Ultraman’s War

Chapter 1933: contact

Zhuxingzhen was also a little puzzled, stroking his chin and said in a puzzled way: "But Tyro said that this world had monsters in Xingxiang Village at least two years ago. How can we start building organizations to deal with monsters until now? , I really don't understand."

The auditorium who was responsible for guiding the way couldn’t help but retort: ​​“It’s not like that. After the monster appeared in Starfall Village three years ago, the special search team UPG was established. It just fought Victory Lukiel a year ago. In, the base was destroyed, so..."

"Are all your fighter jets destroyed?" The future asked strangely: "If you deal with monsters, fighter jets are the most effective. Cars...the power of laser guns is far from enough. At the beginning... .Even with meteor technology."

"Uh, this..." Hall Guang just scratched his head in embarrassment, and finally said helplessly: "I don't know if you ask this, I usually turn into Ultraman to fight directly. Really didn't care about it."

"Don't worry about this problem, maybe their cars and laser guns are more powerful," Xingye said teasingly, and then greeted everyone: "Let's go, if you are not hungry, you can stay on the spacecraft. to chat with."

"I don't know how long I have been sleepy in that broken card. I'm already hungry. I want to eat 20 large pieces of sushi in one go." Asuka said arrogantly, touching his belly.

Zhen Kakuyi walked outside with Asuka, and said, "Then I will eat thirty. I will have the strength to fight when I'm full. Last time I lost to him in a sneak attack by Atalga. When I regain my strength, I will definitely find it. Back to the scene."

Starry night and Mayumi walked behind, and they couldn't help laughing as they looked at the motivated people. Mayumi looked at Makoto and shook her head uncontrollably: "Really, they are all such grown-ups, and they are like children. Xiaoyi is so old that he can have fun with Xiaoyi. Doesn't it mean that there will be a generation gap if the age gap is large?"

"Age... no longer makes sense." Xingye shrugged and took Mayumi out and walked out: "Let's go, this planet will also have something special that belongs only to itself, it depends on whether we can find it. "

In the UPG restaurant, a table with a length of two meters and a width of five meters has been set up, and it is filled with delicious delicacies: barbecue, sushi, dumplings, roast duck, dumplings, burgers, fried chicken... from all over the world Dozens of foods filled this table, and people drooled.

A group of people who have been trapped for a long time are sitting at the table unceremoniously with big bones. You eat a chicken leg and I come to a hamburger. Starry night looked at Zhu Xingzhen who also joined the army of destroying food, and this guy didn't even eat more slowly than the future.

Only My Dream, Tengmiya, and Musashi are still humans present. Except for using Ultraman's power, the others are completely Ultraman. The ultraman, who merged with light in the later stage, such as Asuka and True Kakuwing, can also be said to maintain human eating habits. The future, Zhuxingzhen, and Kuaidou are the outright Ultraman born in the Kingdom of Light. How can he be like a starving ghost.

Starry night spit out inwardly, while the quick-eyed Wang grabbed a roast duck into the plate, picked up the Western-style knife on the table and started to slice the duck, Mayumi took the chopsticks and clamped the meat on the starry night plate.

A group of people had a great time eating here, but the atmosphere in the UPG war room on the other side was very serious. UPG Captain Yoshiaki Jinno listened carefully to their report from the auditorium and understood the specific situation.

After everyone had finished speaking, Captain Yoshiaki Jinno said, "Then they are all Ultraman?!"

The auditorium hesitated for a moment, and said uncertainly: "It should be, mine did see Ultraman Cyro and Ultraman Tiga fly into that spaceship, and Zhuxingzhen and the future also knew the past. Tyro Ultraman who helped me, I'm not sure if others are Ultraman."

Matsumoto shook his head in disbelief with pride: "No, it's all Ultraman, so 1, 2, 3, 4....are there so many Ultraman?"

There is a temple, but it nodded without surprise: "Ultraman Tyro once said about the kingdom of light. There is a kingdom of Ultraman. Even if there are thousands of Ultramans, it is not worth it. Surprised thing."

"Thousands..." Matsumoto thought about the scenes of Ultraman all over the street with pride, shaking his body shudderingly: "It's terrible. Didn't I become an ant in the past? The kind that will be trampled to death."

"Can't you just say some important points?" Sugita Arisa pushed this unreliable guy to the side angrily, and said sternly: "Captain, according to the boy named Starry Night, the one who can control the monster that appeared today Universe Atalga and his time-space city have not left, and may reappear at any time, so we must not relax."

Xiang nodded in agreement: "Me and Hikari are preparing to receive the training of Ultraman Cerro and Ultraman Mambius. We must strengthen our strength and will never lose to the enemy again." The light in the auditorium on the side was also serious. Nodding, thinking of the people who have been hurt because of him today, the auditorium just filled with intense anger.

"Yeah!" Captain Yoshiaki Jinno nodded noncommittal~www.NovelMTL.com~ After thinking about it, he said: "Let’s go, it’s time to meet them, this time I have to thank them well. Otherwise, the floating city might fall..."

UPG’s restaurant is already a mess. The food on the table is only bones and peels. Asuka and Zhenjiaoyi spread out on the chairs with satisfaction, touching their stomachs. There is no such laziness. A little bit of Ultraman's heroism.

"It's been a long time since I've eaten so full. The food in this world is very good." Asuka is full of wine and rice, and the whole person is lying on the sofa in the most comfortable posture, holding a toothpick in one hand and picking his teeth lazily. Although other people do not have the ‘presumptuous’ as Asuka, their posture is not much better. After all, after being trapped for so long, they are already exhausted.

Zhen Jiao Yi was already lying on the sofa, and fell asleep with his eyes closed. My Meng He Teng Gong was also groggy, with his eyelids drooping. In addition, Mirai, Kuaidou, and Zhuxing really have some spirit.

"Everyone should take a good rest. I'll leave it to me." Xingye saw this stand up and said softly, and then said to the future and Kuaidou: "You two should take a break, too. You can't fight without energy. of."

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