Ultraman’s War

Chapter 1985: adventure

Chapter 1985 Adventure (Page 1/1)

"Yeah!" Captain Shinki Shoutaro nodded clearly, then turned around and gave orders to the team members standing behind him: "Hayato, Wata, drove the Muscati to the scene immediately, Asuna and Dachi Ramis, we must stop the monster from entering the city."

"Understood!" Everyone saluted, and then hurriedly ran out of the war room and ran towards the vehicle they were driving. Two cars, one red and one blue, drove out of the base at a very fast speed.

And in the hangar, a fighter jet flew out of the base along the orbit, and then switched from vertical flight to parallel flight. At the moment of switching to parallel flight, it sprayed out from below the fast-moving subs on the road. The violent air current drove Apos to fly high into the sky, and it happened to land on the flying Muscat, forming a blue sky Muscat.

"Bikong Maskadi, let's go!" Kazamato said that the horsepower of the engine was maximized, and the Bikong Maskadi flew towards the place where the monster was at the fastest speed, while Arami on the ground Si drove along the road in the direction of the monster.

At this time, in the city in front of the monster, a horrible sirens sounded. People in the buildings of different heights rushed downstairs amid the harsh sirens, and people on the street followed the road. Running, there were police officers standing in the streets and alleys evacuating the crowd with tweeters and guiding people to escape. The originally calm and orderly city is completely in chaos, and its functions are paralyzed by the fleeing crowd, and the losses are countless.

People near the edge of the city in the north can already see the shadow of a vague monster, swaying its body and walking towards it step by step. In a few minutes, the monster will reach the city and bring it to the city. Come incalculable destruction.

‘Oh! Woo! 'A sharp engine roar sounded from the sky, making the people who were escaping could not help but look up to the sky, and saw a high-speed fighter jet cut through the sky instantly and flew towards the monster in the distance, just from the base. The blue sky Maskadi.

Kazamato, who was sitting in the blue sky Mascari, looked at the monster on the ground ahead through the glass of the cockpit, and said to the headset: "Found the trace of the monster, prepare to attack!"

The Shenmu captain in the base immediately shouted: "Allow free attack!"

"Understood! Vanden Photon Cannon, launch!" Guidao Hayato immediately pressed the attack button, and the Vanden Photon Cannons on the wings of the Blue Sky Maskadi flickered, launching light flares roaring and hitting Anjiandi below. Maga attacked.

'boom! boom! boom! ’

A luminous bomb hit the Dark Sword Di Maga, bursting into a burst of violent sparks, making the Dark Sword Di Maga's step forward involuntarily stop, then raised her head and looked in the direction of the attack. A fighter jet swooped in at an extremely fast speed, and the wings were constantly shining brightly, making him suffer the baptism of light bombs.

"Ah!" Dark Sword Dimaga roared loudly, waving the long arm blades of both wrists at the flying fighter plane in the sky, but he could only fight in close combat, but he took this in the air. The fighter had no way, but could only watch the Bikong Mascari continuously launch attacks at him, completely beaten and not fight back.

This scene made Gina in the distance frowned, and immediately said: "Dark Sword Di Marga, leave this fly alone, go ahead and enter the city."

Hearing the command, the Dark Sword Dimaga, who was waving his arm blade in vain, immediately stopped this action, and stepped forward again to withstand the attack of the blue sky Maskadi towards the city.

Kajima Hayato pressed the attack button and didn't let go. One after another, light bullets exploded on Dark Sword Di Marga, but they did not cause any effective damage to Dark Sword Di Marga at all, which made Guidao Hayato very angry. : "Damn it, Captain, request an attack with an electronic monster card."

"Wait a minute," Sayuri Tachibana's deputy captain immediately stopped the Hayato Kishima: "This technology is still under development, and it is too dangerous to use it rashly."

"But the Vanden Photon Cannon is completely useless," Kazamato eagerly shouted: "If there is no other way, the monster will enter the city. Captain..."

Sayuri Tachibana pursed her mouth, sighed secretly and said nothing, but turned her gaze to the Shenmu captain standing there, waiting for him to make a decision.

Captain Shenmu stood there upright, his eyes fixed on the screen on the big screen, his fists clenched unconsciously, and he was unable to make a decision. It was just a sentence for him, but the players Is going to risk life. As long as it is his decision, no matter what the team members will do without hesitation, this trust is something he cannot betray and squander easily.

‘Chuff! 'Aramis slammed the brakes to a halt, Earth and Asuna hurriedly jumped out of the car, raised their heads anxiously and looked at the monster that is less than a kilometer away from the city, the blue sky Mascari. He fought desperately around the monster, but the attack effect was close to zero.

The earth nodded secretly, and then turned to Asuna and said, "Asuna, I will go to the other side to attract the attention of the monster. I must not let the monster enter the city."

"Yeah!" Asuna nodded, and then said concerned: "Be careful, Earth!"

"I understand!" said loudly that he had run far, jumped to the back of a rock in twos and threes, looked around and found that no one immediately pulled the x terminal around his waist: "Aix~www.NovelMTL .com~Integrate it."

"Okay, Earth, let's go together!"

When the earth is about to hold the x terminal in front of you, lift up your left hand and slap firmly on the top of the x terminal. The gold borders on both sides of the cube-shaped x terminal pop up and down, and the diagonally tilted borders form a symmetrical x shape. At the same time, the X terminal glowed with dazzling light, and the data-like rays of light gathered in front of the X terminal into an Ultraman sparkle doll.

The earth grabbed Aix's Sparkle Doll, and swiped his left hand to press the Axe Sparkle Doll on the x terminal. The x terminal immediately sounded a mechanically synthesized female voice: "Integrating with Ultraman Aix!"

The earth suddenly raised the x terminal in his hand and shouted: "Aix!"

The x terminal released countless data links to wrap the earth in it, forming a dazzling beam of light straight into the sky, and then the light quickly converged, condensing the Aix Ultraman, which is more than forty meters high.

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