Ultraman’s War

Chapter 1863: God of War appears

After receiving the light of this emerald green river, the tree of life glowed with golden light. Although it was very weak, it was extremely powerful when gathered together. Then the golden light quickly recoiled towards the holy mountain. The golden and emerald light mingled together, making it extraordinarily beautiful.

In this golden river, the spaceships of the Ganon Kingdom soared into the sky and flew to meet the monsters brought by talent. The two sides had already launched attacks before they got close. Thousands of spacecraft emitted laser beams, densely covering the entire sky, which looked particularly spectacular.

And the row of missiles flying in front of the talented Berokern, all the missile launch holes on the body were opened, and then it was launched with full firepower, and as many as a thousand missiles flew out, like a rainstorm, facing the spacecraft below. go with.

The laser beams hit the missile super beast Beluken first, exploding dense sparks, but the best result was only to blow off the coral tree-like branches of the missile super beast Beluken. That's it. It did not cause much damage to the missile super beast Beroken at all.

On the other hand, the missiles launched by the Super Beast Berokern densely obscured the entire sky, rushing towards the fleet group below like a death barrage. In the face of the sky full of missiles, not a single warship turned around to escape, but continued to fire laser beams, using their lives to stop the invaders from entering their homes.

Just as the missile sea was about to hit the small spacecraft rushing forward, a golden streamer flew from the distant sky, and it instantly came to the battlefield, and then a thin golden light film extended from left to right. After driving, all the missiles were stopped in an instant.

'boom! boom! boom! A deafening explosion sounded one after another, and the turbulent flame column on the other side of the golden light wall rose into the air one after another, and the air became extremely hot. However, facing the golden light wall that was enough to shake the sky and explode, he didn't move at all, completely treating the sky full of missiles as nothing.

The golden streamer gradually dimmed, revealing a huge golden figure. The body was light gold. There were armors like golden armor of unknown material attached to the body. The eyes and forehead were glowing brightly. The golden circle looks extremely sacred.

"God of War... finally he is willing to come out." The talented face was filled with a triumphant smile, and he couldn't help clapping his palms: "It's worth moving, and bravely confronting the evil in order to protect the people of the kingdom. The enemy, if the Kingdom of Gannon has a future, you will definitely be remembered by history."

"Your Majesty..."

Thousands of guards and imperial guards of this fleet looked at the golden giant who had saved them, but there was no rejoicing in the aftermath of the disaster on their faces, but exceptionally heavy and sad.

Several Beraukern opened their mouths and roared a few times, and then flew down. The rocket ejector that had been modified and installed behind it braved the raging flames, pushing Beraukern towards it at a very fast speed.

The cosmic dinosaur EX Jetton's thin wings flapped at a very fast speed, and then suddenly disappeared into the void. When it reappeared, it was already behind the God of War. He raised his arms covered with hard scales and hit the God of War hard. The back.

The strong wind blew, the God of War suddenly twisted her waist, allowing her to quickly turn her body and escape EX Jetton's hammer at a very fast speed, then lifted her right leg and kicked her after a kick. On the carapace behind the Paton.

‘Boom! With a muffled sound, the collision between God of War’s right leg and EX Jetton’s carapace splashed fierce sparks. The powerful kicking force made EX Jetton rush forward and flew hundreds of meters before stopping.

The God of War slammed his arms, and the armor originally attached to his arms flew up instantly, spinning fast in the air like a dart. From a distance, I saw two golden streamers flashing in the air. When colliding with the two Super Beasts, Berokern, they cut the two missile super beasts in half like cutting melons and vegetables.

'boom! boom! Two flames bloomed in the air, and then the earth-shaking explosion echoed all around, and the hurricane that was set off tore all the surrounding clouds to pieces.

'call out! call out! The armplates spun back and reattached to the arms of the **** of war. It only took two seconds from beginning to end. The God of War looked around and the city below, and then flew towards the forest in the distance, so as not to spread the fighting to the people of the Kingdom of Gannon.

The three ultimate monsters of the cosmic dinosaur EX Jetton, the tyrant monster Tarant, and the strongest super beast Qiangbo followed closely behind the God of War, without speeding up or slowing down, just hanging behind the God of War.

And the spacecraft in which talent was riding stayed near the huge canopy of the tree of life, and monsters surrounded the spacecraft like guards. The hatch of the spacecraft facing the tree of life was slow. Open it up.

Dr. Talent and Padil stood at the hatch, staring at the huge canopy of the tree of life that was almost at hand. Dr. Talent’s eyes were full of excitement, and he could hardly believe that the thing he dreamed of was so close to him now~www.NovelMTL .com~at your fingertips.

"Finally got it, finally... it belongs to me." Dr. Talent said viciously, eyes full of greed and pride, and slowly reached out his hand to the tree of life in front of him, but his hand But I touched an empty space. The crown of the tree of life is incomparably real here. However, it is the air that is touched. Such a huge tree of life is like a holographic projection. It is visible but not touchable. There is a strong sense of astonishment.

"Sure enough," Dr. Talent sighed and shook his head slightly: "Although the tree of life is rooted on the earth, it does not belong to this land. It can only be seen but cannot be touched. Everyone has been right for so many years. The tree of life worshipped at the top, but never really checked it out."

"My friend, haven't you ever absorbed the energy from the root of the tree of life?" Padil shook his spherical head in a puzzled manner, wondering why Doctor Talent had such emotion.

"Huh?!" The talented doctor suddenly stunned, the full of pride and greed in his eyes faded a little bit, and the right hand that plunged into the canopy of the tree of life slowly dropped, and slowly turned his head and looked around. Padil floating next to him: "Padil, you...how do you know that I have absorbed the energy of the tree of life? I remember that I was talking about studying the tree of life, but not about absorbing the tree of life. Energy."

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