Ultraman’s War

Chapter 1968: UPG fighter

'boom! The sound of a strong metal impact resounded around the surrounding area. Even King Gulant couldn’t ignore the powerful force carried by the Galactic Victory’s heavy punches. The heavy body couldn’t help but retreat several times under this blow. step. The weight of more than 210,000 tons made the earth unable to bear the weight at all, and every step back stepped the ground into a deep depression.

Before King Gulant could stand still, Galactic Victory bullied himself forward again, his left arm straightened out, his left fist swung out with a bitter momentum, and hit King Gulant's hard. On the left shoulder.

'boom! 'With a loud noise, King Gulant, who was not standing still, was hit hard and could not help but stepped back a few steps again. It is indeed a high-intelligence robot. As King Gulant retreated, the giant sword on his right arm followed Zhi slashed forward, and the shimmering sharp blade hit the galaxy Victory's abdomen.

Galaxy Victelli was still ready to pursue and continue to attack, but the sound of breaking through the air from the left made Galaxy Victory have to give up the pursuit, and hurriedly stopped the forward figure, and then moved forward. Then leaped.

The giant sword on the right arm of King Gurant almost rubbed the body of Galactic Victory. The tip of the sword was only half a meter away from Galactic Victory’s body. Even the Galactic Victory could feel the ancients. The air wave caused by the sharp sword of King Rand when it cut through the air.

King Gurant hit the sky with a single blow, without hesitation, his left arm immediately lifted, and the huge steel pliers opened and clamped to the Galaxy Victory. The momentum made people feel that even a mountain was enough to crush it into pieces. .

Galactic Victory moved his left leg to the right, crossed his legs, and then his body turned half a circle, almost fitting the edge of King Gulant’s giant pliers, just after turning half a circle. Standing firmly, Yinhe Victelli immediately raised his left leg, and a whip leg was thrown fiercely on King Gulante's left shoulder.

‘Boom! A sharp sound of golden and iron strikes sounded, the collision between Galactic Victory’s left foot and King Gurant’s shoulder splashed fierce sparks, and the huge recoil made Galactic Victory staggering backwards. After a few steps, King Gulante also stepped back again.

"This guy's defense is really too strong?!" Galactic Victory was secretly alarmed. He had already tried his best in just a few attacks, but the results of the attacks were not satisfactory, just to make King Gulant. After a few steps back, only a few shallow depressions were left on the metal armor of King Gulant, and it was impossible to break the defense of King Gulant.

"Shoo! Shoo! Shoo!"

At this moment, several missiles flew from the sky with white smoke, and instantly bombarded King Gulant's back, bursting into turbulent flames and billowing white smoke.

"Huh?!" Galactic Victory was taken aback, then turned his head slightly to look in the direction of the missile, and saw an orange fighter in the blue sky rushing at extremely fast speed. Galactic Victory's gaze through the cockpit glass can clearly see the two UPG members sitting inside, Matsumoto Haoqi and Sugita Arisa, who actually drove this test machine out.

"Xiao Guang, Sho, I will never let you fight alone again." Matsumoto roared boldly, and suddenly pushed the joystick to make the fighter jet fall quickly, and Sugita Arisa sitting in the back seat pressed hard to attack. Push the button, the missile launching nest on the front of the fuselage quickly turned, launching one after another stored missiles, and the missiles roared directly at King Gurant with white smoke.

'boom! boom! boom! ’

One missile after another exploded on King Gurant’s shoulder, behind, and other places, and the shock wave set off blew the dust and rubble scattered above the earth, like a sandstorm, billowing away.

Sparks, flames, dust, gravel... The missile explosion that looks like a special effect can be said to have reached the limit, but the effect it brings is extremely weak. King Gulant stood there motionless, as if these missiles The high temperature of hundreds of thousands of degrees reached at the moment the missile exploded just made the metal temperature of King Gulant's body rise a little bit, except that it had no effect.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh?!) Really. There is quite a picture of a monkey show that hurts twenty-eight thousand at a glance.

Sugita Arisa turned her head to look at King Gulante, and said in shock, "What kind of monster is this?"

In the UPG base, Captain Yoshiaki Jinno looked at the picture on the screen, especially when the fighter that had just been put into actual combat did not even hurt a little bit. This made Yoshiaki Jinno disappointed and sighed secretly. However, there was no expression on the board, and he picked up the communicator and said softly; "Matsumoto and Sugita, return to the base immediately."

"Captain, do you just let Xiaoguang and Xiang fight alone like this?" Matsumoto shouted with a bit of irritation, "I don't want to do this. This time, I must fight with them."

"Just a mouth is not enough. Fighting is not something that can be done by talking about it~www.NovelMTL.com~ Jinno Yoshiaki said slightly sternly: "Now the fighters cannot be put into actual combat, so... hurry back to the base. Does this make any sense to you? "

"But..." Matsumoto was unconvinced and wanted to debate, but opened his mouth and found that there was no reason to refute it. The actual combat effect had already informed him of the current state of the fighter, and there was nothing at all. The role is equivalent to a large-scale firework machine.

Ichijo Temple also took the communicator and said: "Matsumoto, I understand your intentions, but we still have to face the reality. The fighter is only a test model, and the weapons and equipment that should have been designed have not been loaded. Only conventional missiles and ordinary engines are loaded, so don’t try to be aggressive anymore and return to the base immediately."

"Understood!" Matsumoto glared at King Gulante, and then pulled the joystick to get out of here. Even if he was unwilling, he knew that this fighter, which had high hopes, could not help Xiaoguang and Xiang. Staying here is useless, but it may affect the battle between the two of them.

Only the fighter jets have just begun to change their trajectory. The flames on King Gulant’s body that were blown up by the missiles have been extinguished. King Gulante is not even interested in seeing the attacker. The erected tail turned slightly, and the particle cannon immediately fired at it. The fighter jet fired a particle cannon.

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