Ultraman’s War

Chapter 1980: Knight's victory

"Victori, the power of the knight form is more than that. I believe that I will release this sacred power with all my strength and dispel this evil power." Shikali yelled and took a step forward with strength, the beam sword in his hand. The sparks from the collision with the giant sword also became more violent, but Shikali forced the Wraith Spirit Super Gulant King to take a step back.

"I understand!" Xiang nodded vigorously, and then vigorously waved the Victory Holy Spear in his hand, shouting loudly: "Absolutely...absolutely...will never lose to you. "

The knight's Heavenly Sword glowed with blue brilliance, and the ensuing mighty power moved forward with Shikali, forcibly pushing the Wraith Spirit Super King Gulant back. From the perspective of the UpG base, we just saw this exciting scene clearly. Two giants covered in blue light were extremely conspicuous in the dark, moving forward step by step, while the one on the opposite side was almost in harmony. The dark-golden steel monster that night melted into one body, even though it was bigger than the two giants of light combined, was forced to retreat by the two Ultramans.


Shikali and Victelli exerted their strength at the same time, and the instantly increased power suddenly retreated the Wraith Spirit Super King Gulante for several steps before stopping, leaving deep ones on the ground in front of them. Footprints come. Facing this sacred power, his body full of resentment could not resist at all.

Shikali and Victelli backflip several times at the same time, away from the Wraith Spirit Super Gulant King. The knight's beam blade on the right arm of Shikali has disappeared, and he turned to face Victelli on the right side of the body. Said: "Come on, release all your power, and destroy this guy who shouldn't survive in one fell swoop."

"Yeah!" Vicky nodded his head, then raised his left hand, grabbed the Knight's Heavenly Sword, and quickly moved the pump three times to make the Knight's Heavenly Sound ‘one! ’, ‘to! ’, ‘three! The sound of', then Victory's right wrist turned to make the Knight's Teana·Sword mode stand upright, and at the same time, his left wrist was placed on the trigger of the Knight's Teana sword and combined into a cross shape to release a bright blue light——Knight Vikrum Rays.

Shikali raised his right arm high, and the knight's breath on his right wrist immediately shone with a bright blue light, and then Shikali quickly retracted his right hand, and at the same time his left and right hands were crossed in front of him, and there was a strong electric light at the intersection. Combined into an irregular diamond pattern.

Flip the arms homeopathically, the right arm is in the front and the left arm is combined into a cross shape, emitting a light that is different from the cyan iridescent light-knight shooting!

Two blue rays of extremely similar colors and similar shapes were emitted from Ultraman Hikari and Ultraman Victor at the same time. They collided after flying more than 100 meters, and then merged into one. The beam of spiral trend rushed to the Wraith Super King Gulant at an extremely fast speed.

The Wraith Super Gulant King stretched his arms left and right, and the two neatly arranged rows of luminous bodies on the front of the body glowed with strong brilliance, and then emitted twelve red rays of light. Converged in front of the king and merged into a broad crimson light hitting Hikari and Victelli.

Under the starry night, two rays of light, one blue and one red, suddenly appeared on the dark ground, splitting the darkness and colliding together at a very fast speed. A dazzling light burst out from the center of the impact point, as dazzling as a small sun, dispelling the surrounding darkness, and let the earth return to the dazzling light.

This stalemate lasted only a second or two, and the blue light split the crimson light with an irresistible aura, and went straight forward until it hit the Wraith Super King Gulante.

Under the shock of the terrifying energy, the thick and hard armor of the Wraith Super Gulant King’s body was decayed and fragile. It quickly melted, allowing Otto to fuse the light in the Wraith Super Gulant metal’s Raging in the body.

The azure blue spiral light beam lasted more than ten seconds before disappearing. The Wraith King Super Gulant, who suffered the frontal impact of this light beam, stepped back more than ten steps. After shaking a few times, his huge body moved towards The rear dumped.

'boom! With a muffled sound, the back of the metal pillars full of spikes hit the ground heavily, and the body weighing more than 200,000 tons made the earth tremble violently, the light in the slender eyes It flickered a few times, and finally it went out.

'boom! ’

With the earth-shaking explosions resounding all around, a huge flame mushroom cloud rose into the sky, and the billowing flames rushed into the sky, illuminating the originally dark earth into daylight, reflecting Hikali and Victelli Blue body.

"Finally... Victory." Victory slowly lowered the Knight's Tianlai Sword on his right arm, and let out a long sigh of relief. His tight body relaxed slightly. This enemy that was once invincible has finally fallen. In front of him...

Shikali lowered his arms while the armor of the brave on his body glowed and disappeared~www.NovelMTL.com~ Shikali stepped up to Victory and asked, "Ultraman Galaxy Captured? What happened?"

Victory sighed lightly, and then told the cause and effect of the incident, making Hikali frown, arms folded in front of him, thinking hard about why Zeda wanted to take Ultraman Galaxy, but stayed Under Victory Ultraman.

Didn't leaving Ultraman Victor reveal his existence? After all, human beings can only be on the earth no matter what, and Victelli knows that the kingdom of light exists. He completely leaves the earth and goes to other universes to find the kingdom of light through the star gate. Even if the hope is slim, he will always find it. of. In this case, wouldn't Zhou Da, who was resurrected when he was resurrected, belong to the horror and let the Kingdom of Light know his existence? So as to launch a large-scale search and encirclement? This is really puzzling.

Shikali shook his head, gave up thinking, and then said to Victory: "Since it is in the asteroid belt, let's go and look for it. According to the time when Zeda issued the declaration of aggression, add the asteroid belt and The distance of the earth, and the speed and angle changes of the earth's revolution and autobiography, I roughly planned a range, and Ultraman Galaxy should be there."

Victory said impatiently: "Then let's go find Xiao Guang, he has been arrested for a long time, it is really worrying." 21010

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