Ultraman’s War

Chapter 2104: Beria's olive branch

Xingye stretched his hand on the air in front of him, and immediately projected a virtual screen. His hands moved on it quickly, so that a red spot and a green spot appeared on the screen. The distance between the two It shortens a little bit, but the distance shrunk every second is too small and too small. I didn’t find the signal moving after staring at it for a long time. This shows that the universe is huge, even if your speed is extremely fast relative to the universe. slow.

Starry Night explained: "The cosmic people can send messages to Murunao through the Galatron controller, and they can also receive Murunao's signal, so I use the signal feedback to locate Murunao. The location, well, it’s not very precise but it’s enough. You see, the red dot is the location of Murunao, and the blue dot is the location of the Helios. We’re heading there now.”

"Oh!" Hong Kai nodded clearly, and immediately heard Starry Night say: "The Universe Guard of the Kingdom of Light is also coming, and it will probably intercept Muruna in the middle of this empty galaxy. , And then destroy her."

"I understand!"

"Okay, okay, I'll talk about the battle for a while, now I'll eat quickly." Mayumi's enthusiastic voice came, and then walked in with a tray with five dishes on it.

"Ah, supper is ready," Xingye immediately stood up, walked over to take the plate from Mayumi, and said to Hongkai: "Come and taste Mayumi's craftsmanship. You will be full of praise. of."

"Is there any more for me? Thank you so much." Hong Kai stood up and bowed to Mayumi.

The three of them gathered around the table and said in unison: "I'm going!" Then they picked up the tableware in front of them and began to taste this delicious dinner. The blue planet outside the ship window was constantly moving away. The rapidly shrinking planet proved that the Helios was rushing into the universe at an extremely fast speed.

And in a small universe one or two light-years wide, what is different from the universe where Starry Night and the others are located is that it is full of light, and there is no dark background that is unique to the general universe and the dots of starlight all over the dark universe. Five stars The huge and incomparable stars are in the shape of three-dimensional regular triangular prisms, and they are two billion kilometers away from each other. Moreover, these stars are still stationary and have always maintained that attitude.

Forty-five planets, each with a diameter of 13,298 kilometers, are like a mold carved out of the five stars, lined up orbiting these five stars, and these forty-five planets are all along the same one. The track runs as if it were driving a train, so it looks weird.

On a planet near the star near the top, Beria stood on top of a building and looked up at the steel factories and the criss-cross, densely dense lines ranging from a few centimeters to tens of meters in diameter. From farther away, through the haunting clouds and fog, you can vaguely see a huge planetary engine that is like a pillar supporting the sky. It is three to four hundred kilometers high, and you can’t see the edge at a glance. Its diameter is more than 100 kilometers. The breadth of it can be described as a behemoth and daunting.

And such huge planetary engines are all over the planet, allowing the planet to change its orbit, trajectory and rotation angle at will, and if anything happens, it can also push the planet to collide with each other, even a star At enough speed, they can die together with them. It is the biggest weapon for all civilizations in the universe to attack each other. Even if the opponent blows up the planet, those fragments can exert great lethality at super high speeds, and they are the most popular weapons of extinction used by civilizations that are slightly behind.

But now this planet that is enough to destroy a galaxy, there is nothing else to do except to "drive a train" with other planets here. Maybe it will continue until the energy stored on this planet is completely consumed, and then Usher in the fate of being abandoned or decomposed.

Beria raised five black claws and pointed at the planetary engines in the distance, and said, "Have you seen? Fushii, you are just like these planetary engines now. They just look scary and have no use at all. , Can only wait here for the day of scrapping, and then disappear into the universe silently and no one will remember your existence."

Behind Beria stood a man wearing a black leather jacket with a gloomy face. His eyes were full of confusion and numbness. He could not see the slightest anger. His lifeless appearance was like an old man about to die, not at all the same. A youth.

"Obviously, there have been countless hours in this small universe~www.NovelMTL.com~, but they can't even survive, let alone make their continuous development stronger, huh, calling you a waste will look at you. Just a single cell, billions of years are enough to evolve countless ethnic groups, and you? Huh!" Beria's words did not conceal his contempt and disdain, criticizing the archaic survivors nesting here for nothing. , It's totally alive, wasting air, dead, wasting land, something worse than garbage.

The young man behind Beria raised his head slightly, a glimmer of anger flashed in his eyes, and immediately clenched his right fist, his body moved forward slightly, but only after a pause, he did not turn his back to him. Leah launched an attack.

His actions made Beria sneered with disdain again, and said without looking back: "It's really a waste, not a little bit of courage, right, but a little bit of courage will not last for billions of years. The progress is still regressing..."

"Shut up to me, you don't know anything and you are not qualified to judge us..." The cosmic guy named Fushii by Beria yelled and said with incomparable anger: "You don't know Noah at all. The horror of, Regeddo, Saiga and Pete, hundreds of thousands of civilizations have come here for billions of years, and each civilization can break through the barriers of the universe and colonize different universes at its most brilliant time. Super civilization. But... But... They are all destroyed by these four guys, no matter how brilliant civilization you develop, no matter how many robots you make, no matter how many planet fortresses or war fortresses you have Even the neutron battle star, and even a super civilization did everything possible to forcibly detonate the star to create an artificial black hole, but what about it? Everything is vulnerable to them."

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