Ultraman’s War

Chapter 1920: gap

The Milky Way Flash Slash bombarded Aitarga with infinite aura, and the condensed energy burst out, bursting into a turbulent shock wave, rolling up the surrounding dust and flying around like a sandstorm.

A terrifying flame erupted from Atalga, leaping into the sky like a mushroom cloud, and all the clouds and mountains in the sky were torn apart. The hot tongue of fire licked Yinhe's body, making Yinhe feel an incomparable burning sensation, and he couldn't help raising his arm in front of him. I couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, relax a little, and finally wiped out...

Yinhe just thought of this, a big golden hand suddenly pierced through the flames and protruded like lightning, pinched Ultraman Yinhe by the neck, and then lifted it from the ground.

"Woo! Woo!" Yinhe struggled painfully, with both hands firmly breaking the golden giant palm, trying to break it apart, but the five-finger iron tongs holding his neck generally couldn't break it no matter how hard he tried. a little.

"Is it that way? It's really disappointing." Atalga's flat voice came from the fire, and the turbulent flames slowly subsided, revealing Aitarga's previously submerged by the fire. Figure.

There are still strands of embers on the surrounding ground, which are very conspicuous on the scorched earth. The surrounding air is hot. Atalga just pinched Ultraman Galaxy’s neck and lifted it from the ground. The general five fingers kept converging, making the galaxy extremely painful.

"It's almost done, so let's end it." Atalga said, raising his left hand and stroking his forehead. The third eye covered by the mask began to light up, gathering energy and preparing to seal the Milky Way.

At this moment, Atalga heard a loud shout in her left ear: "Viktorum Slash!"

At the same time as the sound sounded, more than ten V-shaped dark golden light bullets whizzed at Aitarga in a spiral trajectory. Almost Aitarga had just turned his head, one after another. The type light bomb hit him.

'boom! boom! boom! A thunderous explosion sounded, and Victorum's slash hit Atalga's body and exploded in an instant, and the flames that were set off buried all of Atalga's body.

Just when Atalga's attention was attracted by the V-shaped light bomb launched by Ultraman Victor, Ultraman Galactic, who had been struggling with pain, suddenly raised his right arm, and the crystals all over his body shone golden. The brilliance, from the crystals on his head, arms and chest, released strong lightning energy into the sky. It condensed into a golden vortex at a distance of three to four hundred meters from the top of Atalga’s head, and then a golden vortex. Lightning struck down from the whirlpool and hit Aitarga one after another.

Lightning struck the pale golden scales of Atalga, making a sound of ‘chih! Shit! The sound of ’is in the intense sparks. Under the double attack of the V-shaped light bomb and the galaxy lightning strike, Atalga, who was caught unprepared, staggered towards the left, and the arm holding the galaxy could not help but relax slightly, causing Ultraman Galaxy to fall on Ground.

Before he could catch his breath, Ultraman Galactic hurriedly backflips away from Aitarga a few times, and stands side by side with Victory on the side, raising his arms and making a fighting start to Aitarga. formula.

Victory said to the Galaxy Ultraman next to him with a humorous tone: "Very embarrassing, Xiaoguang, is it because the travel is so sloppy that you don't know how to fight?"

"It's very timely, Xiang!" Yinhe said to Victory beside him without looking back, "This guy is very difficult to deal with. Be careful."

"Of course, let's go together." Xiang standing in the light space said as he took out a golden ancient bridge spark doll, and pressed it on the Victory Holy Spear in his hand.

"Super-substantial, Golden Ancient Bridge!"

Ultraman Victelli's right arm immediately glowed with a light blue brilliance, quickly converging into a cannon that the Golden Ancient Bridge possessed, wrapping Victelli's right forearm entirely. Immediately, Victelli raised the Golden Bridge Rocket Launcher on his right arm, aiming at Aitarga not far away.

'clatter! clatter! clatter! 'With the sound of a burst of gunfire like fried beans, a metal storm like a hurricane pierced the air and whirled towards Aitarga. Energy bullets hit the scales of Aitarga's body. The armour burst open instantly, but in this dense burst of flame, Atalga didn't move at all, just standing there staring at Victory's futile attack.

"What?" Victory was taken aback, and then he felt a flower in front of him. Atalga, who was standing three or four hundred meters away, suddenly appeared in front of him, and a forward punch was smashed. On Victory's chest.

I can only hear ‘Boom! With a loud noise, Victory let out a scream, and immediately flew out several kilometers away until his back hit a high mountain before stopping. ‘Kang Dang! With a loud noise, the high mountain hit by Atalga collapsed immediately, and large chunks of earth and rock rolled down, ‘Boom! The thunderous impact continued, and the dust almost drowned Victory.

"Xiang..." The Yinhe just shouted out~www.NovelMTL.com~Aitalga had already come to Li him, flew up and kicked at his will, and the Yinhe Also kicked out and flew towards the city not far away.

The huge body hit the building on the edge of the city, directly smashing the building into fragments, and the Milky Way continued to fly backwards without abating, smashing building after building into fragments, and being beaten by Atalga Flying Milky Way is directly in the city with row upon row of tall buildings, and abruptly rolls out a tens of meters wide road covered with masonry and rubble.

Ultraman Galaxy didn’t stop until he knocked down more than a dozen buildings. The huge body was almost buried in the ruins, and the screams of fear and painful wailing of humans around were continuously passed into the ears of the Galaxy. , So that the galaxy's heart is particularly angry.

UPG’s combat room, the UPG team members who were preparing to set off looked at the Galaxy Ultraman and Victor Ultraman falling among the masonry rubble and gravel debris in amazement. The sum of them was less than half. Within minutes of effort, both Ultramans were defeated, and they were still helpless.

"This guy is too powerful?!" Ichizo Temple also looked at the majestic Golden Armored God of War on the screen in amazement. At the beginning, Yinhe and Victory had not been so powerless even when facing Lukiel. The fighting power gap between the two sides is totally different, no matter how hard you try, you can't make up the gap between the two sides.

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