Ultraman’s War

Chapter 1854: Decisive moment

On the periphery of the star system where the king planet Ganon is located, a huge planet is flying towards the king planet Ganon, and around this planet, Baalishib is flying in the dark cosmic void. Some are one generation and some are second generation, and from time to time, Baalishib flies out of this planet and joins the mighty Baalishib army.

While advancing, this army expanded its scale, spreading millions of kilometers of light, looking at the pitch-black universe, there were densely packed Baalishib all over, layer after layer on top of each other, absolutely dense. The mortal enemy of the phobia.

The factories on the planet called Sithorn by talents are making every effort to produce the biological weapon Baalishib. Talents have to fight hard, push all the troops up, and take the kingdom of Ganon from the king planet Ganon. After erasing it, the power of the tree of life can be extracted to achieve his goal.

"Quickly, I can get what I want soon." The talented doctor was full of joy, holding the quaint "Dark God Book" in his left hand and flipping through his right hand, scanning the relevant records in the book. Information about the tree of life. At the beginning, he found this book in a ruin in the Kingdom of Ganon, which described the power of the tree of life, which made him start to study the tree of life from this perspective, and then discovered that the tree of life possessed The mysterious power of, and the characteristics that can give the Ganon royal war **** power.

The first thing he thought of was to study this power and let this power spread to the entire Kingdom of Ganon, so that everyone can have this powerful power, so that the Kingdom of Gannon can become the most powerful country in the universe.

Just giving a tree of life, you can get this incomparably powerful power. Such a cost-effective deal was rejected by the short-sighted people of Ganon. If he hadn't escaped in time, he is definitely in prison now. Spend the rest of your life.

However, he eagerly found a spaceship at random and jumped on it, and took off without inspection. After escaping for some distance, the spaceship crashed on a wandering planet near the way, and then spent ten years there. Years of hard times.

The starry night under the tree of life retracted his hand from the tree of life and stared at this extremely huge tree of life. His eyes penetrated the layers of branches and leaves, straddling the long void of the universe, and saw the distance. There is an army composed of the mighty Baalishib.

Xingye retracted his gaze and turned around and said to everyone: "Everyone, I don't think we need to find the enemy's lair, they have already sent it to the door. Everyone is ready, and the decisive battle is about to begin."

"It's great, I just catch them all in one swoop, and I will search all over the universe." Asuka clasped his fists, his tone was full of joy and war.

"It's been a long time since I have moved my muscles and bones. This time I will play it well." Teng Gong said in a flat tone, and Agulendor's wings spread out with his right hand gently hanging down. The gem in the center shone brightly.

"Then go on, this planet is now guarded by us." I dreamed that the Sapphire cone had been put on my right hand.

"Everyone, let's go together, as long as we all work together to fight, no enemy is invincible." Musashi has also taken out Sun Moon Tonghui.

"It's really a **** battle, it's been a long time." Zhenjiaoyi said with a smile, holding the light stick in the palm of his right hand.

"It's really fun to be able to fight with the seniors."

"Everyone, let's go together, let the talent know that this planet is not in his hands, let alone he can handle it at will." Starry night said softly, then turned his head and said to Mayumi: "Back to Helios You can end the battle in a while."


Seven beams of light with different brilliance rose into the sky from under the tree of life, rushing to the sky at a very fast speed, and disappeared into the sky almost in the blink of an eye. This huge beam of light is exceptionally strong against the background of the blue sky. It is conspicuous, the sky where the Queen Amaterasu is located can clearly see the light rising into the sky.

Queen Amaterasu said with emotion: "The warriors from other universes are fighting for our planet, and we have to work hard, because this is our planet and this is our hometown."

Starlight flickers in the dark cosmic void, even if it is close to the star system, it cannot illuminate this desperately vast cosmic void. The huge planet plus countless Baalishib, the combined mass is the king planet Ganon. Two or three times as large, such a huge mass naturally has a strong gravitational force.

Their intrusion was like throwing a large rock into the calm lake water, and layers of ripples spread quickly towards the surroundings. The gravitational balance of this star system was suddenly broken. Each star system is an extremely delicate structure, and a slight mistake will have extremely serious consequences.

And now the intrusion of Sithorn suddenly disrupted the gravitational balance of this galaxy, making everything extremely different~www.NovelMTL.com~ The most notable feature is that the nearest one is even bigger than Jupiter. The gaseous planet three times larger on the side close to the planet Sithorn has become much larger and the other side has shrunk accordingly, looking like a gourd.

Many automatic control transport spacecraft flew into this gaseous planet at extremely fast speeds. These spacecrafts were like robbers absorbing the gas contained on the surface of the gaseous planet. Hundreds of millions of transport spacecraft let This gaseous planet is shrinking at a rate of 0.001% per hour.

After absorbing a large amount of gaseous elements, these spacecrafts immediately returned to the planet Sithorn, transporting the extracted elements to factories one by one to synthesize one Baal Sibu into the army, allowing the army to expand continuously. With.

However, just in front of this mighty and mighty army spreading millions of kilometers, seven tiny spots of light suddenly appeared. Only when I saw this spot of light, this spot of light has already come to the mighty army. Ahead, seven huge giants of light appeared in the dark cosmic void.

Dr. Talent was sitting in the main control room, and his pupils reflected the seven huge figures that appeared on the screen: "Courage worthy of praise, just such seven tried to block my army, I really don’t know if it is stupid or arrogant, but I am a kind person and I am willing to fulfill their wishes, so Padil killed them for me."

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