Ultraman’s War

Chapter 1879: Space storm

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"No, you have to leave as soon as possible." Sai Luo nodded silently, suddenly raised his arms, and tapped his hands on the ice axe just above his head.

‘Huh! ’

The emerald light flashed, and the two ice axes rose up into the sky in an instant, turning into two silver-white meteors, hitting the opposite King Haipa Ai Lei, only to hear ‘Ping! Ping! With two beeps, the ice axe slashed fiercely on the extended wings of King Hypaele, and directly cut the wings of King Hypaele into two 20-meter gaps.

The huge trauma caused King Hypa-Elei to utter a wailing, and the lightning pillars released by the wings had to stop because of this. With his mouth opened, he spit out a golden arc of light and drew an arc in the air to bypass the game. Luo's ultimate holy shield slashed fiercely on Sai Luo's shoulder, splashing violent sparks.

'Well! 'Siro couldn't help but snorted, his body turned sideways, the spinning ice axe flew back and got stuck on the top of Sailo's head again, and Sailo hurriedly flew towards the sky regardless of King Haipa'ere. The Divine Shield was then transformed into the ultimate armor again.

The ultimate armor has just been dressed, and before Cyro can open the passage to leave here, an endless space-time hurricane suddenly appeared from the cracks in the space that was already full of cracks, which immediately swept Cyro and King Hypalai. Entering, Siro snorted in pain, feeling as if several mountains were squeezing him, and the bones all over his body seemed to be broken.

"Damn, damn!" Sai Luo gritted his teeth and roared, trying hard to wave his right arm and open the space channel to leave here, but the strong space-time hurricane swept him, causing the ultimate holy sword in his hand to follow the hurricane involuntarily Swaying in the direction of, completely unable to open the space channel. Then the space channel was completely shattered, and the terrifying force released by the space shattered unreservedly impacted on Cyro's body, causing Cyro to faint with a snoring, completely lost consciousness, and could only follow the time and space hurricane. Scrolling and drifting to unknown places.

In an empty and lonely cosmic void, a bright colorful light suddenly appeared in one of the points, which was particularly eye-catching and dazzling against the dark background of the universe, and then the colorful light points quickly expanded to a vortex hundreds of meters wide, inside The colorful rays of light flow around, like a dazzling kaleidoscope. An ice-blue spacecraft rushed out of this space channel at an extremely fast speed, and then the colorful space channel was immediately closed and invisible.

After entering the universe, all the Helios detectors immediately turned on and began to collect various basic data of the universe to adjust the flight attitude of the Helios. Just like the speed of light in a universe is 300,000 kilometers per second, but if you reach a universe where the speed of light is 400,000 or a little bit slower, then the physical data will be different, so adjustments must be made. Otherwise, I am afraid The spacecraft will definitely disintegrate on the spot.

Mayumi stood by the ship window and looked at the empty and lonely universe outside, and couldn't help but sigh: "It's such a dark and empty space again, really, all the universe seems to be the same."

"No way, after all, the big universe is like this. The basic structure has been determined. No matter how it is, it's just fine-tuning." Starry night stood behind Mayumi, wrapped his hands around Mayumi's waist, and said in her ear: " But maybe you can find the unique wonders of this universe, like the tree of life like Ganon, or the diamond planet I saw in a universe."

"Are they all diamonds?" Mayumi's eyes lit up suddenly, and she was surprised and said with a hint of expectation: "No, is there really such a planet?"

"Why not? The universe is vast and boundless, with all kinds of strange scenery. That planet is on the edge of the black hole. It is a neutron star." Starry night showed off to Mayumi, telling what he had seen and heard: "Because of both sides Both have a strong gravitational pull. The strong gravitational pull between each other makes the neutron star and the black hole revolve around each other, making the molecules on this neutron star squeeze each other to the limit. Because the main element is carbon, 99% of the neutron star is It is a diamond, which is hundreds of times stronger than the diamond on the earth. I have also seen planets that are all gemstones."

Mayumi said enthusiastically: "I remember, I remember, that was the time you gave everyone a jewel to the winning team..." As he said, Mayumi's words came to an abrupt end, and the smile on his face gradually began. Disappeared, and the look in his eyes slowly dimmed.

Xingye sighed slightly, and held Mayumi's arms tightly, allowing the two people to fit tightly, feeling each other's warmth, making the cold heart less lonely.

Both of them have been avoiding the topic of their hometown, and the world has always lost as much as they get. They, including Asuka and Winglet, did have an almost endless life span after being thoroughly integrated with the light, but relatively they also lost too many things.

Hometown, relatives, friends... these will become things that can only be found in memory. They are like bystanders watching their hometown change little by little until they are completely beyond recognition. ~www.NovelMTL.com~ Watching relatives and friends grow old a little bit and finally turned into a piece of loess...In the end, they completely lost their hometown, even if they returned to the medium-sized star system in the third cantilever of the Milky Way On the third planet, there is no similarity to the hometown in my memory, nor anyone I know.

At the moment they left, their hometown was already far away, no matter what nostalgia, no matter what kind of perseverance, the distance between the two is moving away step by step, until they can't see each other again. The fallen leaves return to their roots, but what if the fallen leaves fly away with the wind?

"It's okay, it's really nothing." Mayumi shook her head gently, the loneliness on her face has disappeared, and said with a trace of expectation: "Okay, let's go and find out what strange scenery there is in this universe. Right?"

"Yeah!" Xingye nodded silently, and was about to let Xiaozi go to the nearest galaxy to collect some matter in this universe for analysis. Suddenly he felt the axis of time and space fluctuate, even though the fluctuation was very slight, it was almost a flash. Passed away, but still discovered by the starry night.

This fluctuation did not occur in this universe, but in the gaps of space. This is definitely something that happened to produce such fluctuations. After all, gaps in space are not easily reachable, and it is better to break through the barriers of the universe. It should be easy.

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