Ultraman’s War

Chapter 1952: Battle of Fate (11)

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With a wave of Aguru's right arm, the light lingering in his palm quickly condensed into a shining azure sword of Aguru. With a forceful swipe forward, the point of the sword light collided with the crimson light from King Faib's abdomen. Together.

As soon as Gaia raised his hand, crimson energy radiated from his hand, which quickly condensed into a light blue light blade, then swung forward, colliding with the purple light. When Gaia and Aguru wielded two sharp light blades in their hands, a strong light appeared on the light blades and condensed into a red and blue crescent-shaped light blade, colliding with the two rays of light that hit them. In an instant, the two rays of light emitted by King Faib were cut in half from the middle, and they rushed towards King Faib without any reduction.

All of this was completed in less than a second, and the reaction speed of Gaia and Aguru was not unpleasant.

After Dana saw King Faib’s movements, he immediately raised his right hand over his head without the slightest hesitation. The palm of his hand was surrounded by strong energy rays, which quickly converged into a jagged light wheel, which was hurled towards by Dana. Go.

The rapidly rotating light wheel immediately collided with the Ray Chubass light, and the sharp saw teeth cut the light from the middle, and rushed towards King Faib in the violent splash of sparks.

Diga just finished turning over in the air, and saw King Faib launching a spiral destroying beam at him. Diga straightened his right leg, quickly gathered energy, and pointed his right foot directly at Faib below. king.

Immediately, Tiga's flying kick and the spiral destroying beam lingered with strong energy collided together. The collision of the two different energies burst out a terrifying energy shock wave, which swept around like a hurricane.

Tiga Fei kicked and smashed the spiral destruction beams to death, carrying a mighty force on King Faib's body, and at the same time the light blades emitted by Gaia and Aguru and the light emitted by Dinah The round also hit King Faib's body.

Being hit by four Ultraman attacks at the same time, King Faib could not help but retreat. The huge soles of his feet stepped on the ground, causing the earth to tremble, and the place where the body was attacked was splashed with fierce sparks, as if It was fireworks that bloomed like fireworks. Even with the protection of the scales, King Faib still felt unbearable pain. The parts of the kick kicked by Digafei, the scales were slightly sunken, and even two subtle lines appeared. Gap.

Before King Faib stood firm, Gaia, Dyna and Aguru had already rushed to King Faib’s body. Gaia and Aguru grabbed King Faib’s immense size from left to right. With both arms, pressed back hard.

While Dina was running, her arms crossed in front of her, and then she stretched out towards the sides. Dina immediately glowed with a strong red radiance, covering Dina's body, making Dina immediately Transformed into a strong red form.

Gaia and Aguru clamped King Faib's arms from left to right, pushed back with all their strength, Dina raised his right fist, and the energy in the body continuously gathered on the fist, strode Take a step forward, then lean forward and swing your right fist forward.

Dina's right fist wrapped in flame energy slammed into King Faib's abdomen, the protruding head of Chao Gob, ‘Boom! There was a loud noise, flames splashed and sparks flew up. The power of horror was transmitted to King Faib’s body without reservation. Together with the power of Gaia and Aguru pushing back, King Faib could not help but step back a few steps. The scales on his chest were Dina sank immediately after being hit, and the originally smooth and bright scales became scorched and even showed a molten state.

King Faib’s body has not yet stood firm, Diga has rushed over from the left, facing the right leg of King Faib who is still retreating, a sweeping leg kicks from back to front. King Faib’s knees.

The sudden attack caused King Faib's unstable body to fall backwards, his huge body slammed heavily on the ground, and the air wave raised billowing dust, turning several unclear functions The machine was also squeezed under his body and was crushed by King Faib, who weighed more than 50,000 tons.

"Ah!" King Faib yelled frantically, with great momentum, echoing in this vast space, and overshadowing the sound of these countless machines. The sound swept all around, and the smoke that had just risen was suddenly torn apart by the monstrous sound.

King Faib’s abdomen, head, arms, and knees all lit up, quickly firing out light bullets of different colors, and the rate of fire reached as many as 40 or 50 light bullets per second. Flying all over the sky, they rushed to the four Ultraman in front.

Tiga, Dyna, Gaia, and Aguru dodge hurriedly, rolling, jumping, and sidestepping...and shuttled back and forth in the sky of light bullets, but the Ultramans weren’t just evasive. They launched one from time to time. Shuriken hit King Faib.

It’s just that their attacks are often collided by the light bombs fired by King Faib on the way, exploding into turbulent flames, and then more light bombs break through the explosive flames and continue to rush towards Ultraman’s area. . The intensive firepower of King Faib made the four Ultramans exhausted and unable to launch an effective attack on King Faib.

More light bombs fell on the ground ~www.NovelMTL.com~ blasted a steel-made machine into fragments in the sky. The sharp steel fragments were driven by the explosion of air waves, like fragments of exploded shells. Flying around.

The wall tiles of unknown material look like tofu in front of these steel shards, which can be penetrated by a twist, but within three to four seconds, large and small steel shards are scattered on the walls, ceiling and floor, densely packed like hedgehogs.

King Faib was like a scavenger, but within three to five seconds, all the machines in a large area were blown up. The light bombs that fell one after another bombarded the floor, exploding one huge after another on the hard floor. Incomparable potholes, some even directly blasted through the thirty to forty meters thick floor, exposing the next layer of space filled with machines.

The bombing lasted less than ten seconds. The floor of this and the next level was bombed with holes everywhere, and then crashed. A large number of fragments, heavy machinery and steel wreckage fell down and smashed. In the space on the next floor, there was a thunderous explosion.

King Faib was unprepared, the sudden collapse of his feet made his body sink heavily, but immediately the wings behind him spread out quickly, shaking quickly, allowing King Faib to levitate. Up in the air.

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