Ultraman’s War

Chapter 1928: Trapped Ultra Warrior

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After taking a breath, Musashi straightened up, took a deep breath and continued to climb this steep peak for him. Although the collapsed masonry mountain had many gaps, Musashi still chose not to take this shortcut. , In case it collapses in half...

In order to avoid such a tragedy, Musashi finally chose to climb over this masonry mountain, which was time-consuming and laborious. Only after Musashi was struggling to climb this tall mountain, he raised his head before he had time to wipe his face. The sweat beaded on him was stunned.

After a while, Musashi said with a hint of despair in astonishment, "How could it be like this?"

With the help of this dim light, Musashi vaguely saw that the corridor in front had completely collapsed and was blocked to death. Even if Musashi was willing to venture through the gap, he might not be able to find a gap leading to the other end.

"Oh!" Musashi sighed deeply, and said to himself: "It seems that we have to find a new way." Musashi's tone is full of frustration. It is easy to say, but it is really difficult to do it. The empty and huge space-time city only knows the general direction, how difficult it is to find Gauss. However, Musashi didn't give up, just a little frustrated and cheered up again, looking around to find a passage or a gap that could bypass the front.

At this moment, Musashi heard a familiar voice from behind him: "Musashi..."

When Musashi first heard this sound, he was stunned for a while, and then he realized that he was a little surprised and turned around. He saw a silver beam flying out of the collapsed wall, falling in front of Musashi, condensing the starry night. Figure.

"Starry night..." Musashi looked at Xingye with surprise, and finally let go of the heart he had been holding. Then he pointed to the blocked corridor on the opposite side, and said eagerly: "Ultraman Goss is sealed. , It should be over there."

Xingye nodded and said, "I've heard Cyro say about the situation. I won't talk any more nonsense, and I will find Gauss and them immediately."


Xingye put his right hand on Musashi's shoulder, and his body immediately glowed with light, which was quickly transmitted to Musashi's body, enveloping it in the brilliance, and turned into a dazzling streamer flying forward, penetrating without hindrance After removing the bricks and rubble that blocked the road, he flew straight ahead.

"Gauss...Gauss..." Musashi tried his best to call Gauss's name in his heart, trying to establish a connection with Gauss to determine the position of Gauss, but he never got a response, but Musashi could feel himself It is getting closer and closer to Gauss.

The silver streamer stopped after penetrating a thick wall, and fell on the ground. The brilliance converged, first showing Musashi and then condensing the figure of Starry Night. Musashi hurriedly raised his head and looked towards. Above.

I saw an incomparably dark void above, just like the void of the universe, but there are seven shining stars in the void that emit bright light. If you look closely, these stars are cards, Tiga, Dinah, and Gaia. , Aguru, Goss, Max, and Dreambius kept hitting the borders around the card, but it was useless. The energy in the body continued to gush out, radiating in this dark space, looking from afar Going up makes people feel that these seven cards are like stars.

"Gauss..." Musashi yelled at the Gauss card in the sky, but he couldn't get any response. Gauss still attacked in vain as if he couldn't see him.

Xingye raised his right hand to aim at the sky, and then released a bright light from his palm to the sky, until the height of the seven cards of Tiga and the others, the light burst and turned into seven slightly smaller beams. Come, wrap these seven cards inside, and then the light shrank back, and brought back the seven cards.


Seven Ultraman cards were held in the palm of Xingye. Xingye checked the cards in his hand and nodded, and grabbed Musashi's arm: "Get out of here."

Almost at the same time, Atalga, who was about to launch a light bomb at Cyro, couldn't help but stop. He suddenly turned his head and looked in the direction of Time City, and saw a silver light beam flying out of Time City without any cover. , Flew obliquely to high altitude, flew directly into a silver-white spacecraft that fell from the clouds, and disappeared.

"Damn, I dared to steal things from my city," Aitarga yelled angrily, "Badolton, chase me back."

Bardolton, who was diving down and spewing flame bombs towards Siro, immediately turned his wings and instantly changed the trajectory of his flight. From diving down and flying towards the sky, the extremely fast speed made Badalton into a single piece. The illusory shadow headed towards the Helios at an extremely fast speed.

Cerro couldn't help but raised his head, looked towards the sky, and instantly distinguished the icy blue Helios that was the same as the sky, which made Cerro laugh out loud and looked down slightly. Aitarga: "Huh, how do I see you escape this time?"

"Escape?" Atalga sneered, raised his head proudly, looked at Cerro and said, "I think it's you who is going to escape."

"Really?" Sai Luo snorted, and heard a screaming noise from the air, and then ‘huh! There was a loud noise, and the earth trembled violently~www.NovelMTL.com~Siro and Atalga couldn't help but turned their heads to look over there at the same time, only to see a few wailing from the dusty area, followed by a rush The wings of the fan made a slight vibration through the air.

In the dusty place, Badalton walked out step by step, and quickly flapped his wings while walking, blowing away the dust around him. There is a clear depression on Badalton's left shoulder covered with thick scale armor, which is obviously a mark left by a heavy blow.

Immediately, a purple-blue streamer flew down rapidly from the air, and then landed on the ground, condensing Tiga Ultraman in the form of the sky, Tiga raised his arms to fight against the opposite Baddolton. The starting position.

Sai Luo moved his arm and said to Tiga beside him: "It's very timely, Xiaoyi, it's up to you to clean up this winged guy."

Tiga didn’t say a word, as if she didn’t hear her, she ran her legs on the ground at a super fast speed, and within three or four seconds, he traversed a distance of more than 3,000 meters to reach Bardolton. A heavy fist struck Badalton.

Badalton immediately raised his sickle-like arm and collided with Diga's right arm. After blocking Diga's heavy punch, Badalton quickly flapped his wings and flew into space.

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