Ultraman’s War

Chapter 1941: Monsters made with the world tree

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Atalga stood at the highest point of Time City, looking at the dark and silent universe, countless extremely small star points shimmering with dim light, more than 99% of these endless light points are one million light-years in diameter. Starlight formed by the fusion of the brilliance of the vast galaxy.

"No matter how dazzling, it becomes extremely dim in front of distance, no matter how powerful, it becomes extremely small in front of the universe..." Atalga meditated on the teachings his father had given him. This is the principle followed by the survivors of the Aytarga civilization after being wiped out by Noah.

His father believed that the Atalga civilization was too shining, unscrupulous, and without a trace of awe that attracted Noah's blow, so that the main civilization was completely annihilated. If you acted low-key and carefully explored other universes, you wouldn't face such a situation.

"No, father, you are wrong." Atalga said flatly: "The only reason our civilization was destroyed is that it is not strong enough. Noah can destroy us unscrupulously because of his powerful power. Civilization. If we were strong enough at the beginning, how could we possibly be left out? This universe is power supreme. As long as there is strong enough power, you can do whatever you want."

Aitar squeezed his hands tightly, feeling the hardness of the scales, and the eyes covered by the mask. Through the gaps in the mask, he looked at the blue planet in the distance. Now there are a lot of Austria gathered on this planet. Terman is probably the planet that gathers the most Ultraman outside of the Light Kingdom.

"Absolutely...absolutely seal all of you, and use you to pave my way to the universe." Aitarga whispered, especially the Ultraman Cerro, he is bound to have it, only possess Only with a stronger Ultraman sample can he create a more powerful Ultraman, and then hunt for a more powerful Ultraman, and so on, so that the Ultraman he created will become more powerful until he completely dominates the universe. So far, this is one of the roads planned by Atalga.

Atalga, who was thinking about his plan, was stunned, and then a screen appeared on the mask where his eyes were angry. The jeweled Murunao sat leisurely on the throne made of gold and jade, smiling sweetly. Looking at Aitarga: "Aitalga, I found a very good toy, definitely more fun than your card."

As he said, Murunao raised his hand and picked up a dark purple ring, holding the handle of this thing in his right hand, and gently stroking the ring glowing with dark purple light years with his left hand, his eyes full of intoxication: "Look Look, what a beautiful light, this thing is really satisfying for me."

Aitarga coldly watched Murunao's performance, standing at the top of Time City without saying a word, staring at the earth in the distance. Murunao talked for a long time and saw Aitar. Jia did not respond at all, and stopped boasting very boringly.

"Cut, it's still like a dead person, I will tell you compassionately. This is something that can only be born in the most evil and darkest place-the dark circle, with infinite power, can manipulate all the power of darkness in the world , The premise is that you are evil enough. If not evil enough, this little thing will fly away by itself."

"What then? Is there any use?" Atalga said coldly, without any enthusiasm or envy at all.

"Useful, hahaha, many, many," Murunao had a triumphant smile on his face, and his right hand gently shook the dark circle in his hand: "I can turn monsters into cards, no, not just monsters, any Nothing that uses energy can escape the control of the dark circle in my hand, and then let it completely obey my instructions and become my most faithful slave."

"Really? That's really great," Atalga said in an unsentimental tone: "You can finally fulfill your long-cherished wish, turn the nasty Rebolds into your slave, and then torture as much as you want. Let him go, I am very supportive of your behavior"

"You..." The smug look on Murunao's face disappeared suddenly, her face twitched unnaturally, and her uncontrollable anger made her chest rise, and she took several deep breaths. Then he suppressed the anger, and said angrily: "Aitalga, you are still so unlikable?"

"I just don't like to exaggerate the facts. Your dark circle may also control something weaker than you. Can you control something slightly stronger?" Aitarga sneered and waved his hand. The image of the card was transmitted to Murunao, and he said coldly: "Can you control such a guy?"

"This is..." Murunao frowned and looked at the two cards in front of him: "Ampera Starman, that guy is dead long ago. And Beria, when did you control him? , I remember hearing Rebolds say that Beria is still active in another universe."

"No, it's not me," Atalgar said coldly, "It's just a puppet made with dark energy. Although there is no wisdom, as long as I have enough energy, I can create such a puppet without limits."

"I thought it was a powerful thing, it turned out to be just some puppets," Muruna sneered, and said contemptuously: "Aitalga, you should understand that there are so many unwise puppets. It’s useless, I know you are angry that Rebolds has taken away most of the energy of the World Tree that you have worked so hard to collect, but this is necessary. Only the energy of the World Tree can produce enough to compete with Noah and Reggie. Too, Pete and Saiga’s strongest monsters, the birth of Di Sastro will lay the foundation for our ancient survivors to rule the universe."

"Then give it a try~www.NovelMTL.com~Anyway... it's just some energy," Atalga said unchanged in his tone: "I really hope that Rebolds can succeed. After all, we are the ancient survivors. All things are prosperous, and all things are lost. I will be happy for him if he succeeds. After all, a large part of all this now is due to his plan. He wants to occupy most of the resources in return."

"If you can think of it this way, it's really great." Muruna shook the dark circle in his hand and said with a grin: "Thank you for your information. I use my dark circle to fuse it based on your information. With the characteristics of the four robots, I created a Xeon robot. When I succeed, I will show it to you. Compare with your fusion monster to see who is stronger."

"I look forward to that day." Atalga still said coldly, that made Murunao, who was full of ostentation, feel extremely uncomfortable and frustrated, just like a super powerful explosion in your game To show off his equipment with joy, the other party didn't feel any at all, as if they couldn't see it. The complete topic terminator, let Muruna snorted and closed the communication directly, without even a little perfunctory intention.

But Atalga did not respond to this, and even maintained that expressionless face, staring at the distant earth, and whispered: "Wait, I will get back all I deserve everything of."

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