Ultraman’s War

Chapter 1859: Steel Fortress

The blade of the photon shining with bright red light traversed the void of the universe, and Baalishib, who leaped over, was immediately shattered when he touched the beam of light. An empty corridor was cleared from the densely packed Baalishib group, and thousands of Baalishib were blown to pieces in one blow.

The blue aguru's arms circulated one after another, gathering a large amount of energy to form spiral wave bombs, which were pushed out, facing the countless attacks of Baalishib, and smashed all the attacks. Smashed, and then exploded in the Baalishib group, exploding a large area of ​​Baalishib into powder, exploding a large blank in the Baalishib group.

Dyna and Diga flew in the Baalishib group at super high speeds, spirally flying around each other, and they looked like double spiral beams of light shining brightly from a distance. Dinah and Diga glowed brightly, spreading behind them and in the surrounding space. The collision of the two rays formed a storm of light particles of ultra-high energy level, which was usually covered by this double spiral light column with a diameter of tens of thousands of kilometers. Under the impact of this energy, the Baalxib who was circled instantly turned into fly ash and disappeared without a trace.

Just when the six Ultramans showed their power, they suddenly felt an extremely strong energy wave transmitted here. The power of this energy made all the Ultramans look at them. Turning his head to look in the direction where the energy was coming from, through the sky full of Baalishib, he saw the huge planet glowing with light.

And Nexus has moved away from the planet to the endless cosmic void. The planet that was originally thought to be cold and dead, which was only tens of thousands of kilometers apart, has now undergone tremendous changes. The layer of rock that originally covered the planet is now scattered everywhere, floating around the planet like a ring, orbiting the planet under the planet's own gravity.

The rocky planet that was originally grayish-white has now become a huge planet with silver-white metallic color. And now this planet is still changing. Numerous exquisite parts are combined with each other and become huge and huge. Parts.

First, the huge supporting main frame was extended and then one huge muzzle was extended, and then the steel plates made of stainless steel were stitched together densely. It took less than half a minute to change from a spherical planet to a huge steel fortress, and it was more efficient than releasing the master ball.

In the whole process, the plasma cannons did not simply launch an attack on Nexus. The dense red beams spread all around the elliptical steel fortress. Although they did not hit Nexus, they wiped out enough. Baalishib with tens of millions. The killing efficiency is even higher than that of Nexus and their seven pluses, and Nexus is also constantly using space capabilities, appearing in the direction of Baalishib where there are more places, and sending out a warning against the steel fortress from time to time. The painless attack attracted the firepower of this steel fortress to attack the densest place in Baalishib.

"Yes, yes, the attack will be more intensive." Nexus once again disappeared in place, tens of thousands of plasma beams whizzed past, bombarding the Baal Sibu group in the distance, exploding a large area of ​​Baal Sibu into The sky fragments.

The main control room that was originally built on the surface of the planet has been moved to the inside of the planet. A machine that looks like Padil is suspended in the room, and thin transparent optical fibers are connected to him, allowing him to be more efficient. Control this planet. The shape of this robot is exactly the same as that of Padil, but the color is different, and the degree of intelligence is different.

The surrounding screens marked the steel fortress’s turrets, missile launching nests, plasma cannons, and other attack weapons, and the front screen of the robot showed Nexus.

It's just that Nexus has been trapped by a red halo now. The turrets on the front of the planetary fortress with a diameter of seven to eight thousand kilometers have all moved and aimed at Nexus, but they have not opened fire for a long time. .

Nexus saw the huge cannons pointing at him. They had been aiming for a long time but they hadn’t fired. He immediately understood what it meant, and said a little amused: "What’s wrong? I know I can’t hit me. What? So what are you going to do?" Now the situation is obvious, no matter how dense the firepower of this steel fortress is, it is impossible to fill the vast void of the universe, but as long as there is a gap, Nexus can be used as a BUG. The space ability of dodges the attack of the steel fortress, and then watched the steel fortress kill and injure Baalishib. But if you don't attack, you can only get beaten.

Nexus flew in front of him, and the arrow of light on his right arm fired a series of shining arrows of light, directly hitting the turrets above the planet fortress, but the arrow of light did not gather much energy. Just want to make this planet fortress continue to attack, after all, although the attack power of this steel fortress is not very strong in Nexus's opinion, the efficiency of killing Baalishib is faster than Nexus's seven. Too much.

The steel fortress faced these dozens of arrows of light, and the plasma turrets all over the planet immediately moved, aiming at the roaring arrows of light, and red plasma beams were emitted from the planet~www.NovelMTL. Com~ collides with the arrow of light.

'boom! boom! boom! ’

Successive explosions erupted between the planet fortress and Nexus, turbulent flames one after another, illuminating this dark universe like a small sun, and the spreading fire is hundreds of kilometers wide. .

However, the flames quickly disappeared, but there was no trace of Nexus in front of the steel fortress, only the seemingly sparse Baalishib group and the six that were able to do their job in the Baalishib group. Giant of light.

The steel fortress that lost its target didn’t know what to do for a while. The various detectors all over the planet were running at full power, searching for the traces of Nexus, although the main control program has not yet figured out to find Nexus. What should be done later, but the order he has to execute is to destroy these giants of light, then he has to do it staidly.

There was a flash of light on the surface of the steel fortress, and then Nexus appeared on it, standing on the smooth steel plate with his feet, surrounded by buildings of varying heights and completely made of steel, and some were towering turrets pointing towards the sky. , Some are energy suppliers with sparks flashing all over, and some are detectors with hemispherical radar launch plates...

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