Ultraman’s War

Chapter 1936: training

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"Siro, your request is a bit high." Xingye's laughed voice came from the side.

Zhu Xingzhen made a cut and said helplessly with his arms folded on his chest: "These two guys can't meet the requirements at all. They have poor fighting awareness, poor fighting skills, and worse psychological quality. They are really far from home. The land of the newcomer I met last time is better than the two of them."

"Hiss!" The auditorium stood up with a grin, holding the painful waist with his right hand, and slowly walked over, his mouth was still not convinced to distinguish: "Why am I so bad? Got it."

"That's it, it's just training, there is no need to start so hard, right." Xiang also suffered a face, constantly rubbing his aching arm.

"I said, my training is very difficult," Zhuxing really snorted, and then looked at the auditorium Guanghexiang very uncomfortably: "There are two of you, there is no cooperation at all, you must know you The two are partners fighting side by side, and fighting alone will not make it to the end."

"We two obviously cooperate, right, Xiang."

"Yeah, you have been cooperating with the attack all the time?"

"Do you also call cooperation? You are still far from it." Zhu Xing really sneered, and cruelly criticized: "If one is repulsed, the other will attack, so that the enemy will always face only one. , You can attack the enemy while one is attacking. You will not disrupt the attack rhythm of your partner by attacking the enemy, and even the attack rhythm is exactly the same. The two people are like one person without interruption to the enemy. Launch an attack. Can you do it?"

"A person?" Hall Guang and Xiang glanced at each other, a little confused, very at a loss, Hall Guang was very puzzled and asked: "Why are we like a person? Our two fighting styles are different. ."

"This is not to say that you have the same fighting style, but a tacit cooperation. Even if one person is fighting a monster, the other person can shoot light bullets from a long distance and avoid the partner and hit the monster accurately. Can it be done?" Xingye shook his head helplessly, turned to Mayumi and said: "Mayumi, give them some treatment, so you can't continue training."

"Hey? Continue training, isn't it over today?" Hall Guang stared in surprise and turned his head to look at Zhuxingzhen.

The stars standing aside said in an angry tone: "This is just the beginning. Do you think Ultraman is such an easy task? A qualified Space Guard soldier in the Kingdom of Light has to undergo strict screening. Understand the special effects of various cosmic creatures, know the weaknesses and attack methods of different monsters, and have undergone three thousand years of fighting training. You...huh, the difference is too far."

"Three thousand years...hehe, hehe!" Hall Guanghe Xiang just wanted to laugh, and didn't want to say anything else. Let alone three thousand years, they will become loess in a hundred years, and another fifty years will take them. Bearded, according to the standards of the Kingdom of Light, I am afraid that the two of them with white hair and trembling will have to train to fight.

"Don't smirk, you won't be able to laugh for a while." Mayumi gloated, raised his hand, and released a soft light on the body of Hikaru Kazuo, making Sho Hikaru who grinned because of pain feel pain. It eased a lot at once, but within three or four seconds, there was no more pain.

"It's amazing," Hall Guang said with his arms happily and gratefully: "Thank you so much."

"Thanks..." Mayumi glanced at the hall light, then shook his head, and looked at the hall light with sympathy: "Don't worry, you will definitely hate me for being here soon?"

"Oh? What do you mean?" The auditorium couldn't help being taken aback when he heard the words, but there was no reaction for a while. Xiang, who was on the side, understood immediately, the corners of his mouth twitched a few times, and even the bitter smile disappeared.

Zhu Xingzhen on the side lowered his arms, squeezed his hands together, and made a sound of "Ka!" Click! The sound, the voice was very peaceful, said: "You have a rest, come on, continue training. Don't worry, Mayumi will never die here."

"No?!" The auditorium suddenly understood what Mayumi just said, his face was full of despair, and looked at Mayumi very sadly.

"Siro, take a rest, I'll come," Xingye shook his head, and said to the gearing Zhu Xingzhen: "They don't have so much time to complete the training that Leo performed for you. They already have their own The fighting style is now, what you need is to learn to cooperate in combat."

As he said, Xingye waved his hand at the auditorium Kokazusho: "Come on, rest assured, I have a good deal and will not hurt you."

"Yes, yes, I have personally experienced it, he is very important." Zhu Xing really laid back on a smooth rock, his face full of gloat, as if watching a good show, let In the auditorium, Kōhe Xiang's feelings of misfortune deepened.

Starry night took off her black windbreaker and handed it to Mayumi, then moved her arms a little, and waved at the auditorium Kokazu Sho: "Remember to cooperate with www.NovelMTL.com. Altman never You are not fighting alone. There are always partners fighting with you in various ways. Whenever you understand this truth, no matter what enemy you face, you can fight without fear."

With that, Xingye turned his head and looked at the vigilant Auditorium Guang He Xiang standing on the left and right sides, and smiled softly: "Come on, just attack, rest assured, I will show mercy."

Auditorium Guanghe Xiang glanced at each other, nodded, and at the same time launched an attack on Xingye, and all his fists were aimed at Xingye's head, without any polite intention at all. Faced with the attack of these two people, Xingye didn't avoid it, but just shook his head slightly, and then suddenly took a step back. While retreating, his arms were raised and crossed, and he caught the light and Sho from the auditorium. With a right fist, it didn't stop it, but pulled it along the direction of their swing.

After feeling that his wrist was held by Starry Night, Hikaru Shou was stunned. Then, the body that had been leaning forward was pulled by Starry Night, and he suddenly lost his balance. He staggered forward and took a step forward. The two fists, which were basically at the same height, directly touched each other under the guidance of Starry Night.

‘Boom! With a muffled sound, Hall Guang He Xiang's arms trembled abruptly, his face showed pain, and he felt that the bones of the fists were about to break.

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