hand in vain, trying to resist this terrifying dark ray, but the energy in his body was consumed in the confrontation with Murunao. Seven or eighty-eight, under the sudden attack hastily, there is no way to gather the remaining energy.

What's more, this dark ray made Uub feel extremely painful and uncomfortable. He couldn't concentrate his mind at all, and couldn't concentrate his energy at all. He could only wave the Uub saw in vain, but to no avail.

"Go to hell!" A miserable roar came into Uub's eyes, making Uub, who was struggling in pain, work hard to look up, and he saw two crimson lights in the direction from which the light came. Looks extraordinarily hideous.

'call out! call out! ’

The two silver-white streamers flew from far and near, bypassing Uub from the left and right sides, and gathered together in the middle. They cut off the dark rays at once, and then quickly rotated, turning like a shield. The dark ray blocked Uub's front, blocking the path of this dark ray to attack Uub.

Siro flew over at swift speed, and before the angry shout was heard: "Beria..."

"Meeting again, Siro, I really want to kill you. I missed you for a long time." Beria's tragic voice sounded, and then the black and red rays disappeared.

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