Ultraman’s War

Chapter 1843: Diga

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The spaceships guarding the tree of life have already changed their trajectory. Since they discovered Baalishib, they have launched an attack on the sky-filled Baalishib, and the anti-aircraft laser cannons in the city below have also pointed at the sky. Baal Sibu, who landed in the air, launched an attack, and a series of short, dense light beams cut through the sky and burst into the air.

Although the firepower of the Kingdom of Gannon has been blessed to the maximum, the effect is not particularly satisfactory. The laser beams of the spacecraft and turrets hit Baalishib and exploded dazzling flames, but they only left behind. Some scorched traces, the better ones are just a small wound.

Occasionally, I was lucky to hit Baalishib's wings, tearing the thin red fleshy wings of Baalishib into a huge gap, causing him to fall towards the ground like a crash.

'boom! boom! 'A dull hit to the ground sounded, some hit the forest, and some fell into the city, smashing the tall buildings into ruins all over the ground, and smashing the impact point into a huge incomparable pit .

The originally peaceful city suddenly became noisy, huge monsters walking among the tall buildings, even the lowest building was taller than this Baal Sibu, but in front of Baal Sibu, these tall buildings The building is like paper, and it will collapse if you bump it.

'call out! call out! call out! 'Balls of purple energy light spheres spurted from Baalishib’s mouth, hitting the surrounding high-rise buildings one after another, and thunder-like explosions echoed in the city, making people scream and cry The sound was all covered.

Countless people ran on the street with horror. The sky above their heads burst into flames. Some of the battleships were hit by the energy ball of Baalishib and then exploded into fireballs. Occasionally there would be a Baalish Bu was blown to pieces by the fire, but compared with the loss of the fleet, the destroyed Baal Sibu was really too few and too few.

The Royal Cannon spaceship has been heavily guarded by dozens of spaceships. The Queen Amaterasu looked at the scene outside, her heart full of sorrow and anger, as well as a trace of intolerance. In the sky, Baalishib was dancing and fighting with the fleet. On the ground, Baalishib was walking among high-rise buildings. From time to time, a building collapsed in an explosion, and flames and smoke were almost filled. City.

Her people are suffering, but she is watching here, endless guilt surges up, a drop of tears flowed down, dripped on the floor, and was quickly absorbed by the soft carpet, as if from There has never been a general.

Such a huge fleet naturally attracted the attention of Baalishib. Five or six Baalishib wings rushed towards this side with a shock. The surrounding fleet seemed to be mad and ignored other attacks by Baalishib. With these few Baalishib rushing away, the firepower was poured frantically to stop Baalishib from approaching the Queen's fleet.

However, these hundreds of spacecraft's reckless attacks, in exchange for Baalishib's violent counterattack, the spacecraft's attack hit Baalishib only with sparks, but Baalishib's spray Each of the energy light **** can blast a spaceship into a fireball.

"You are desperately protecting me, but I haven't brought you the peace you want." Queen Amaterasu grabbed her sleeves and looked at the exploding spacecraft outside the ship window. This kind of battle is complete. It was a one-sided massacre, but her people gave their precious lives in order to protect her even if it only delayed a little time.

Queen Amaterasu couldn't help but remember what talent said. It is true that she enjoys the glory and wealth and accepts the sacrifices of her subjects, but what has she done to this country? Now that the Ganon Kingdom is facing danger, she needs to stand up without hesitation. These warriors can give her their lives. Why does she have to hide behind?

Just when the Queen Amaterasu made up his mind, suddenly rounds of cone-shaped light bullets fell from the sky, and instantly hit the bodies of Baalishib, blasting Baalishib into **** of fire. The small and small fragments fell down like hail.

In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen Baalishibs were blown to pieces, and a fuzzy purple light that could hardly see the specific figure quickly fell from the air, and in the blink of an eye, it reached a distance of more than ten kilometers. Surrounding the front of the fleet of Amaterasu Queen's spacecraft, this made everyone see his figure clearly.

The Queen Amaterasu showed a thick color of surprise on her face. She looked at the blue-purple giant of light in front of her with excitement, and muttered to herself: "Another giant of light, great. It’s really great."

Dijia's sharp eyes scanned the circling Baalishib, and then raised his arms and rushed towards the nearest Baalishib, with a strong silver radiance glowing all over his body. Diga was encased in this light, and rushed towards Baalishib like a huge arrow of light.

The speed is far beyond the discernible range of human vision, but seeing a flash of silver light in front of him, the silver arrow of light hits Baalxibu's body, instantly cutting him into two. Half of the time, the fracture was as smooth as a mirror and fell feebly towards the ground below ~www.NovelMTL.com~ It only fell a little and exploded into fireballs in the air.

The speed of the arrow of light that Diga transformed was as high as ten Mach, and it rushed out 13 to 4 kilometers in the blink of an eye. The seven or eight Balesibs on this straight line were all destroyed without exception. Cut in half.

Tiga stopped then, and slowly turned around in the air, quickly folded his arms in front of his chest, then stretched left and right and moved up together, then his hands returned to his left waist, his right arm suddenly The chest stretched out horizontally, launching a high explosive light arrow-Lampart light bullet, flying towards the front. The Lampart light bullets moving at the speed of light disappeared into the sky in an instant, and then Baalishib on this line split from the middle one after another, bursting into flame **** one after another.

Diga’s right index finger and **** were brought together and waved upward in the direction of his right shoulder. The Lampart Lightbulb, which had disappeared in the sky, turned a turn and returned, and once again chopped all the Baalishib on a line into After two halves, it disappeared due to exhaustion of energy.

Just this time and again, the total amount of before and after is less than three seconds, but the Baalishib in the sky has been wiped out for a total of seventeen or eighteen, and the Baalishib in the sky has been reduced by half. , So that the pressure on the fleet of the Kingdom of Ganon was alleviated by more than half, after all, Diga alone attracted absolute hatred.

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