Ultraman’s War

Chapter 1954: Battle of Fate (End)

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"Xiaoguang..." Victelli, who was attacking Lukiel, hurriedly rushed towards the Milky Way, but just after changing his trajectory, a huge slap shot towards him. It was like swatting a fly, and it shot Victory away, and the speed was faster than the Milky Way. In the blink of an eye, he caught up with the Milky Way and hit the Milky Way, making them both close and fly out. Rolling on the ground like a ground gourd, a 100-meter-high machine was hit by the two of them into scrap iron flying all over the sky, the pillars supporting the ceiling were collided one after another, and finally the Milky Way And Victory fell into a pile of rubble and scrap iron.

Luke El stepped towards the ruins in the distance, and with every step he stepped on several machines into iron pieces, causing the ground to tremble.

‘Wow! A silver palm stained with a lot of dust peeked out from the piled up ruins of Lao Gao, and then peeled away the ruins on his body, supported the piled bricks and stones under him with his left hand, and tried hard to get himself to stand up.

‘Ding Dong! Ding Dong! ’

As the body stood up, the colored timer surrounded by crystals revealed, but the original azure blue colored timer was now flashing red, and even the crystal on the Milky Way looked extremely dim.

Victory was lying on the ground not far away, with several thick steel beams on his body, each weighing more than 100,000 tons. Victory just lay there motionless, making the Milky Way bigger. Shocked.

Enduring the pain, he climbed up hard, walked slantingly towards Victory, then squatted down, bent his right leg on the knee, and grabbed a steel beam with both hands, his arms suddenly exerted force and the muscles pulled The pain in the body became clearer, but Yinhe gritted his teeth without saying a word, raised the uppermost beam and threw it aside.

‘Duang! The steel beam hit the ground heavily, making a very loud sound. The vibration of the ground and the sound coming from his ears caused Victelli, who had passed out due to the heavy blow, to wake up. He slowly raised his head and felt that his body was as heavy as a mountain. Can't move, let alone hold up the weight of the body.

"It doesn't matter, Xiang, I'll let you come out." Yin Yin grabbed a beam again and threw it aside, but this action made him feel more pain in his body, but he resisted the pain and refused to hum.

Just as this beam hit the ground, a more dull sound of footsteps sounded, making Yinhe and Victor a startled, turning their heads to look at the place where the sound came from, and they saw a stout The black giant legs moved and fell towards this side, stepping on the bounce beam that the Milky Way had just thrown on the ground, and stepped the steel beam into the floor, sinking deeply into it.

"Luji El..." Yin Yin's heart couldn't help but sink, and then hurriedly grabbed the last four beams, trying to lift all these hundreds of thousands of tons of beams to one side, but slammed his body. The pain caused Yinhe snorted, and his already insufficient body couldn't lift such a heavy object.

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!) The beam moved up only a little thirty or forty centimeters.

Victory looked at Luji El, which was already less than 100 meters away. At such a distance, Luji El would step on the next step. Victory was anxious and shouted weakly: "Xiaoguang, don’t worry. I'm here. Get out of here."

"How could it be possible to leave you behind?" Yinhe gritted his teeth and yelled in a frantic manner. All the energy left in his body rushed to his arms, causing the crystals on his arms to shine, suddenly turning these The beam was lifted up and then thrown aside.

‘Kang Dang! ’

The sound of the four beams hitting the ground had just sounded, and the Milky Way heard the sound of breaking into the air coming from above. He hurriedly raised his head and saw that a huge black foot had been stepped on, and it was no longer above his head. One hundred meters.

There was no time to think, Yinhe raised his hands subconsciously to support the falling Luke Ayer's feet, and the unstoppable force immediately bent Yinhe, kneeling on the ground with his arms supporting the ground, and supporting the roadbed with his back. Al's huge soles.

‘Crack! Click! Under tremendous pressure, the floor on which Yinhe was kneeling gradually collapsed under the heavy pressure, and his legs and arms trembled, making people feel like they would be broken at any time.

"Hurry up, Xiang, get out of here right away, I won't be able to hold it for long." Yin Yin's tone changed under the heavy pressure, eagerly urging Victory to flee.

"Let me escape? How could I leave you behind?" Victory climbed up hard, and also supported Lukiel's falling feet with his back, and said with a smile: "You will not be a hero alone. Yes, I am also Ultraman."

"Yeah, Ultraman, we are Ultraman," Galaxy said through gritted teeth, "Didn't Mengbius-senior say? You must never give up, and then you can make the impossible possible."

"I don't know," Victory said naturally, "but I will never give in to this guy."

'call out! call out! call out! 'Nine streams of light penetrated the floor ~www.NovelMTL.com~ and went straight into the sky. The bright light made Lukiel couldn't help but look up at the nine meteors in the sky. I saw nine meteors with different rays in the sky falling towards this side, dragging their long tails to draw bright trajectories in the sky.

I just saw the nine meteors, before Luji El could see what it was, the nine meteors had already fallen, spread out and made an arc with Luji El as the center, and rushed under his feet. .

Luke Air and Yinhe, who were crushed below, suddenly felt their eyes bright, and then the weight on their bodies disappeared. This made them two very surprised. They raised their heads in astonishment and found Nexus and Mengbiyou. Si, Max, Goss, Cyro, Tiga, Dyna, Gaia, and Aguru stood side by side in front of them.

Surrounded by a sea of ​​light, there is no darkness at all. The Milky Way and Victory glanced at each other and slowly stood up. The nine Ultramans in front of them swiped up their right hands, releasing a strong wave. The light enveloped the Milky Way and Victory.

The turbulent energy made the originally weak Milky Way and Victory feel full of power at once, and the more dazzling energy completely enveloped the Milky Way and Victory, and then the lights merged with each other to form a huge Light group.

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